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Anyone here like cars? (1 Viewer)


Aug 11, 2005
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San Diego
Political Leaning
I love cars very much. Its a big part of my life. I love going and participating in shows and I love improving cars and pushing the edges. Let us know what cars you either like or own.
I like cars. My perpetual long long long term project cars are in storage. One is a '53 Chevy wagon that is in rather horrid shape with a bad motor. The other is a '63 Mercedes Benz 230 sedan. It's in good shape overall and I've gotten it running. but there is a long list of expensive stuff to fix.

The current car that I actively modify is a Volvo 700 series turbo car. I know many people scoff at the idea of modifying a Volvo, but these engines last forever and are extremely durable. There is nothing better than burning someone at a stoplight in a Volvo. :lol:

I've done the usual modifications for any turbocharged car.. bigger & better IC, bigger turbo, mbc+more boost, 3" exhaust, ported manifolds, better cam+cam gear, walbro 255lph fp, MSD coil and Msns-extra EMS. It has been an interesting 3 year learning experience on 4 cylinders and turbochargers.
scottyz said:
I like cars. My perpetual long long long term project cars are in storage. One is a '53 Chevy wagon that is in rather horrid shape with a bad motor. The other is a '63 Mercedes Benz 230 sedan. It's in good shape overall and I've gotten it running. but there is a long list of expensive stuff to fix.

The current car that I actively modify is a Volvo 700 series turbo car. I know many people scoff at the idea of modifying a Volvo, but these engines last forever and are extremely durable. There is nothing better than burning someone at a stoplight in a Volvo. :lol:

I've done the usual modifications for any turbocharged car.. bigger & better IC, bigger turbo, mbc+more boost, 3" exhaust, ported manifolds, better cam+cam gear, walbro 255lph fp, MSD coil and Msns-extra EMS. It has been an interesting 3 year learning experience on 4 cylinders and turbochargers.

Very nice. I like the Mercedes it sounds like a interesting project. Also I do know pf a few people who have done Volvos. I have a friend who has a huge station wagon vovlve(looks like sh!t) but it halls a$$ after he upgraded the turbo to a T66. Now hes bootsing about 23 psi with some better fuel management. I think his last dyno it made around 300whp. He could get much more but his engine management is crappy.

Also the spearco IC is the way to go however I have a buddy of mine that makes custom IC that are just beautiful and work better than name brands. What kinda turbo? BC? turbo timer? Ported turbo manifold? How is this? Is it a log or a tubular equal length? What kinda cams did you go with? Also did you go with the unorthodox cam gears? To give you some insight if you want better engine management that doesnt cost you an arm and a leg there is the Megasquirt and the SDS EM4.
very much into cars. ive bought and tuned any type you can think of...

1995 BMW M3 (E36)- H&R Coilovers, Dinan engine/intake/exhaust parts,
Hamann wheels, etc. used to race this car in autocross events.

66' VW Bug (type 1)- had a fully built 1776cc Porsche engine in it. fully restored in and out. new gauges, seats, carpet. porsche wheels on Bilstein suspension. Savana Beige on top with Creme White on the sides. sold this car on Ebay to a guy in Texas for 15k.

2004 Jeep Rubicon- 4 1/2" suspension lift on 35's. lots of other off-roading stuff.

2005 Dodge Ram 1500 Hemi (current car)- only done cold air induction, exhaust, chip and programmer and 22" torque thrust-style wheels. still really fast for a truck.

well, theres my stuff. now i just need another 4WD to take me hunting/fishing. im thinking about buying an old Jeep CJ or something. as far as cars i want but probably wont have....Hummer H1 Alpha, Mercedes E55 AMG, Porsche GT3
I'm really not into cars anymore, I was when I was in my late teens. That like defeats the purpose, cause I work on cars for a living.:2razz:
Very nice. I like the Mercedes it sounds like a interesting project. Also I do know pf a few people who have done Volvos. I have a friend who has a huge station wagon vovlve(looks like sh!t) but it halls a$$ after he upgraded the turbo to a T66. Now hes bootsing about 23 psi with some better fuel management. I think his last dyno it made around 300whp. He could get much more but his engine management is crappy.

