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Any MAGA Federal Employees Out There? Trump Is About To Cut Your Benefits. (1 Viewer)

There are about 3 million civilian federal workers in 430 federal agencies in 15 departments, not counting so-called “independent” agencies like Elizabeth Warren’s pet, the CFPB. Some of these people no doubt need an extended vacation.

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You're changing the subject, on purpose....Trump wants to kill their ability to collectively bargain.

Republicans hate unions, always have. The point is that any union worker who votes for Trump is a freaking imbecile.
Someone who actually knows a lot of federal employees and agency policies.

And yet when it comes to specifics you appear to have a knowledge deficit. 🤷‍♂️

Already gave you numbers but I guess someone can't read.

“Hardly any,” 60% of “many,” and 80% or 100% of “most” are not particularly informative. You sure you’re not OMB Director? 😆

This is an example of you not having any idea what "underutilization" means. It doesn't mean that everyone's working from home. It means that there's a lot of extra office space that conceivably could be used but for whatever reason isn't. This is true of *private* commercial office space as well.

Duh. I realize that. But recently Congressman Comer reintroduced a bill with 27 cosponsors to roll back telework policies to pre-pandemic levels, and he points to lots of empty desks now that didn’t exist in 2019. So pardon me for concluding that there might still be a problem, especially since the name of his proposed act is the Stopping Home Office Work’s Unproductive Problems (SHOW UP) Act. 🤷‍♂️

Given what I know about them, yes, I'd say that's probably a good assumption.

An even better one is to be skeptical of any claim that government overall operates efficiently.
You're changing the subject, on purpose....Trump wants to kill their ability to collectively bargain.

Republicans hate unions, always have. The point is that any union worker who votes for Trump is a freaking imbecile.

Well, you mentioned that being made to show up for work at an actual job site would be the least of their worries. You didn’t really get to specifics, so I let my imagination run wild. The possibility of being fired by the man who defined the term seemed perfectly reasonable.


That about sums it up on your end.

I realize that.

The **** you do.

But recently Congressman Comer reintroduced a bill with 27 cosponsors to roll back telework policies to pre-pandemic levels, and he points to lots of empty desks now that didn’t exist in 2019. So pardon me for concluding that there might still be a problem, especially since the name of his proposed act is the Stopping Home Office Work’s Unproductive Problems (SHOW UP) Act. 🤷‍♂️

An even better one is to be skeptical of any claim that government overall operates efficiently.

Your guy Comer is the same dude who tried to draft articles of impeachment that even his own party concluded was unmitigated bullshit. Find a real source next time. You have no idea what you're talking about.
If they're looking for people to lay off, it's best you return back to the worksite. You know what they say.... out of sight, out of mind.
Well, you mentioned that being made to show up for work at an actual job site would be the least of their worries. You didn’t really get to specifics, so I let my imagination run wild. The possibility of being fired by the man who defined the term seemed perfectly reasonable.

It's in post #1. I guess you don't know what "collective bargaining" means.

But you wouldn't care if you did know, either.
Well, you mentioned that being made to show up for work at an actual job site would be the least of their worries. You didn’t really get to specifics, so I let my imagination run wild. The possibility of being fired by the man who defined the term seemed perfectly reasonable.

Why does the idea of federal workers getting fired make you happy?
This is what all the MAGA gomer suckers wanted....you're about to get it. --

The incoming Trump administration is preparing executive orders aimed at the federal workforce that could be implemented within days, kicking off an effort that they see as essential for wresting power away from career government employees, according to four people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal conversations.

House Republican leaders are also gearing up to enact their own curbs on federal workers this spring, which could include significant cuts to employee benefits, said two other people, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity to reflect internal conversations, as well as a document circulating on Capitol Hill.

The executive actions under consideration include measures to weaken the power of federal employee unions by stripping workers of collective bargaining rights they’ve had for four decades, the people said. Trump aide Stephen Miller told GOP congressional leadership Sunday that the administration may also move quickly to undo federal diversity initiatives, according to two people familiar with a call he held, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe the private talk.

LOL, WaPoo reports from an anonymous source? :meh
Why is that good?
MAGAs were dumb enough to vote for someone who regularly promised he was going to hurt them after he was elected. They deserve every sh*tty thing that Trump plans to do to them. Imagine a woman engaged to a man who says, "After we're married I'm going to beat you black and blue because I enjoy doing it" and she goes ahead and marries him anyway. Does she deserve every beating he gives her?
Parts of the coming years are going to be very depressing. It's almost like more people should have showed up to vote against it and some of those who voted for it are fairly duped.
MAGAs were dumb enough to vote for someone who regularly promised he was going to hurt them after he was elected. They deserve every sh*tty thing that Trump plans to do to them. Imagine a woman engaged to a man who says, "After we're married I'm going to beat you black and blue because I enjoy doing it" and she goes ahead and marries him anyway. Does she deserve every beating he gives her?
Yes, but if federal employees get their benefits cut or get fired en mass, it won't just be Trumpanzees getting hurt. It will be a whole lot of other people as well. This sounds a lot like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Why does the idea of federal workers getting fired make you happy?

