Well guys, he has a 1997 Honda Civic. I Think, I know it's a Honda. I know I'm gonna have to do the bulk of the work, I'll probably charge him, because I
have to work on cars at work, I really don't want to do it in my spare time. I already know the basics of how these things operate. But unfortunately, there usually not contained in OEM vehicles, as their quite expensive, so I would think that they raise the sticker price, so I don't have the chance on working on many of them.
Btw, turbochargers(in concordance to combustion) are less efficient than superchargers. However, turbos are the way to go as far as racing.
Really? I thought blowers usually produce more boost pressure at low speeds than turbochargers. But, a supercharger uses engine power to make the boost, so dosen't it put more stress on the internal parts? I don't think he wants to race it,per sae, he's young, around 21, so, you know how these kids like their cars. No offense Skilly. Uniwiper, rims, etc.
Turbochargers are more efficient and offer better topend output, but suffer from "turbo lag". A free flowing exhaust and proper turbo sizing can minimize turbo lag. Superchargers are less efficient, have less top end potential but don't experience "turbo lag". A supercharger is usually easier to install.
He may or may not have to upgrade the internals depending on many things. He will definitely need a cam designed with force induction in mind.
Yea, that's what I thought. I know superchargers usually act more like fans, hence the name
blowers. Isn't
turbo lag the time period between the boost and no boost periods? I know a turbo is operated by exaust gasses, so I guess the amount of boost depends on the engines speed? I would think a turbocharger is more effiecient.
Well turbos and supercharges have the same concpet but they arent the same. They both do whats called the Venturi effect. However, the turbo will always have a higher output and is better for drag racing. There si sioo much to say about the differences that if you want to know more or if your friend wants to knwo more let me know and I will help you or your friend out via email or IM. I dont want to bog down the forum with pages and pages of info. First off, I would like to know what kind of car he has, what his expectations or goals are, and what is his budget as far as this whole project. Let me know that and I can better help you out.
I haven't really discussed with him his budget, I'm pretty sure of his expectations though, I think he just wants a fast car,and wants it too look pretty.:lol: Yea, I can write pages of pages on this subject too.:2razz: