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Anybody use any of the online guitar courses? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2009
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Political Leaning
My guitar used to be my whole life years ago. Played hours every day. Sang in a band. Did a little recording. Studied twice a week from an incredible guitarist. Then just let it go after I got married and started a business.

Anyway I'm 62 and getting bored with my business and don't have to worry about income anymore.

So now something exists the did not exist 30 or 40 years ago: Online guitar courses.

Anyway use one? Thoughts?
My guitar used to be my whole life years ago. Played hours every day. Sang in a band. Did a little recording. Studied twice a week from an incredible guitarist. Then just let it go after I got married and started a business.

Anyway I'm 62 and getting bored with my business and don't have to worry about income anymore.

So now something exists the did not exist 30 or 40 years ago: Online guitar courses.

Anyway use one? Thoughts?

Look up D'Lorenzo Guitars and contact Scott Lawrence, who can not only teach guitar online, he can also BUILD you a nice custom rig if you want the best.

I wonder if there is any guitar teachers online who can teach metal/rock methods like sweep picking.

Also, seems after Grunge came alone, it suddenly became uncool to learn how to shred and became cool to be a whiny guitar player who only played basic chords and such.

I feel if Grunge never came around, then metal would still be in the public's conscience.
I wonder if there is any guitar teachers online who can teach metal/rock methods like sweep picking.

Also, seems after Grunge came alone, it suddenly became uncool to learn how to shred and became cool to be a whiny guitar player who only played basic chords and such.

I feel if Grunge never came around, then metal would still be in the public's conscience.

Looks like Guitar tricks covered a lot of different genres.

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