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Are Americans Stupid or Blind? (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
I would say Blind, we aren't stupid but we are acting like fools today.

We as a people aren't given enough information to make decisions with. We are given half truths and told to deal with them in a logical fasion, its impossible.

The battle today is not about left vs right in politics, because the left has both sides.

the Battle is between US and THEM, and them is the powers Americas founding fathers warned us about so long ago...but how are you to know, they have taken our founders out of the School history books and replaced them with monsters.

THIS IS BY DESIGN! WAKE UP AND LIVE, or Sleep and go into SLAVERY, what will you be leaving your wonderful Children? Slavery because you have been put to sleep or FREEDOM because you understand the goals of our Founders?
Explain yourself peasant! What the hell are you blabbering about?
Im talking about the controlled MASSES "WE THE SHEEPLE" who are going into slavery as I type.

I hope you don't have children, because on this trend they are going to be SLAVES! "REAL ONES", Some even "SEX SLAVES"

America isn't real anymore, its an idea that is held in the mind of the masses via MSM and government, we have been sold out, and unless we understand..we will continue on this trend.

We are kept in the dark on purpose, and WE ARE USED FOR THE VISION of the RICH! In fact we are their hammer.
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Robodoon said:
Im talking about the controlled MASSES "WE THE SHEEPLE" who are going into slavery as I type.

I hope you don't have children, because on this trend they are going to be SLAVES! "REAL ONES", Some even "SEX SLAVES"

America isn't real anymore, its an idea that is held in the mind of the masses via MSM and government, we have been sold out, and unless we understand..we will continue on this trend.

We are kept in the dark on purpose, and WE ARE USED FOR THE VISION of the RICH! In fact we are their hammer.

So far I have yet to see anything in any of your posts that convinces me of anything.

Most of them don't even make much sense. Maybe it's just me?
Pacridge said:
So far I have yet to see anything in any of your posts that convinces me of anything.

Most of them don't even make much sense. Maybe it's just me?

You have to admit, they're good for a laugh. :lol:
Robodoon said:
Im talking about the controlled MASSES "WE THE SHEEPLE" who are going into slavery as I type.

I hope you don't have children, because on this trend they are going to be SLAVES! "REAL ONES", Some even "SEX SLAVES"

America isn't real anymore, its an idea that is held in the mind of the masses via MSM and government, we have been sold out, and unless we understand..we will continue on this trend.

We are kept in the dark on purpose, and WE ARE USED FOR THE VISION of the RICH! In fact we are their hammer.

You're really Michael Savage, aren't you? ;)
Wheee!!! A revolution!! So, who are we fighting exactly?
Well, he is correct, the politicians are playing both ends against the middle, but I don't know what can be done exactly, but until we know, we should never forget that simple truth.;)
I'd say stupid, blind and ignorant. Don't worry about it... there's a wake up call right around the corner. The globalist have known that they would have to and have wanted to confront the mooseslimes... well it's about to happen gangbusters!

The "George" is going to get his neoconservative wish... you'd think that having one pit bull by the ears and not knowing how to let go would be enough... but then... who has ever accused him of having any sense.

Relax and enjoy the ride! Oh... by the way... are you between 18 and... to what age did they raise the draft eligibility to? Something like 49-50, right?

They say every dark cloud has a silver lining and the silver lining in this war will be to see all those Bushbots who have been beating the drums of war while sitting in their drawers sipping beer... have to finally get a taste of what it's like getting your butt shot at!
You guys talk about being stupid like it is a bad thing....
Kelzie said:
Wheee!!! A revolution!! So, who are we fighting exactly?

We are fighting "US" and "THEM" because "Thems" want it all and the resaon for "us" is, is "us" is the root of all evil. But after all that we will have to fight "THEY" and then maybe "Those" No wait we are "Those" but sometimes we are on the same side as "They" But when "They" gave the "US" free pie and chips "Thems" which turned the "us" against "those"

Got it now?
cherokee said:
We are fighting "US" and "THEM" because "Thems" want it all and the resaon for "us" is, is "us" is the root of all evil. But after all that we will have to fight "THEY" and then maybe "Those" No wait we are "Those" but sometimes we are on the same side as "They" But when "They" gave the "US" free pie and chips "Thems" which turned the "us" against "those"

Got it now?

:lol: Wait, whose "us" again?
Kelzie said:
:lol: Wait, whose "us" again?

ahhh dang I'm sorry I forgot...:doh :2razz:
Pacridge said:
So far I have yet to see anything in any of your posts that convinces me of anything.

Most of them don't even make much sense. Maybe it's just me?

Well when I post sources I get yelled at and told its a debate forum, so source have to come as the debate continues per management. so I've been told.
Paladin said:
You're really Michael Savage, aren't you? ;)

LOL, he's a sell out.

Ask him about the Federal Reserve, and listen to him have a hissy fit.

He's just like Rush and Hannity and Medvid, just right wing MSM, half truths.
Kelzie said:
Wheee!!! A revolution!! So, who are we fighting exactly?

Homosexuality is promoted for the reason of Population control, the powers behind the gay movement are the powers that created AIDS and tested it on the gays. The gays are just being used for an agenda.

SEE Planned Parenthoods own writtings.