I can't fathom the hostility towards the entire workforce. Particular when so very few are actually the so called "bureaucrats."

For example, GS-5 Social Security Customer Service Agents. The ones that assist in signing people up for benefits. They perform a clearly necessary function and don't constitute any resistance to political agendas. I have a relative by marriage that was a Social Security Customer Service Agent, who did the GS-5/7/9/11 ladder before retiring from government service.

A worker bee. Nothing more.

NONE of these people deserve the hate they get.

If there is any resistance at all, they would constitute a handful of the Senior Executive Service, perhaps a couple of hundred individuals at most. A minute fraction of the total millions of Federal workers.
I can't fathom the hostility towards the entire workforce. Particular when so very few are actually the so called "bureaucrats."

For example, GS-5 Social Security Customer Service Agents. The ones that assist in signing people up for benefits. They perform a clearly necessary function and don't constitute any resistance to political agendas. I have a relative by marriage that was a Social Security Customer Service Agent, who did the GS-5/7/9/11 ladder before retiring from government service.

A worker bee. Nothing more.

NONE of these people deserve the hate they get.

If there is any resistance at all, they would constitute a handful of the Senior Executive Service, perhaps a couple of hundred individuals at most. A minute fraction of the total millions of Federal workers.
Great post. I think some people are resentful that they believe the little bit of tax money they pay goes towards the salaries of federal workers, many of whom are making more money and have better benefits than they do. For some it's about jealousy.

With that said, I'm a GS worker, I'm retired a Army Masyer Sergeant and I'm rated 100% disabled by the VA. I've earned my retirement with over 20 years of service, and my disability (I'm currently rated for 13 disabilities, combat related) and I work hard at my job with the DefenseCommissary Agency. But I occasionally get some push back from people because I've worked for the government most of my life.

It is what it is.
Yeah....so it must not be true.

You run with that....better than second-guessing your ill-advised vote.
LOL, nope. My vote is still way better than undergoing Harris Neo-commie plans.
Yes, but if federal employees get their benefits cut or get fired en mass, it won't just be Trumpanzees getting hurt. It will be a whole lot of other people as well. This sounds a lot like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Yes, that is correct. We never-Trumpers got dragged right down into the cesspool along with the Trumpers who dragged us into there. Imagine you were a passenger in an auto and the driver rolled down his window and egged a car full of Crips and then laughed and gave them the finger. Should he really be surprised that the gang members give chase, run the car off the road and then begin to beat the living shit out of both of you. How would you feel toward the driver? Sure, you're both beat to a pulp but if he got the worst of it would that give you a degree of comfort or would you be saying, "That's awful what they did to you, dude. You didn't deserve this"?
Someone who actually knows a lot of federal employees and agency policies.


Already gave you numbers but I guess someone can't read.

This is an example of you not having any idea what "underutilization" means. It doesn't mean that everyone's working from home. It means that there's a lot of extra office space that conceivably could be used but for whatever reason isn't. This is true of *private* commercial office space as well.

The federal workers I'm familiar with are scheduled on a weekly basis. They work from home 2 days a week, but not all the same days. If you look at their building space by the week, it's 100% utilized.

Another way to look at it is that if they have X number of desks/offices, and X number of employees- then every desk is occupied even if nobody is sitting at every desk on any given day. It's just some are connected remotely to their desk that day.

They don't go in person to talk to someone at another desk or in another office that much anyway, unless just to bullshit a bit. They're all on the same network, and that's how they communicate and do their jobs.

Anything comes up absolutely requiring person to person contact, there will be opportunities through the week.

Given what I know about them, yes, I'd say that's probably a good assumption.
The federal government workforce has a lot of dead wood. It’s in taxpayers best interest to ‘get to chopping’.
The federal government workforce has a lot of dead wood. It’s in taxpayers best interest to ‘get to chopping’.
That's not what this about.

Don't try to keep up....it's pointless.
And the on-the-fencers voted for "oh, that's probably not true" and "I want cheaper eggs."

Oops and oops, but here we are. Strap in! Four years.
The willfully ignorant voters won't acknowledge that bird flu causes higher egg prices and the uninformed voters don't know what bird flu is. Those are the people who elected Trump.
That about sums it up on your end.

The **** you do.

Your guy Comer is the same dude who tried to draft articles of impeachment that even his own party concluded was unmitigated bullshit. Find a real source next time. You have no idea what you're talking about.

As usual, you’ve said a whole lot of nothing other than invective.

Since we are the company we keep, if your government friends have even half of your personality they probably should be fired. 🤷‍♂️

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