Also the spearco IC is the way to go however I have a buddy of mine that makes custom IC that are just beautiful and work better than name brands. What kinda turbo? BC? turbo timer? Ported turbo manifold? How is this? Is it a log or a tubular equal length? What kinda cams did you go with? Also did you go with the unorthodox cam gears? To give you some insight if you want better engine management that doesnt cost you an arm and a leg there is the Megasquirt and the SDS EM4.
My turbo is a my personal built combo of Ford and Volvo T3 parts. .63 AR hot side and .60 AR cold side boosting about 20psi. The intercooler is a 23 row NPR trucker intercooler. I'm using the better flowing later model exhaust manifold that I did a little port and polish on while also opening it up to T3 specs. I went with a "A" cam which is a stock cam offered in Canada and Europe but not America. It's a mild cam but much better than the stock "T" cam. Cam gear was made by someone in the online Volvo tuning community. MSNS(megasquirt & spark) is megasquirt which is what i'm running. I run the -extra variation which has 12x12 maps and many options. I rely on a tech edge wbo2 for fuel tuning.
kal-el said:
I'm really not into cars anymore, I was when I was in my late teens. That like defeats the purpose, cause I work on cars for a living.:2razz:
I wasn't in my late teens, but once I got a manual boost controller and boost gauge I got hooked. I do work on family and friends cars, but I don't think i'd want to do it professionally for a number of reasons unless it was a performance shop. I have friends that run a DSM performance shop and as far as I can tell they have fun doing it. I also have friends that do the basic car repair & maintenance thing and they have to deal with all sorts of ridiculous customers so it's not much fun.
FiremanRyan said:
very much into cars. ive bought and tuned any type you can think of...

1995 BMW M3 (E36)- H&R Coilovers, Dinan engine/intake/exhaust parts,
Hamann wheels, etc. used to race this car in autocross events.

66' VW Bug (type 1)- had a fully built 1776cc Porsche engine in it. fully restored in and out. new gauges, seats, carpet. porsche wheels on Bilstein suspension. Savana Beige on top with Creme White on the sides. sold this car on Ebay to a guy in Texas for 15k.

2004 Jeep Rubicon- 4 1/2" suspension lift on 35's. lots of other off-roading stuff.

2005 Dodge Ram 1500 Hemi (current car)- only done cold air induction, exhaust, chip and programmer and 22" torque thrust-style wheels. still really fast for a truck.

well, theres my stuff. now i just need another 4WD to take me hunting/fishing. im thinking about buying an old Jeep CJ or something. as far as cars i want but probably wont have....Hummer H1 Alpha, Mercedes E55 AMG, Porsche GT3

Wow sounds like you have had fun. I am not a huge fan of BMW or german cars for that matter. I will never say anything bad about them casue I know they are awesome vehicles as far as pewrformance. But its just the fact of they are so dam expensive as far as maintenance and anything. However, I remember when I had my saturn stock and I raced the very same car you own and I kept up with it on the freeway which was worse. Alot of people dont know but saturns have some balls.

Holy God you had a bug like that? That thing must have done 10's in the quarter. Did you ever run it? That thing sounds freaking sweet.

Hey let me know more about this bug. What kinda porsche was the engine from and what year?
scottyz said:
My turbo is a my personal built combo of Ford and Volvo T3 parts. .63 AR hot side and .60 AR cold side boosting about 20psi. The intercooler is a 23 row NPR trucker intercooler. I'm using the better flowing later model exhaust manifold that I did a little port and polish on while also opening it up to T3 specs. I went with a "A" cam which is a stock cam offered in Canada and Europe but not America. It's a mild cam but much better than the stock "T" cam. Cam gear was made by someone in the online Volvo tuning community. MSNS(megasquirt & spark) is megasquirt which is what i'm running. I run the -extra variation which has 12x12 maps and many options. I rely on a tech edge wbo2 for fuel tuning.