Family Planning Prospective Oct 1970, Planned Parenthood

Table 1. Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility, by Universality or Selectivity

Universal Impact:
Restructure Family:
a. Postpone or avoid marriage
b. Alter image of ideal family size

Compulsory Education of Children
Encourage increased Homosexuality
Educate for family limitations
Fertility control agents in water supply
Encourage women to work

Selective Impact Depending on Socio- Economic Status
Economic Deterrents/Incentives
Modify tax policies:
a. Substantial marriage tax
b. Child tax
c. Tax married more then single
d. Remove parents tax exemption
e. Additional taxes on parents with more then 1 or 2 children
Reduce/ eliminate paid maternity leave or benefits
Reduce/eliminate children’s or family allowances
Bonuses for delayed marriage and greater child-spacing
Pensions for women of 45 with less then N children
Eliminate Welfare payments after first 2 children
Chronic Depression
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
Limit/ eliminate public financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more then N children

Social Controls
Compulsory abortion of out of wedlock pregnancies
Compulsory sterilization of all who have two children except for a few who would be allowed three

Confine childbearing to only a limited number of adults
Stock certificate-type permits for children
Housing Policies
a. Discouragement of private home ownership
b. Stop awarding public housing based on family size.

Measures Predicated on Existing Motivation to prevent Unwanted Pregnancy
Payments to encourage sterilization
Payments to encourage contraception
Payments to encourage abortion
Abortion and sterilization on demand
Allow certain contraceptives to be distributed non medically
Improve contraceptive technology
Make Contraception truly available and accessible to all
Improve material health care, with family planning as a core element.
Deegan said:
Well, he is correct, the politicians are playing both ends against the middle, but I don't know what can be done exactly, but until we know, we should never forget that simple truth.;)

Right you are, you can go on my site and hear President BUSH and President Clintong say on film they agree with the Same Agenda which is the end of the USA.

MikeT said:
I'd say stupid, blind and ignorant. Don't worry about it... there's a wake up call right around the corner. The globalist have known that they would have to and have wanted to confront the mooseslimes... well it's about to happen gangbusters!

The "George" is going to get his neoconservative wish... you'd think that having one pit bull by the ears and not knowing how to let go would be enough... but then... who has ever accused him of having any sense.

Relax and enjoy the ride! Oh... by the way... are you between 18 and... to what age did they raise the draft eligibility to? Something like 49-50, right?

They say every dark cloud has a silver lining and the silver lining in this war will be to see all those Bushbots who have been beating the drums of war while sitting in their drawers sipping beer... have to finally get a taste of what it's like getting your butt shot at!

Well the idea is to create a global religious war between the Monothesists so monotheism can be removed, its been the elites ramping up the waring side of Islam the whole time.

The power elite have new religon for the world, so they are going lay blame for the Jihadists actions on all monotheists, siteing that "Monotheism" creates war because of "fundimentalism" which breeds "intolerance" and its already started.
This is the same idea as what they did in creating WWII so that the UN could be offered to the masses as a solution to the war they created in the first place.
Robodoon said:
Homosexuality is promoted for the reason of Population control, the powers behind the gay movement are the powers that created AIDS and tested it on the gays. The gays are just being used for an agenda.

SEE Planned Parenthoods own writtings.

Family Planning Prospective Oct 1970, Planned Parenthood

Table 1. Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility, by Universality or Selectivity

Universal Impact:
Restructure Family:
a. Postpone or avoid marriage
b. Alter image of ideal family size

Compulsory Education of Children
Encourage increased Homosexuality
Educate for family limitations
Fertility control agents in water supply
Encourage women to work

Selective Impact Depending on Socio- Economic Status
Economic Deterrents/Incentives
Modify tax policies:
a. Substantial marriage tax
b. Child tax
c. Tax married more then single
d. Remove parents tax exemption
e. Additional taxes on parents with more then 1 or 2 children
Reduce/ eliminate paid maternity leave or benefits
Reduce/eliminate children’s or family allowances
Bonuses for delayed marriage and greater child-spacing
Pensions for women of 45 with less then N children
Eliminate Welfare payments after first 2 children
Chronic Depression
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
Limit/ eliminate public financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more then N children

Social Controls
Compulsory abortion of out of wedlock pregnancies
Compulsory sterilization of all who have two children except for a few who would be allowed three

Confine childbearing to only a limited number of adults
Stock certificate-type permits for children
Housing Policies
a. Discouragement of private home ownership
b. Stop awarding public housing based on family size.

Measures Predicated on Existing Motivation to prevent Unwanted Pregnancy
Payments to encourage sterilization
Payments to encourage contraception
Payments to encourage abortion
Abortion and sterilization on demand
Allow certain contraceptives to be distributed non medically
Improve contraceptive technology
Make Contraception truly available and accessible to all
Improve material health care, with family planning as a core element.

Please post a link to this.. I can't seem to locate it
Robodoon said:
Well when I post sources I get yelled at and told its a debate forum, so source have to come as the debate continues per management. so I've been told.

Actually both your warnings come from posting entire articles that are copyrighted. You're welcome to post all the sources you want. Just post part of those articles, cite them, then provide a link to that source. This is a widely accepted debate tactic here. Though if your source is something akin to the Unabomber's Manifesto don't except other members to give it much creditability.
Calm2Chaos said:
Please post a link to this.. I can't seem to locate it

yeah good luck I had to type that whole thing in. BLAH

You can get copy of that sent to you by calling 1-800-544-8927
Ask for the Family Planning Perspective, Oct 1970 ;)
Pacridge said:
Actually both your warnings come from posting entire articles that are copyrighted. You're welcome to post all the sources you want. Just post part of those articles, cite them, then provide a link to that source. This is a widely accepted debate tactic here. Though if your source is something akin to the Unabomber's Manifesto don't except other members to give it much creditability.

;) ok

Well Creditablility? so far it seems life if I don't pull it of fox news its not creditable LOL
Robodoon said:
;) ok

Well Creditablility? so far it seems life if I don't pull it of fox news its not creditable LOL

Well someone bound to disagree with you if you post something from FNC or CBS. This is a debate site, people don't come here to agree with everything everyone says.

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