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AP-NORC poll: 6 in 10 Americans blame Trump for shutdown (1 Viewer)


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WASHINGTON (AP) — A strong majority of Americans blame President Donald Trump for the record-long government shutdown and reject his primary rationale for a border wall, according to a new poll that shows the turmoil in Washington is dragging his approval rating to its lowest level in more than a year.

Overall, 34 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance in a survey conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. That’s down from 42 percent a month earlier and nears the lowest mark of his two-year presidency. The president’s approval among Republicans remains close to 80 percent, but his standing with independents is among its lowest points of his time in office.
I'm glad to see Americans coming to the realization that the worst thing for the U.S. is Donald Trump. It is becoming more & more obvious that he is doing Putin's bidding & as a result disrupting the American way of life. The country has become destabilized as a result of Trump's actions & Putin is so happy he's laughing his donkey off.
I hope republicans continue to lump independents in with “trump haters” all the way to Election Day in 2020.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A strong majority of Americans blame President Donald Trump for the record-long government shutdown and reject his primary rationale for a border wall, according to a new poll that shows the turmoil in Washington is dragging his approval rating to its lowest level in more than a year.

Overall, 34 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance in a survey conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. That’s down from 42 percent a month earlier and nears the lowest mark of his two-year presidency. The president’s approval among Republicans remains close to 80 percent, but his standing with independents is among its lowest points of his time in office.
I'm glad to see Americans coming to the realization that the worst thing for the U.S. is Donald Trump. It is becoming more & more obvious that he is doing Putin's bidding & as a result disrupting the American way of life. The country has become destabilized as a result of Trump's actions & Putin is so happy he's laughing his donkey off.

Based on their methodology...

http://apnorc.org/PDFs/AP-NORC Omnibus January 2019/methodology_statement.pdf

...and party affiliation sampling data...

http://apnorc.org/PDFs/AP-NORC Omnibus January 2019/topline_release_1.pdf


OK, you know how to create a link. What does the fact that you've learned how to make a link have to do with this being an unreliable poll?

Interestingly enough, Trump's poll numbers are as bad as when he publicly supported the KKK and Neo Nazis:

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People'

He ended up walking that back. Do you think he'll do the same with the shutdown?
OK, you know how to create a link. What does the fact that you've learned how to make a link have to do with this being an unreliable poll?

~snipped the irrelevant stuff~

I told you why I reject this poll..."Based on their methodology and party affiliation sampling data."

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