What did you use off of the Ford? I do know conventional T housing turbos harvest up to a 60 trim housing. However, if you had a 63 hot side you must have had a t4 housing not a t3. Well at least thats from what I know. However, you may have meant to say it was a t3/t4 because the t4 housing accomodates housings larger than the super 60trims.

Also on the cams what is your lift and duration? I also like the plx and the aem wbo2. I personally use the aem wbo2. I alos run my car on the TEC3r standalone. My turbo is a custom Innovative/garret turbo. It is an equivlent to a GT40 turbo. I know the megasquirts very well as I used to run one on my saturn when I had my first turbo setup. The 12 settings are actually for retarding and advancing. The wbo2 will adjust your MAP automatically in concordance to your engine management. Now I hope you set your management up to run lean.
What did you use off of the Ford? I do know conventional T housing turbos harvest up to a 60 trim housing. However, if you had a 63 hot side you must have had a t4 housing not a t3. Well at least thats from what I know. However, you may have meant to say it was a t3/t4 because the t4 housing accomodates housings larger than the super 60trims.
I took the compressor housing, compressor wheel and backing plate from a Ford Tbird turbo. .63 exhaust housing came from a old Volvo 42/63 T3. It's not a t3/t4, but it's about as big as you can get without going over to T4 parts.
Also on the cams what is your lift and duration? I also like the plx and the aem wbo2. I personally use the aem wbo2. I alos run my car on the TEC3r standalone. My turbo is a custom Innovative/garret turbo. It is an equivlent to a GT40 turbo. I know the megasquirts very well as I used to run one on my saturn when I had my first turbo setup. The 12 settings are actually for retarding and advancing. The wbo2 will adjust your MAP automatically in concordance to your engine management. Now I hope you set your management up to run lean.
The specs of my cam I don't know off the top of my head. 12x12 i'm referring to is the table size for fuel and spark. Regular MS&S only gives you 8x8 tables. Megatune has just recently introduced a Autotune feature, but I do not have it turned on. I use a program called VexMe to calculate fuel table adjustments.
scottyz said:
I took the compressor housing, compressor wheel and backing plate from a Ford Tbird turbo. .63 exhaust housing came from a old Volvo 42/63 T3. It's not a t3/t4, but it's about as big as you can get without going over to T4 parts.

The specs of my cam I don't know off the top of my head. 12x12 i'm referring to is the table size for fuel and spark. Regular MS&S only gives you 8x8 tables. Megatune has just recently introduced a Autotune feature, but I do not have it turned on. I use a program called VexMe to calculate fuel table adjustments.

O ok well then that explains it. Interesting turbo setup. Now in that setup was there ever a occurance of "fail safe?" I figure using a 42/63 would cause a huge difference of boost becasue of the huge difference from cold/hot sides. However, I would guess that the setup you had you were able to run at a low bar map sensor and you were able to attain boost very quickly? Maybe I am wrong on that.

Ok I was going to say thats not map or maf. However, yes its much like the Apexi SAFC tables. A matter of fact they are almost identical. However the SAFC2 is a little different as far as table setup and programming casue there are so much more settings. However on most setups 12x12 is enough. Now I have heard of the autotune feature which btw is a godsend. I would encourage you to install that. However, I dont htink I have heard of VexMe. Can you send me a link so that I may read about this? Thanks I love learning new things about tuning.
Wow sounds like you have had fun. I am not a huge fan of BMW or german cars for that matter. I will never say anything bad about them casue I know they are awesome vehicles as far as pewrformance. But its just the fact of they are so dam expensive as far as maintenance and anything. However, I remember when I had my saturn stock and I raced the very same car you own and I kept up with it on the freeway which was worse. Alot of people dont know but saturns have some balls.

