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AOC outrages LGBTQ advocates over suggested post office renaming (1 Viewer)


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This is what happens when you get a never-in-touch, virtue signaler, (with no brain) like AOC elected into office. I wonder how she'll extricate herself from her usually foolish position this time.

A former city council member said a name change would 'erase our history'​

I first want to understand how a post office name change erases history.

If the name is changed does that person magically get stricken from the record and there is no other avenue to learn about their accomplishments?

Plus AOC isn't even "advocating" hard for anything. If you look into it, the name change was a community suggestion and AOC just wanted to open up community discussion for possible suggestions. Is it bad for a congressperson to listen to the community and even if it's met with resistance to keep an open dialogue? I don't think so.

This is what happens when you get a never-in-touch, virtue signaler, (with no brain) like AOC elected into office. I wonder how she'll extricate herself from her usually foolish position this time.

Horny incel conservatives are obsessed with AOC.
I very much doubt there is any real outrage about this. Maybe AOC misspoke or didn't know the history of the name or the article is outright misleading. Either way it is all a huge nothing burger. How is this news?
Two local nobodies say they don't like what AOC said about renaming some ****ing building. Fox commands its slaves to cheerlead this less-than-nothingburger. @American runs here to do feverishly do just that.


I swear. It's too ridiculous.
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I first want to understand how a post office name change erases history.

If the name is changed does that person magically get stricken from the record and there is no other avenue to learn about their accomplishments?

Plus AOC isn't even "advocating" hard for anything. If you look into it, the name change was a community suggestion and AOC just wanted to open up community discussion for possible suggestions. Is it bad for a congressperson to listen to the community and even if it's met with resistance to keep an open dialogue? I don't think so.
Well, its Fox News article so of course they will lie about it, and of course the scum terrorists will believe it
Can you feel the hate?
I really have to question when FoxNews talks about "outrage" between two that FoxNews cares nothing about, AOC and LGBTQ+ groups.
Two local nobodies say they don't like what AOC said. Fox commands its slaves to cheerlead this less-than-nothingburger. @American runs here to do feverishly do just that.


I swear. It's too ridiculous.

That's not entirely fair. Given the opportunity to slander a brown female representative, any source would do.
Every time this rich girl gone wrong opens her mouth is another few thousand extra votes for her opponents next election .

The Republicans could not wish for a better vote getter .

The combination of this frazzled brain , the Demented One and the crooked witches , Nancy and Hillary , means a generation or more of Republican rule .
God is good .

This is what happens when you get a never-in-touch, virtue signaler, (with no brain) like AOC elected into office. I wonder how she'll extricate herself from her usually foolish position this time.
Gotta love Fox headlines: outrage all the time.
You people are being entirely unfair. "American" is only trying to support the LGBT community.

Cant really fault her. the vast majority of worthless ****s in congress...renaming Post Office buildings is the in-total contribution to their legislative careers. As for not bothering to actually know what she was talking about on a given topic...well...thats just her norm. I mean this was LITERALLY her introduction to the nation....

Imagine watching videos of AOC being interviewed and she's not even your Rep and you're not even a Dem. Like that's not obsession.

This is what happens when you get a never-in-touch, virtue signaler, (with no brain) like AOC elected into office. I wonder how she'll extricate herself from her usually foolish position this time.

'It gave me a brain freeze': AOC emerges victorious after CHILLING brush with bowl of ice water

On Instagram Live, Ocasio-Cortez explained, "I have been very very stressed out lately and today I found myself staying in a stressful mental pattern that was just creating more stress for myself.
Imagine watching videos of AOC being interviewed and she's not even your Rep and you're not even a Dem. Like that's not obsession.
Maybe I should be more grateful for the trouble she causes Pelosi. ;) But she's an example of the socialist scumbags we don't need in America.
Maybe I should be more grateful for the trouble she causes Pelosi. ;) But she's an example of the socialist scumbags we don't need in America.

We know why you hate her. Don't hide behind politics.
“No boom boom for you.”

"I just hate socialists! That's why I obsess about and say disgusting things regarding a brown female representative."

You believe that?

See, here's the thing:

I know when someone gets all "I hate <political group>" what they're really doing is trying to paint themselves as the other group. I know they're trying to hide behind politics. They're trying to create cover for themselves and their arguments. They use hate to create that cover. They use hate to pretend they're political.

But their argument is hate-based. That's plain. That's obvious. That should be the starting point for analysis. We don't begin with "well, they're a conservative or Republican". That would be stupid of us and it's what they want. We should begin with "the argument is hate based."
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I want the USPS renamed as well. That, or rename UPS. Dang, when you get older and your bifocals are smudged, you know..
this thread sheds some light on the genius of Fox News.

it's the "stories" that they decided to cover/not cover.

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