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Arab Values and Democracy (1 Viewer)

Im not sure to tell the truth if you look at turkey its a far more moderate country that has took on alot of western ideas.Many turks drink and women can wear western clothes.

Truth is the better a country is doing economically and politically the less fuss they tend to make about things Saddam hussein used the maxim FULL BELLIES DONT START REVOLUTIONS. This was before the iran and gulf wars that brought down all the developments of iraq.

Dont forget women where allowed to wear western clothes and people were free to believe in other religions.And women were often the biggest supporters of saddam this seem to show women arent actually happy with the level of freedom and inequality.So therefor i feel some of the arab countries may come round to western ideas as the economy of the country improves.

Yes there is massive differences in cultures but its more about learning to live with each others cultures however from older muslims ive been told the younger generations are more religious than they ever where showing the movement of radical islam as a movement rather than a set culture.

Who is to judge what culture is and if its ok to say someones ideology is wrong is it ok to say their culture is wrong.I dont think organised religion is valid therefor for me a government that is intertwined with religion is always half acting illogically.

Is inequilty for women a cultural thing.It seems more like something that cant last in a civilised society.

However to force western belief on arab and muslim countries will only force are beliefs further apart. But it has to be 2 ways burning down embassys because of cartoons is ridiculus no matter how strong someones beliefs are and we all have to except these differences in cultures and live to understand that some people dont understand each other beliefs without resorting to violence.
mikhail said:
Im not sure to tell the truth if you look at turkey its a far more moderate country that has took on alot of western ideas.Many turks drink and women can wear western clothes.

Are you somehow under the impression that Turkey is an Arab country?
We could have done a lot more to further democracy in the middle east by simply taking the same trillions we are spending to make war and creating an annual gugenheim award where we hand $100 Billion out to the middle eastern nations that were the best role models like Turkey and the rest would all slit one anothers throats to win the next years awards.

The UN could do what it does best and be the Miss Universe contest judges who decide who the winners are each year and hand out the cash with a handy package of bandaids, peanut butter and fruit chews.

The fact remains that going to war with them simply continues to engage them in the love hate relationships they have with themselves. I've never met a people who love to kill themselves as much as the Arabs except perhaps for the rich self-centered American youth who think someone will care and remember them if they kill themselves. The only difference is how many people the average American takes with them when they shoot a bunch of semi-random bystanders and then turn the gun on themselves.

What America needs to learn how to do a LOT better is indifference. This is the true opposite of affection. We need to learn to show our disdain for them and their way of life by giving gifts to their neighbors who we like and completely ignoring them as if they did not exist. THAT would show them the error of their ways a lot better than giving them a new mission in life. Hating us and teaching them how cool it can be to chant death to America in unison.
Informative said:
We could have done a lot more to further democracy in the middle east by simply taking the same trillions we are spending to make war and creating an annual gugenheim award where we hand $100 Billion out to the middle eastern nations that were the best role models like Turkey and the rest would all slit one anothers throats to win the next years awards.

The UN could do what it does best and be the Miss Universe contest judges who decide who the winners are each year and hand out the cash with a handy package of bandaids, peanut butter and fruit chews.

The fact remains that going to war with them simply continues to engage them in the love hate relationships they have with themselves. I've never met a people who love to kill themselves as much as the Arabs except perhaps for the rich self-centered American youth who think someone will care and remember them if they kill themselves. The only difference is how many people the average American takes with them when they shoot a bunch of semi-random bystanders and then turn the gun on themselves.

What America needs to learn how to do a LOT better is indifference. This is the true opposite of affection. We need to learn to show our disdain for them and their way of life by giving gifts to their neighbors who we like and completely ignoring them as if they did not exist. THAT would show them the error of their ways a lot better than giving them a new mission in life. Hating us and teaching them how cool it can be to chant death to America in unison.

And who is America to decide who is wrong and who is right
Why does America thinks that she the criteria for true or false

And Why does americans have god complex ....​
Gardener said:
Are you somehow under the impression that Turkey is an Arab country?

well no i never suggested that im talking about democracy in the middle east its not Arab values its islamic beliefs or interpretation of islam that has the biggest effect on middle eastern countries.

oh and by the way **** you and people like you who come on dont contribute and just try and be a smart ***. What ya gonna pick out next a spelling mistake or something.

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