Holy God you had a bug like that? That thing must have done 10's in the quarter. Did you ever run it? That thing sounds freaking sweet.

Hey let me know more about this bug. What kinda porsche was the engine from and what year?

European cars have always been my thing but honestly, whats turning me off from doing another euro is the cost of maintenance and aftermarket parts. besides, im starting to like the sound of a loud American V8 haha.

but ya, the bug was a great car. completely immaculate...clean record, no rust, all original parts. the engine i put in was from an early 70's Porsche 914. it was completely torn apart and rebuilt, only about 20% of the original engine parts were kept. brand new tranny, disk break swap, etc. the interior was the best though, complete redone with a nice system.

it was pretty fast but not in the 10's. i never got to track the car but it was beating Z28 Camaros and was was definitely quicker than my M3 and that ran a 13.38. id say high 12's. i was thinking about going forced induction but never did. if i could figure out how to put a pic up i would.
FiremanRyan said:
European cars have always been my thing but honestly, whats turning me off from doing another euro is the cost of maintenance and aftermarket parts. besides, im starting to like the sound of a loud American V8 haha.

but ya, the bug was a great car. completely immaculate...clean record, no rust, all original parts. the engine i put in was from an early 70's Porsche 914. it was completely torn apart and rebuilt, only about 20% of the original engine parts were kept. brand new tranny, disk break swap, etc. the interior was the best though, complete redone with a nice system.

it was pretty fast but not in the 10's. i never got to track the car but it was beating Z28 Camaros and was was definitely quicker than my M3 and that ran a 13.38. id say high 12's. i was thinking about going forced induction but never did. if i could figure out how to put a pic up i would.

Yeah I have to admit if I had the money to throw away I would probably buy a nice BMW to cruise around in. However, I like getting more for my money so I would buy a Chrysler 300. American V8's are nice its just the downfall of fuel consumption.

Also the bug sounds sweet. You should put that thing up on cardomain.com its free and you can uplaod as much as you want. I have a profile of my project saturn on there. I am working on putting one of my supra on there but I ma not done with my supra yet.
O ok well then that explains it. Interesting turbo setup. Now in that setup was there ever a occurance of "fail safe?" I figure using a 42/63 would cause a huge difference of boost becasue of the huge difference from cold/hot sides. However, I would guess that the setup you had you were able to run at a low bar map sensor and you were able to attain boost very quickly? Maybe I am wrong on that.
It's the same setup Ford used on manual tbirds. My Volvo came stock with a 52C/48H T3 which is rare, but most of them came with a 42C/48H T3 which is pretty damn common. The older Volvo turbo cars used a 42C/63H setup which in todays terms seems very odd and definitely not something I would want to run.
Ok I was going to say thats not map or maf. However, yes its much like the Apexi SAFC tables. A matter of fact they are almost identical. However the SAFC2 is a little different as far as table setup and programming casue there are so much more settings. However on most setups 12x12 is enough. Now I have heard of the autotune feature which btw is a godsend. I would encourage you to install that. However, I dont htink I have heard of VexMe. Can you send me a link so that I may read about this? Thanks I love learning new things about tuning.
12x12 is enough but bigger tables are always welcome. Someones aborted piece of tuning software for megasquirt featured 16x16. Vexme can be found here :http://www.jaypsc.co.uk/vexme/
It's strictly for megasquirt users running wideband.
scottyz said:
It's the same setup Ford used on manual tbirds. My Volvo came stock with a 52C/48H T3 which is rare, but most of them came with a 42C/48H T3 which is pretty damn common. The older Volvo turbo cars used a 42C/63H setup which in todays terms seems very odd and definitely not something I would want to run.

12x12 is enough but bigger tables are always welcome. Someones aborted piece of tuning software for megasquirt featured 16x16. Vexme can be found here :http://www.jaypsc.co.uk/vexme/
It's strictly for megasquirt users running wideband.

