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Are ALL white people racist? (1 Viewer)

Are ALL white people racist?

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Sep 3, 2011
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Are ALL white people racist?

Had no intention of being overly political today, then I saw this posted on Facebook. The question is simple, and for the poll I am going to only provide a 'yes' or 'no' option. If you feel the need for another option then the simplicity of the author's premise went right over your head.

Everyone is invited to partake, of course, but to be honest I don't much care what conservative-leaning people will say. I can pretty much guess that before the thread is even posted. I'm interested in what several white-progressives who seen to see racism in everything will say. Are all white people racist? Are YOU a racist?
Yes, All White People Raised in America are Racist.

Yes, All White People Raised in America are Racist. ? Onyx Truth
Are ALL white people racist?

Had no intention of being overly political today, then I saw this posted on Facebook. The question is simple, and for the poll I am going to only provide a 'yes' or 'no' option. If you feel the need for another option then the simplicity of the author's premise went right over your head.

Everyone is invited to partake, of course, but to be honest I don't much care what conservative-leaning people will say. I can pretty much guess that before the thread is even posted. I'm interested in what several white-progressives who seen to see racism in everything will say. Are all white people racist? Are YOU a racist?

First, yea, "some" white progressives can find racism in everything. Just like "some conservatives" seem to find reverse racism and "race-hustling" in everything they see.

Second, no. I get what she's trying to say, but essentially she's saying all whites in america are racist because we don't all have the exact same experience of the typical black family and other nonsense. It's just silliness. To call someone racist though they have never at any point discriminated against anybody or thought less of anybody based on race, well that's just skull-****ing the english language. And I'm not a fan of that.
I really hate how the word racism is being redefined to essentially only mean power. Whatever group has power must be racist while no other group could ever be labeled as such. Why can't it just go back to if you dislike people based on race you are racist?
I really hate how the word racism is being redefined to essentially only mean power. Whatever group has power must be racist while no other group could ever be labeled as such. Why can't it just go back to if you dislike people based on race you are racist?
That's a very good observation.
Yes and yes, but some can rise above it and override the instinct with rational thought.
Are ALL white people racist?

Had no intention of being overly political today, then I saw this posted on Facebook. The question is simple, and for the poll I am going to only provide a 'yes' or 'no' option. If you feel the need for another option then the simplicity of the author's premise went right over your head.

Everyone is invited to partake, of course, but to be honest I don't much care what conservative-leaning people will say. I can pretty much guess that before the thread is even posted. I'm interested in what several white-progressives who seen to see racism in everything will say. Are all white people racist? Are YOU a racist?

That depends on the color of the person being asked.
The only way one can claim all white people are racists is to have no real understanding of what the word "racism" actually means.
I'm sure to small minded, intellectually lazy individuals the concept that all white people being racist might ring true. To rational folks, not so much.
I don't know if I'm racist but I think not

maybe I have over the course of my long life made inappropriate comments at one time or another but if I did they certainly were not based upon a held belief that my race was superior therefore no

am I colour blind?
I don't know

do I believe that someone is less than me due to skin colour...no, I am not that naive, nor that foolish, nor that fearful

I believe skin colour to be irrelevant...some think that does make me racist...:shrug: at my age, their opinion of me comes second to my opinion of and respect for self
how do you know?

Because there are white people out there that aren't racist.

Ex: Me.

Are you really going to sit here and claim that all members of a certain race are racist? Do you realize how absurd that is?
Because there are white people out there that aren't racist.

Ex: Me.
who told you that?
Are you really going to sit here and claim that all members of a certain race are racist? Do you realize how absurd that is?

no I dont realize, why is that absurd?
Are ALL white people racist?

Had no intention of being overly political today, then I saw this posted on Facebook. The question is simple, and for the poll I am going to only provide a 'yes' or 'no' option. If you feel the need for another option then the simplicity of the author's premise went right over your head.

Everyone is invited to partake, of course, but to be honest I don't much care what conservative-leaning people will say. I can pretty much guess that before the thread is even posted. I'm interested in what several white-progressives who seen to see racism in everything will say. Are all white people racist? Are YOU a racist?

A rhetorical question with a Negative assertion! And then top it off that you want to hear what you want to hear! Conservative leaning people stay away.
You know what they will say before they say it. WOW!
I really hate how the word racism is being redefined to essentially only mean power. Whatever group has power must be racist while no other group could ever be labeled as such. Why can't it just go back to if you dislike people based on race you are racist?

Good point, I went ahead and looked up the definition.

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

So short answer no.

Long answer people have a long history of disliking/hating other groups based on all kinds of things, culture, religion, country of origin and yes even skin color. IMO Disliking/hating is a far cry from thinking one's race is superior to another race.
Because there are white people out there that aren't racist.

Ex: Me.

Are you really going to sit here and claim that all members of a certain race are racist? Do you realize how absurd that is?

Of course he knows how absurd that is. Nobody making such claims believes it to be true. It is nothing more than a political narrative. ;)
Of course he knows how absurd that is. Nobody making such claims believes it to be true. It is nothing more than a political narrative. ;)

Thats what they say about Christians :2razz:
I don't know if I'm racist but I think not

maybe I have over the course of my long life made inappropriate comments at one time or another but if I did they certainly were not based upon a held belief that my race was superior therefore no

am I colour blind?
I don't know

do I believe that someone is less than me due to skin colour...no, I am not that naive, nor that foolish, nor that fearful

I believe skin colour to be irrelevant...some think that does make me racist...:shrug: at my age, their opinion of me comes second to my opinion of and respect for self

Why would you value some strangers opinion more than you own anyway?
Are ALL white people racist?

Had no intention of being overly political today, then I saw this posted on Facebook. The question is simple, and for the poll I am going to only provide a 'yes' or 'no' option. If you feel the need for another option then the simplicity of the author's premise went right over your head.

Everyone is invited to partake, of course, but to be honest I don't much care what conservative-leaning people will say. I can pretty much guess that before the thread is even posted. I'm interested in what several white-progressives who seen to see racism in everything will say. Are all white people racist? Are YOU a racist?

All people are racist to a certain extent.......some a lot, some very little......but all at least have some trace of racism.

This includes white people.

Racism, of course, pops up more vigorously in places like the U.S. where races are mixed together and compete for things (a situation that always causes conflict).

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