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Any new schemes for the democratic party? (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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:lol: Good lord, ..Cindy Sheehan has been dumped by the news because she has talked Hillary down because of Hillary's (disingenuine) support of the Iraqi war!

Bob Woodward, ..the media darling of the liberals, & the democratic party "might" actually be used as a "witness" for the Libby defense team in the Valeri Plame deal because he came forward admitting that PLame's CIA's identity was WELL KNOWN in media circles, & journalists long before her supposed public outing!

The democrats could not even shore up "support" to bring the troops home from Iraq, by a vote of 403-3 ..because the democrats do not have any honest convictions about it themselves, ..in spite of their disingenuine behavior in order to critiscize the Bush administration!

Then...the democrats say we do not have enough soldiers in Iraq, ..& then some democrats say to bring them home because they are targets. WTF, ?? All over the map with regard to common sense!

Then the "Citizens Energy group" records publicly announce that young Joe Kennedy recieved $400,000.00 dollars from them for him to lend his name to a $9,000,000.00 dollar disinformation campaign Of the kennedy Robin hood Family that will promise to help the poor in Massachusettes get cheap oil from Hugo Chavez, & Venzuela!

"Why, ...it was ALWAYS the intention of us kennedy's to give to poor folks, ..& never recieve" !!!

Okay Joe, ...so why not give the 400 grand to a local food bank, or any other local welfare branch that can help the poor.

Better yet, ..why don't you & uncle Teddy get out of the oil investment game, & your huge shares that you have in some American oil companies yourselves, ..instead of pretending that you guys HATE the oil industry, & their profits!!

What!!!! The Kennedy family actually being hypocrits & not really Robin Hoods; & why not as the long past deceased patriarch Joseph P. always was with his own known links to organized crime, & influence peddling.

The kennedy family who espouse hate, & ridicule on the oil companies actually having interest in oil ??

Huh huh,...YOU BETCHA!:smile:

Well...so what is left for the democratic party to exploit in its never ending desire to destroy the Bush administration, by using the war in Iraq, & the war on terror??

Maybe all the democratic party effort is simply gonna be S.O.L. because the american people see things ever so more clearly now.
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Donkey1499 said:
And democrats say that the republican party is crumbling?

You got it; ..but that is only because the DNC refuses to look at itself in their own "manufactured" mirrors!
Stu Ghatze said:
:lol: Good lord, ..Cindy Sheehan has been dumped by the news because she has talked Hillary down because of Hillary's (disingenuine) support of the Iraqi war!

Bob Woodward, ..the media darling of the liberals, & the democratic party "might" actually be used as a "witness" for the Libby defense team in the Valeri Plame deal because he came forward admitting that PLame's CIA's identity was WELL KNOWN in media circles, & journalists long before her supposed public outing!

The democrats could not even shore up "support" to bring the troops home from Iraq, by a vote of 403-3 ..because the democrats do not have any honest convictions about it themselves, ..in spite of their disingenuine behavior in order to critiscize the Bush administration!

Then...the democrats say we do not have enough soldiers in Iraq, ..& then some democrats say to bring them home because they are targets. WTF, ?? All over the map with regard to common sense!

Then the "Citizens Energy group" records publicly announce that young Joe Kennedy recieved $400,000.00 dollars from them for him to lend his name to a $9,000,000.00 dollar disinformation campaign Of the kennedy Robin hood Family that will promise to help the poor in Massachusettes get cheap oil from Hugo Chavez, & Venzuela!

"Why, ...it was ALWAYS the intention of us kennedy's to give to poor folks, ..& never recieve" !!!

Okay Joe, ...so why not give the 400 grand to a local food bank, or any other local welfare branch that can help the poor.

Better yet, ..why don't you & uncle Teddy get out of the oil investment game, & your huge shares that you have in some American oil companies yourselves, ..instead of pretending that you guys HATE the oil industry, & their profits!!

What!!!! The Kennedy family actually being hypocrits & not really Robin Hoods; & why not as the long past deceased patriarch Joseph P. always was with his own known links to organized crime, & influence peddling.

The kennedy family who espouse hate, & ridicule on the oil companies actually having interest in oil ??

Huh huh,...YOU BETCHA!:smile:

Well...so what is left for the democratic party to exploit in its never ending desire to destroy the Bush administration, by using the war in Iraq, & the war on terror??

Maybe all the democratic party effort is simply gonna be S.O.L. because the american people see things ever so more clearly now.

Stu! Where have you been? I actually missed your outrageous threads. :2wave:
aps said:
Stu! Where have you been? I actually missed your outrageous threads. :2wave:

Hey...whats shakin' APS?? Actually, they are not really as "outrageous" as you pretend them to be.

Think of it, who made these claims:

1. Bush "might" have created 9/11 himself.

2. Bush is a nazi.

3. Bush is a racist.

4. Bush deliberatley witheld aid to the poor in New Orleans in Katrina's aftermath.

5. Bush fixed the 04' election.

6. Bush, CHeney. & Rumsfeld approved of torture. (if you believe it is torture?)

7. Bush, & CHeney profiting from the war.

8. Bush & the American troops are evil, & as bad as the Talliban.

On & on it has gone for over two years....& you say that I'am outrageous in my statements?? :2razz:

My sin is only repeating the "outrageous" things that the democrats have said!