You know the software seems to be quite similar to the first Wintec software that came out by electromotive. The latest version of wintec provides a 50x50table. And it virtually allows you to do just about any and everything you want as far as management goes. Thats why I fell in love with electromotive however it is pricy.
I have a question, and I thought that this was the appropriate thread to post it on. My friend wants to enhance his engine performance. I suggested he install a turbocharger, but he is considering a supercharger. They both do basically the same thing, which is pressurize the amount of air/fuel mixture that enters an engine's cylinders, but I told him he would probably have to upgrade his pistons, rods, and probably camshaft, as these high-end items increase pressure inside an engine's cylinders. But it seems we can't decide which to install here, any suggestions?
kal-el said:
I have a question, and I thought that this was the appropriate thread to post it on. My friend wants to enhance his engine performance. I suggested he install a turbocharger, but he is considering a supercharger. They both do basically the same thing, which is pressurize the amount of air/fuel mixture that enters an engine's cylinders, but I told him he would probably have to upgrade his pistons, rods, and probably camshaft, as these high-end items increase pressure inside an engine's cylinders. But it seems we can't decide which to install here, any suggestions?

Well turbos and supercharges have the same concpet but they arent the same. They both do whats called the Venturi effect. However, the turbo will always have a higher output and is better for drag racing. There si sioo much to say about the differences that if you want to know more or if your friend wants to knwo more let me know and I will help you or your friend out via email or IM. I dont want to bog down the forum with pages and pages of info. First off, I would like to know what kind of car he has, what his expectations or goals are, and what is his budget as far as this whole project. Let me know that and I can better help you out.
kal-el said:
I have a question, and I thought that this was the appropriate thread to post it on. My friend wants to enhance his engine performance. I suggested he install a turbocharger, but he is considering a supercharger. They both do basically the same thing, which is pressurize the amount of air/fuel mixture that enters an engine's cylinders, but I told him he would probably have to upgrade his pistons, rods, and probably camshaft, as these high-end items increase pressure inside an engine's cylinders. But it seems we can't decide which to install here, any suggestions?
What kind of car is the one question?

Turbochargers are more efficient and offer better topend output, but suffer from "turbo lag". A free flowing exhaust and proper turbo sizing can minimize turbo lag. Superchargers are less efficient, have less top end potential but don't experience "turbo lag". A supercharger is usually easier to install.

He may or may not have to upgrade the internals depending on many things. He will definitely need a cam designed with force induction in mind.
scottyz said:
What kind of car is the one question?

Turbochargers are more efficient and offer better topend output, but suffer from "turbo lag". A free flowing exhaust and proper turbo sizing can minimize turbo lag. Superchargers are less efficient, have less top end potential but don't experience "turbo lag". A supercharger is usually easier to install.

He may or may not have to upgrade the internals depending on many things. He will definitely need a cam designed with force induction in mind.

There are so many factors to go over. I will just have to wait till he gets back to us with the info that I asked for.

Btw, turbochargers(in concordance to combustion) are less efficient than superchargers. However, turbos are the way to go as far as racing.
There are so many factors to go over. I will just have to wait till he gets back to us with the info that I asked for.

Btw, turbochargers(in concordance to combustion) are less efficient than superchargers. However, turbos are the way to go as far as racing.
I'm thinking of efficiency in terms of a turbo being driven by exhaust gas.
Well guys, he has a 1997 Honda Civic. I Think, I know it's a Honda. I know I'm gonna have to do the bulk of the work, I'll probably charge him, because I have to work on cars at work, I really don't want to do it in my spare time. I already know the basics of how these things operate. But unfortunately, there usually not contained in OEM vehicles, as their quite expensive, so I would think that they raise the sticker price, so I don't have the chance on working on many of them.

Btw, turbochargers(in concordance to combustion) are less efficient than superchargers. However, turbos are the way to go as far as racing.

