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Anyone here play chess? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Just wondering cause I do alot.

I often play here at freechess.org

Anyone here play it?
128shot said:
Just wondering cause I do alot.

I often play here at freechess.org

Anyone here play it?

Yeah man, I love chess. I used to play out in the park a lot but I dont get to play so much anymore now that I live in alaska. I will have to check that site out.
I used to work with a Russian guy who would win local tournaments on the weekends...

During lunch, I'd play him and always get my butt kicked...But I loved playing because I knew how much I'd learn from him..

Eventually, I won a game here and there and that improved steadily...after awhile, it was 50/50 as to who would win, which made him more competative...It became very intense, and I thank him for the patience he had with me in the beginning...

This is "sorta" like a metaphor...You've heard the phrase, "Smart people surround themselves with smarter people"...That's how I like it...

If you're the best at something, there is no learning curve for you to progress...so I drift towards people that I can learn from...
jallman said:
Yeah man, I love chess. I used to play out in the park a lot but I dont get to play so much anymore now that I live in alaska. I will have to check that site out.

if you sign up let me know your handle...
Yeah, I play...

I used to really be into it but haven't played in quite while. I used to play at...oh, I can't remember the site...that's how long it's been.

I even bought a couple of books to help me improve. I got an electronic game...a computer game...& a playstation game. Not even sure where all that stuff is now.
128shot said:
Just wondering cause I do alot.

I often play here at freechess.org

Anyone here play it?

I always enjoyed a good chess game. However, I havent played in such along time. Is the site free? Do you play against other people or the computer?
I always enjoyed a good chess game. However, I havent played in such along time. Is the site free? Do you play against other people or the computer?

you can play against people or computers, you can also chat. you can downloaded interfaces so you can chat with other players (and they're not nerds, actually,. Many are heavily into politics)

its totally free. hence the site is freechess.org
128shot said:
you can play against people or computers, you can also chat. you can downloaded interfaces so you can chat with other players (and they're not nerds, actually,. Many are heavily into politics)

its totally free. hence the site is freechess.org

I'm an avid chessplayer, and am not ashamed to admit it. I am sure Galen will come down here and tell me I am a lonely, overweight mama's boy...but I dont care!

If anyone wants to play anytime, just hit me up with a PM.

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