Perhaps you do not like it when one keeps the talking points that the democrats have engaged in...relevant?

OR is that so embarrassing that most good democrats prefer NOT to be reminded of their own words by their own party?

Me thinks its the latter.:smile:
Stu Ghatze said:
Hey...whats shakin' APS?? Actually, they are not really as "outrageous" as you pretend them to be.

Think of it, who made these claims:

1. Bush "might" have created 9/11 himself.

2. Bush is a nazi.

3. Bush is a racist.

4. Bush deliberatley witheld aid to the poor in New Orleans in Katrina's aftermath.

5. Bush fixed the 04' election.

6. Bush, CHeney. & Rumsfeld approved of torture. (if you believe it is torture?)

7. Bush, & CHeney profiting from the war.

8. Bush & the American troops are evil, & as bad as the Talliban.

On & on it has gone for over two years....& you say that I'am outrageous in my statements?? :2razz:

My sin is only repeating the "outrageous" things that the democrats have said!

Perhaps you do not like it when one keeps the talking points that the democrats have engaged in...relevant?

OR is that so embarrassing that most good democrats prefer NOT to be reminded of their own words by their own party?

Me thinks its the latter.:smile:

Help! I am beginning to like you. :shock:

Stu, the definition of outrageous can vary. Personally, I think some of the things you say are outrageous. Some of the list you provided are also outrageous (and some have some truth to them ;)).

No new schemes from the democrats as far as I know. I would like to see more democrats stand by Murtha, but they have no backbone, so I highly doubt they will (except for Russell Feingold).
1. Bush "might" have created 9/11 himself.

2. Bush is a nazi.

3. Bush is a racist.

4. Bush deliberatley witheld aid to the poor in New Orleans in Katrina's aftermath.

5. Bush fixed the 04' election.

6. Bush, CHeney. & Rumsfeld approved of torture. (if you believe it is torture?)

7. Bush, & CHeney profiting from the war.

8. Bush & the American troops are evil, & as bad as the Talliban.

Who claimed any of these things?
aps said:
Help! I am beginning to like you. :shock:

Stu, the definition of outrageous can vary. Personally, I think some of the things you say are outrageous. Some of the list you provided are also outrageous (and some have some truth to them ;)).

No new schemes from the democrats as far as I know. I would like to see more democrats stand by Murtha, but they have no backbone, so I highly doubt they will (except for Russell Feingold).

Aps, ..I need no help, ..& I like you anyway! Ah now, you would be a good republican conversion project!;)

I used to be quite the die hard democrat, ..but that about was three decades ago or so.

Am I a Bushie? Not particularilly, ..but am damn sure not a democrat anymore!:smile:
Stu Ghatze said:
Aps, ..I need no help, ..& I like you anyway! Ah now, you would be a good republican conversion project!;)

I used to be quite the die hard democrat, ..but that about was three decades ago or so.

Am I a Bushie? Not particularilly, ..but am damn sure not a democrat anymore!:smile:

LOL See bold above. Do I give off a vibe that makes people think that I would be covertible to become a republican? I ask this because Navy Pride has said that to me, as has another poster from a different message board. Or, is it that I am a reasonable democrat, as opposed to the outrageous liberals that appear on Democratic Underground?

So what changed that caused you to become a republican? Didn't the parties kind of switch at some point?
galenrox said:
And maybe you're retarded.
What democrats are you speaking of when you mention that the pullout vote lost 403-3? Those 3 democrats who voted for it? Did it ever occur to you that if the VAST majority of democrats voted against something, if it fails, the democrats haven't been defeated?
Of course it didn't, because you're a bumbling retard.

Galen, ...there there now its okay! I know that YOU do not really UNDERSTAND the implication of that vote.

I will help you: The reason of the vote is BECAUSE the democrats have been harping about briniging the soldiers home, ..& the media would have people believe that the majority of democrats in congress WANT THEM HOME!

THe vote PROVES 1-thing, ..& that is the fact that democrats when put to the vote, ..REFUSE to put their vote where their mouth is because they are acting very disingenuine about the WHOLE war in Iraq, ..& are terrified that IF they vote to bring the troops home, ..the voters will be outraged by their vote!

Now...that brings up another question: If the democrats say, ..as they always do, that the majority of THEIR constuency want them back home; ..WHY DO THE DEMOCRATS STILL REFUSE TO VOTE IN FAVOR OF BRINGING THE TROOPS HOME??

ANSWER: Because the congressional democrats are only politicizing the war, & THAT IS THE ONLY REASON!

Most Americans understand completely that the democrats SAY one thing, ..& then do another which is the exact opposite.

Its okay, & perfectly understandable & perfectly predictable that most democrats & liberals CANNOT actually be WHO they REALLY appear to be.

The democrats shot their mouths off for how long about bringing the soldiers home, & leaving Iraq; AND WHEN GIVEN THE CHANCE TO VOTE ON WHAT "THEY" CLAIM TO BELIEVE,.....THEY CHICKEN SHYTED OUT!

So who really is the retard, ..& who are the ones being "DISINGENUINE" about the war in Iraq!

Ahh, ...we know the answer to that Galen; HERE we'll say it together":

"THE D E M O C R A T I C P A R T Y"!!! :2razz:

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