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Apology –???? (1 Viewer)


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Apology –

Poll questions
Apology received, important to you? Yes
Apology received, important to you? No

Apology not sincere- Dropped /less contact with person –Yes
Apology not sincere- Dropped/ less contact with person –No

Have you ever asked for an apology – Yes
Have you ever asked for an apology – No

Have you been asked to apologize- Yes
Have you been asked to apologize- Yes

When offended- I take this mainly as warts and all from having family-friends – there are exceptions which can arise
I have confronted a person and stated I was …..(apology required)

An apology like anything has important things that I think should be included
I am sorry
This is what I did………….
This is what I will do to correct it.
It must be sincere.
A request for forgiveness.
No making excuses- no deflections- clear, concise and to the point.

SungardASVoice: How To Apologize The Right Way: An Apology Actually Has Three Parts

As Benjamin Franklin said, “Do not ruin an apology with an excuse.” Own your fault. Avoid the “fluffy” apology and the defensive posture. Saying, “I’m sorry, but … but … but …!” is irritating to the recipient and gets you nowhere fast.

Don’t give people the run around. It is manipulative, disrespectful, and degrading. Make a clear and precise admission of where you were at fault, and accept responsibility for your shortcomings.

5 Parts of an Effective Apology | Lifescript.com

The Key Components of an Effective Apology

Here are the five points to cover:
1. A clear 'I'm sorry' statement.

2. An expression of regret for what happened.

3. An acknowledgment that social norms or expectations were violated.

4. An empathy statement acknowledging the full impact of our actions on the other person.

5. A request for forgiveness.
I always appreciate the "I'm sorry you feel that way" apology. That always makes me feel important in the eyes of the person giving the apology.
I always appreciate the "I'm sorry you feel that way" apology. That always makes me feel important in the eyes of the person giving the apology.

Im sorry you feel that way...
I feel the sorrow you are both enduring.
Moderator's Warning:
The poll section of DP is only meant for political content. Since this is not political content I am moving this to a more appropriate location.

Apology –

Poll questions
Apology received, important to you? Yes
Apology received, important to you? No

Apology not sincere- Dropped /less contact with person –Yes
Apology not sincere- Dropped/ less contact with person –No

Have you ever asked for an apology – Yes
Have you ever asked for an apology – No

Have you been asked to apologize- Yes
Have you been asked to apologize- Yes

When offended- I take this mainly as warts and all from having family-friends – there are exceptions which can arise
I have confronted a person and stated I was …..(apology required)

An apology like anything has important things that I think should be included
I am sorry
This is what I did………….
This is what I will do to correct it.
It must be sincere.
A request for forgiveness.
No making excuses- no deflections- clear, concise and to the point.

SungardASVoice: How To Apologize The Right Way: An Apology Actually Has Three Parts

5 Parts of an Effective Apology | Lifescript.com

The Key Components of an Effective Apology
Moderator's Warning:
The poll section of DP is only meant for political content. Since this is not political content I am moving this to a more appropriate location.

I feel sorry for you.


The latter came up in a search for the keyword sorry, yet there is no sorry in the picture. Kind of makes you think.

When someone apologizes to me.
Seldom if ever do I expect an apology for several reasons:

1. most people do not apologize well, so I would rather not hear it, it further aggravates the situation

2. I don't hang around with people whose behaviour warrants frequent apologies, if we are at that stage where harm is being done I will cut the cord and I won't look back

3. my guy is about the only human on the face of the earth that needs to apologize because he is one of the few individuals that could wound me to my core since I trust him implicitly...the rest mostly get a pass since to err is human and really not worth fighting about
I don't care about apologies. I am not easily offended. If you say something I don't like, it doesn't bother me. You don't have to apologize to me for anything that you say because I didn't take it seriously to begin with.
Apologies are a useful tool of social interaction. They smooth over bumps in interpersonal relationships, and help bring closure to argumants. I'm difficult to offend, but I'm well aware that many people aren't. As such, I frequently find myself in situations where apologizing for my behavior is the easiest and most appropriate way to fix the situation. If I accidentally offend someone, I feel that it is necessary to atone for my behavior, and to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

If someone has committed a transgression against me serious enough to anger me (a deliberate act of destruction of property really pisses me off, for example), an apology will rarely cover it, and if the person tries to apologize and I can tell they're full of **** when they do so, it makes it way worse.
I don't care about apologies. I am not easily offended. If you say something I don't like, it doesn't bother me. You don't have to apologize to me for anything that you say because I didn't take it seriously to begin with.

Recent occurrence - long story- will make it short.
Neither am I. I tend to let it roll off.
When a person insults my family-daughter- SIL- and causes a scene in front of my Grandchildren, causing them to think they had done something wrong, and then cannot take they time to apologize the next day, and need to be asked - then it was off the cuff & a rushed apology - they are dropped.
Personal apologies may be sincere ,political ones are never
Seldom if ever do I expect an apology for several reasons:

1. most people do not apologize well, so I would rather not hear it, it further aggravates the situation

2. I don't hang around with people whose behaviour warrants frequent apologies, if we are at that stage where harm is being done I will cut the cord and I won't look back

Mostly this. Most people have warped views on apologizing, which means they end up adding insult to injury either by apologizing insincerely or reacting perversely so as to avoid apologizing.

I never solicit any form of intimacy or cordiality; spontaneity is a prerequisite of authenticity. If someone errs enough so as to warrant an apology, I take the vow of silence. If enough time passes without him offering an apology, I forgive but don't forget. On the third such strike, I realize that person isn't worth the trouble, and I set him loose.
Mostly this. Most people have warped views on apologizing, which means they end up adding insult to injury either by apologizing insincerely or reacting perversely so as to avoid apologizing.

I never solicit any form of intimacy or cordiality; spontaneity is a prerequisite of authenticity. If someone errs enough so as to warrant an apology, I take the vow of silence. If enough time passes without him offering an apology, I forgive but don't forget. On the third such strike, I realize that person isn't worth the trouble, and I set him loose.

I think you have it exactly right!!!

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