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Are conservative heartless (1 Viewer)

Are conservates heartless

  • Yes they lack empathy

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • yes they are selfish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes they are money grubbing

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • yes they are heartless

    Votes: 4 44.4%

  • Total voters


Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, MI
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Are conservates Heartless? I thought I would add my own one option poll since this seems to be the norm on this board.
Is liberals grammatically retarded?
They are all of the above. Did you hear that the Bushies are supporting Anna Nicole Smith in her case going to the Supreme Court? Of course they would--it's about allowing her to keep $$$. All they think about is money and how much money they can keep. My sister-in-law voted for Bush solely based upon his tax cuts. Wow--that is some principled woman.
aps said:
They are all of the above. Did you hear that the Bushies are supporting Anna Nicole Smith in her case going to the Supreme Court? Of course they would--it's about allowing her to keep $$$. All they think about is money and how much money they can keep. My sister-in-law voted for Bush solely based upon his tax cuts. Wow--that is some principled woman.

I'd love a source for that.
RightatNYU said:
I'd love a source for that.

This message board, NYU. :lol: Oh, and the Enron scandal too. ;)
aps said:
This message board, NYU. :lol: Oh, and the Enron scandal too. ;)

What are you talking about?
RightatNYU said:
What are you talking about?

Huh? You don't get my joke? My examples of republicans caring solely about money are (1) the republicans on this message board (based on the way they post) and (2) the Enron scandal that involved Skilling and Lay--both republicans.

The first one is a joke, well, partly. The second one is a solid example.
aps said:
Huh? You don't get my joke? My examples of republicans caring solely about money are (1) the republicans on this message board (based on the way they post) and (2) the Enron scandal that involved Skilling and Lay--both republicans.

The first one is a joke, well, partly. The second one is a solid example.

Because two scumbag businessmen happened to be republicans, it's a "solid example" that the party itself only cares about money. Oh, okay.
RightatNYU said:
Because two scumbag businessmen happened to be republicans, it's a "solid example" that the party itself only cares about money. Oh, okay.

Yes. :lol:
RightatNYU said:
Because two scumbag businessmen happened to be republicans, it's a "solid example" that the party itself only cares about money. Oh, okay.

God damned right.
You got a ****ing problem with it? Huh? Do ya?
Missouri Mule said:
Absolutely! I think liberals should be outlawed.

**** YOU!
Ignorant prick.
Aren't you the moron who thinks that only homosexuals can get aids?
Why don't you go worship these guys....

"We had lost the fight for the preservation of the white race until God himself intervened in earthly affairs with AIDS to rescue and preserve the white race that he had created.... I praise God all the time for AIDS." -J.B. Stone, White Supremacist

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharoah's chariotters." -Jerry Falwell

"AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals." -Jerry Falwell

"[Homosexuals] want to come into churches and disrupt church services and throw blood all around and try to give people AIDS and spit in the face of ministers." -Pat Robertson

"I think that actually AIDS is a guardian. That is I think it was sent, if you would, about forty years ago, to destroy Western civilization unless we change our sexual ways. So it's really a Godsend." -Paul Cameron

"Oh, you're one of the sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig. How's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better than to put me down, you piece of garbage. You have got nothing to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it." -Michael Savage, On Live National TV.
Caine said:
**** YOU!
Ignorant prick.
Aren't you the moron who thinks that only homosexuals can get aids?

Why don't you go worship these guys....

"We had lost the fight for the preservation of the white race until God himself intervened in earthly affairs with AIDS to rescue and preserve the white race that he had created.... I praise God all the time for AIDS." -J.B. Stone, White Supremacist

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharoah's chariotters." -Jerry Falwell

"AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals." -Jerry Falwell

"[Homosexuals] want to come into churches and disrupt church services and throw blood all around and try to give people AIDS and spit in the face of ministers." -Pat Robertson

"I think that actually AIDS is a guardian. That is I think it was sent, if you would, about forty years ago, to destroy Western civilization unless we change our sexual ways. So it's really a Godsend." -Paul Cameron

"Oh, you're one of the sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig. How's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better than to put me down, you piece of garbage. You have got nothing to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it." -Michael Savage, On Live National TV.

No, you are the moron who doesn't know how to read and understand the English language. I never said any such thing.
Missouri Mule said:
No, you are the moron who doesn't know how to read and understand the English language. I never said any such thing.

Funny, a lot of us over in the Brokeback Mountain thread read these comments a little differently....

Missouri Mule said:
I noticed that no one disputed the facts I presented; namely that a straight male having sexual relations with a straight female and without aids has a zero percent chance of getting aids. It's an impossibility.

Aids of almost exclusively a gay man's disease. The politically correct crowd would want the gullible public to believe otherwise. Some fools will. Most won't.

Now granted, every now and then you slipped and conceded that heterosexuals could indeed contract the AIDS virus.....

Missouri Mule said:
What I SAID was that aids WAS a gay disease. It IS a gay disease. It is NOT a disease that appears widely or even seldomly) in the straight population within the United States because straight males do NOT engage in anal intercourse with other males. Otherwise, they would not be straight. They would be gay. Can straights get aids? Yes. How can this be? Blood transfusions come to mind. Bi-sexual males giving their female partners the disease is another. (female to male is much less common) Needle sticks is another possible cause. Dopers who use contaminated needles. That's about it.

Since I haven't had any blood transfusions, have had no needle sticks with contaminated needles; don't use drugs, and don't have sex with gay males, and I'm monogomous, I have a Zero % chance of getting aids. In reality it is actually a pretty difficult disease to get. You almost have to have a death wish TO get it.

....but you're still woefully uneducated about the disease.

By the way, I noticed you haven't been responding to posts in that thread anymore....any particular reason why?
Stace said:
Funny, a lot of us over in the Brokeback Mountain thread read these comments a little differently....

Originally Posted by Missouri Mule
I noticed that no one disputed the facts I presented; namely that a straight male having sexual relations with a straight female and without aids has a zero percent chance of getting aids. It's an impossibility.

Aids of almost exclusively a gay man's disease. The politically correct crowd would want the gullible public to believe otherwise. Some fools will. Most won't.

Now granted, every now and then you slipped and conceded that heterosexuals could indeed contract the AIDS virus.....

Holy Moses, Missouri. Are you serious? Do you genuinely believe this horse$hit? An impossibility? LOL I would suggest you read up on this disease since you clearly do not know what the hell you are talking about. A woman can contract HIV either through intercourse with a male or through swollowing seman. Thus, it's not an impossibility. And just because someone is straight doesn't mean that they didn't experiment at one point in their life with a member of the same sex. This does happen, you know.

Stace said:
Originally Posted by Missouri Mule
What I SAID was that aids WAS a gay disease. It IS a gay disease. It is NOT a disease that appears widely or even seldomly) in the straight population within the United States because straight males do NOT engage in anal intercourse with other males. Otherwise, they would not be straight. They would be gay. Can straights get aids? Yes. How can this be? Blood transfusions come to mind. Bi-sexual males giving their female partners the disease is another. (female to male is much less common) Needle sticks is another possible cause. Dopers who use contaminated needles. That's about it.

Since I haven't had any blood transfusions, have had no needle sticks with contaminated needles; don't use drugs, and don't have sex with gay males, and I'm monogomous, I have a Zero % chance of getting aids. In reality it is actually a pretty difficult disease to get. You almost have to have a death wish TO get it.

....but you're still woefully uneducated about the disease.

By the way, I noticed you haven't been responding to posts in that thread anymore....any particular reason why?

LOL You are right that you have an extremely low chance of getting HIV, but just because you're monogamous doesn't mean that the person with whom you're monogamous with is monogamous as well. That is not an insult to your significant other--it's the reality of things. Apparently women are more likely to be unfaithful than men in marriage. So never say never.

And, Stace, you hit the nail on the head when you said MM was "woefully uneducated." That's an understatement.

These posts lead me to believe that Two Gay Males having sex, neither of them have aids, but when they have sex somehow AIDS just.... creates itself????

If not, couldn't the same argument be made about Two Gay Males, neither of the having AIDS, could have sex and have a ZERO chance of getting AIDS?

And, if not, Could someone please explain to me how having GAY ANAL SEX differs from having ANAL SEX between a man and a woman? And could someone explain to me how AIDS is just.. "CREATED" from this act?

Im waiting for some whack job religious response.....
Caine said:
God damned right.
You got a ****ing problem with it? Huh? Do ya?

Do I have to teabag you into silence?
RightatNYU said:
Do I have to teabag you into silence?
Ooh... Threats...

Well, how about I cut your ****ing balls off before you get a chance to teabag me, Huh? Huh? You like that?
Caine said:
Ooh... Threats...

Well, how about I cut your ****ing balls off before you get a chance to teabag me, Huh? Huh? You like that?