Really? I thought blowers usually produce more boost pressure at low speeds than turbochargers. But, a supercharger uses engine power to make the boost, so dosen't it put more stress on the internal parts? I don't think he wants to race it,per sae, he's young, around 21, so, you know how these kids like their cars. No offense Skilly. Uniwiper, rims, etc.

Turbochargers are more efficient and offer better topend output, but suffer from "turbo lag". A free flowing exhaust and proper turbo sizing can minimize turbo lag. Superchargers are less efficient, have less top end potential but don't experience "turbo lag". A supercharger is usually easier to install.

He may or may not have to upgrade the internals depending on many things. He will definitely need a cam designed with force induction in mind.

Yea, that's what I thought. I know superchargers usually act more like fans, hence the name blowers. Isn't turbo lag the time period between the boost and no boost periods? I know a turbo is operated by exaust gasses, so I guess the amount of boost depends on the engines speed? I would think a turbocharger is more effiecient.

Well turbos and supercharges have the same concpet but they arent the same. They both do whats called the Venturi effect. However, the turbo will always have a higher output and is better for drag racing. There si sioo much to say about the differences that if you want to know more or if your friend wants to knwo more let me know and I will help you or your friend out via email or IM. I dont want to bog down the forum with pages and pages of info. First off, I would like to know what kind of car he has, what his expectations or goals are, and what is his budget as far as this whole project. Let me know that and I can better help you out.

I haven't really discussed with him his budget, I'm pretty sure of his expectations though, I think he just wants a fast car,and wants it too look pretty.:lol: Yea, I can write pages of pages on this subject too.:2razz:
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79 Volare wagon with all the Diplomat cop car parts in suspension, brakes, sway bars, wheels, tires, suregrip axle, etc. Also put in bucket seats, center console, floor shift, and sport mirrors. Got a 330HP 360 to put in, need to get that done soon. Next project will be the 83 Mirada, but that one gets built for MPG, not MPH.
kal-el said:
Well guys, he has a 1997 Honda Civic. I Think, I know it's a Honda. I know I'm gonna have to do the bulk of the work, I'll probably charge him, because I have to work on cars at work, I really don't want to do it in my spare time. I already know the basics of how these things operate. But unfortunately, there usually not contained in OEM vehicles, as their quite expensive, so I would think that they raise the sticker price, so I don't have the chance on working on many of them.
I'm not personally a big fan of civics or that knowledgable of them, but luckily for him there is a HUGE aftermarket and knowledge base on the web for them. What motor is in his Civic? He should join Hondatech.com and start researching. I'm sure somebody can point him in the direction of a professional or home brewed turbo kit. Obviously he will need to piggy back his ECU or go for standalone. I only know a couple folk with turboed b18's in their civics and on the stock internals they can only run 5-7psi out of a small turbo like a Garrett T25. It still nearly doubles their HP and makes for a quick car though.
UtahBill said:
79 Volare wagon with all the Diplomat cop car parts in suspension, brakes, sway bars, wheels, tires, suregrip axle, etc. Also put in bucket seats, center console, floor shift, and sport mirrors. Got a 330HP 360 to put in, need to get that done soon. Next project will be the 83 Mirada, but that one gets built for MPG, not MPH.
Have you ever checked out Gus Mahons mopar website? He did some very impressive work with turbo mopars. Unfortunately he died in a motorcycle accident.
scottyz said:
I'm not personally a big fan of civics or that knowledgable of them, but luckily for him there is a HUGE aftermarket and knowledge base on the web for them. What motor is in his Civic? He should join Hondatech.com and start researching. I'm sure somebody can point him in the direction of a professional or home brewed turbo kit. Obviously he will need to piggy back his ECU or go for standalone. I only know a couple folk with turboed b18's in their civics and on the stock internals they can only run 5-7psi out of a small turbo like a Garrett T25. It still nearly doubles their HP and makes for a quick car though.

I believe it's a 2.2 Ultra low emmisions vehicle. I'll be sure to tell him about hondatech.com, thanks.

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