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Are cluster bombs good bombs or bad bombs? (1 Viewer)


Green Party progressive
DP Veteran
Nov 4, 2020
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Political Leaning
Are cluster bombs good bombs or bad bombs?
Are there good bombs of any type in your opinion? We need to determine that first before moving on to specific bomb types.
No bombs are “good”?

Bombs serve a military purpose. I will allow military leaders to make the determination which tool at their disposal they see fit for whatever they need to accomplish.
“It is more blessed to give than to receive”
They are awful, horrific, and very effective.

They (everyone who uses them, including the U.S.) intentionally design them so that a significant number of the bomblets don't explode when they are dropped, effectively turning them into a land mine, which is how kids get blown up. The terror that produces is part of the intended effect.

They are a reason all by themselves not to engage in warfare.
Banned by 108 countries. 108 countries can't be wrong!
Depends on their usage actually. They are great for taking out and making unusable runways for example.
They come in several different flavors from anti-personnel "firecracker" rounds to the runway destroyers you mentioned. The biggest brouhaha is with the anti personnel bombs. The submunitions have a history of leaving unexploded "bomblets" for people to find even decades later.
They come in several different flavors from anti-personnel "firecracker" rounds to the runway destroyers you mentioned. The biggest brouhaha is with the anti personnel bombs. The submunitions have a history of leaving unexploded "bomblets" for people to find even decades later.
Correct, but it should be made clear that there are different types, and not all are the evil of anti-personnel bombs, which was kinda my point. Making broad generalizations about anything usually leads people wrong.
Are cluster bombs good bombs or bad bombs?
One of the biggest problem with them is many of the munitions do not go off when hey land, but do when someone gets near them and that is often children.
The Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) is an international treaty that prohibits all use, transfer, production, and stockpiling of cluster bombs, a type of explosive weapon which scatters submunitions ("bomblets") over an area.
“Cluster munitions pose an immediate threat to civilians during conflict by randomly scattering submunitions or bomblets over a wide area. “They continue to pose a threat post-conflict by leaving remnants, including submunitions that fail to explode upon impact becoming de facto landmines.
To date, the United States, Russia, and a few other countries have not signed this convention.
They are rated at three potatoes and one cabbage.

Which is another way of noting that you have created yet another very stupid bait thread.

Potatoes and cabbage sound good.

Boo hoo to your flinged poo poo.

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