Better bring a big ****ing saw, bitch, cause I'll knock you the **** out with these 'fore you get a chance to take more than one swing
RightatNYU said:
Better bring a big ****ing saw, bitch, cause I'll knock you the **** out with these 'fore you get a chance to take more than one swing

When you say "these" do you mean your balls?

Dude... thats sick! Get laid or something, ****.
Stace said:
Funny, a lot of us over in the Brokeback Mountain thread read these comments a little differently....

Now granted, every now and then you slipped and conceded that heterosexuals could indeed contract the AIDS virus.....

....but you're still woefully uneducated about the disease.

By the way, I noticed you haven't been responding to posts in that thread anymore....any particular reason why?

I've been busy elsewhere.

I guess I am going to have to pull a "Clinton" to resolve this aids business. It all depends on the definition of of "is."

Here is what I mean. It IS possible for a heterosexual to get aids. Of course it is. But it IS also impossible to get aids of they have a monogomous relationship with their spouse or partner who is also straight unless that spouse or partner has somehow gotten aids through a blood transfusion, a needle stick or other bodily fluid containing the aids virus. Otherwise the risk is absolutely zero.

Aids IS a gay disease. By "is" I mean that it is almost exclusively a homosexual and mainly a homosexual male transmitted disease through anal intercourse.

It has been argued that because there is now a larger percentage of herterosexuals having aids that it is no longer a gay disease. This is comparing apples to watermelons. The percentages are relatively meaningless because the absolute number of homosexuals in the whole population of the United States is very small. These absurd claims of 5-10% of the population being homosexual are just that -- absurd. As I said 100% of a small number is still a small number. On the other hand, 1% of a very large number is still a very large number.

I could probably count on the fingers of both hands (maybe one hand), the number of homosexuals I have encountered in my lifetime. Of course it will be argued that I didn't realize that many more were homosexuals. Well, that may very well be right. I don't know. I haven't done a scientific study of the subject, because frankly, homosexuality is not something I want to spend a great amount of my time on. It is an abnormality. Some would call it perverted. I call it what it is. It is a defect in the brain that steers a person away from normal heterosexuality toward homosexuality. It is a life shortening abnormality and it ought not to be passed off as a benign disorder. It is not. It is dangerous and it needs to be said.
aps said:
Holy Moses, Missouri. Are you serious? Do you genuinely believe this horse$hit? An impossibility? LOL I would suggest you read up on this disease since you clearly do not know what the hell you are talking about. A woman can contract HIV either through intercourse with a male or through swollowing seman. Thus, it's not an impossibility. And just because someone is straight doesn't mean that they didn't experiment at one point in their life with a member of the same sex. This does happen, you know.

I'll just say it straight out (no pun intended.) That's just plain bullshit. No it doesn't happen if they are truly straight. That's an urban myth that is spread by gays to promote their agenda. It is total and utter crap.
Missouri Mule said:
I've been busy elsewhere.

I guess I am going to have to pull a "Clinton" to resolve this aids business. It all depends on the definition of of "is."

Here is what I mean. It IS possible for a heterosexual to get aids. Of course it is. But it IS also impossible to get aids of they have a monogomous relationship with their spouse or partner who is also straight unless that spouse or partner has somehow gotten aids through a blood transfusion, a needle stick or other bodily fluid containing the aids virus. Otherwise the risk is absolutely zero.

Aids IS a gay disease. By "is" I mean that it is almost exclusively a homosexual and mainly a homosexual male transmitted disease through anal intercourse.

It has been argued that because there is now a larger percentage of herterosexuals having aids that it is no longer a gay disease. This is comparing apples to watermelons. The percentages are relatively meaningless because the absolute number of homosexuals in the whole population of the United States is very small. These absurd claims of 5-10% of the population being homosexual are just that -- absurd. As I said 100% of a small number is still a small number. On the other hand, 1% of a very large number is still a very large number.

I could probably count on the fingers of both hands (maybe one hand), the number of homosexuals I have encountered in my lifetime. Of course it will be argued that I didn't realize that many more were homosexuals. Well, that may very well be right. I don't know. I haven't done a scientific study of the subject, because frankly, homosexuality is not something I want to spend a great amount of my time on. It is an abnormality. Some would call it perverted. I call it what it is. It is a defect in the brain that steers a person away from normal heterosexuality toward homosexuality. It is a life shortening abnormality and it ought not to be passed off as a benign disorder. It is not. It is dangerous and it needs to be said.

Funny how you keep saying that AIDS is a homosexual virus, when it's widely believed that it all started with monkeys.....guess they were gay monkeys?
Hey Mule.

I don't agree with your opinion because it is absurd.

Period. End of Story.

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