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Any MAGA Federal Employees Out There? Trump Is About To Cut Your Benefits. (1 Viewer)

This work one-day-a-month thing from the office is BS. Keeping federal office buildings open at 25% occupancy is also BS. Biden really spoiled them.

The “SHOW UP Act”😆:

If you're going to criticize WFH for federal workers at least know what the **** you're talking about. There are hardly any federal employees who work from home one day a month. Most work at minimum 60% in the office, and many are already at 80 or 100%. Like so many MAGA-leaning voters, you're ****ing uninformed. But the fact that you're uninformed and have absolutely no ****ing clue what you're talking about won't keep you from having an opinion anyway, will it?
BTW, this SHOULD go without saying, but lots of people obviously don't know jack shit.

Trump CANNOT unilaterally cut Federal benefits.

Those are mandated by law.

Trump would have to get a change in the law to change benefits.
BTW, this SHOULD go without saying, but lots of people obviously don't know jack shit.

Trump CANNOT unilaterally cut Federal benefits.

Those are mandated by law.

Trump would have to get a change in the law to change benefits.

Trump voters are some of the stupidest, in-bred, genetically-defective mother****ers on the face of the earth. I just can't be friendly or diplomatic about it anymore. They spout uninformed nonsense and can't admit when they don't know what the **** they're talking about, instead preferring to double and triple down on the stupid.
Okay, so you're just here to thread-shit with your uninformed nonsense. Glad we cleared that up.
I’ve not dug deep into the topic, so sue me. That being said, I’ve not seen a compelling reason from the board experts why federal benefits SHOULDNT be looked at.
He’s not even in office yet and has already achieved a cease fire…as precarious as it is…that Biden wouldn’t or couldn’t. How unheard of is that? 🤷‍♂️
It's Reagan-esque.
Trump voters are some of the stupidest, in-bred, genetically-defective mother****ers on the face of the earth. I just can't be friendly or diplomatic about it anymore. They spout uninformed nonsense and can't admit when they don't know what the **** they're talking about, instead preferring to double and triple down on the stupid.
Yet the OP staked the claim that Trump WOULD take such actions. 🤷‍♂️…making the author the uninformed one.
That's not true at all. You voted for a man who claimed to have never heard of Project 2025 and who has no use for it. That's what you voted for. A ****ing liar.
I think what he is implying is that MAGAs knew that Trump was a goddamned liar yet they believed him when he said he never heard of Project 2025 even though Trump was filmed sitting with Kevin Roberts for about 2 hours. Try and convince us Roberts never once mentioned Project 2025 to Trump. MAGAs deserve every evil Trump is about to bring on them.
Trump voters are some of the stupidest, in-bred, genetically-defective mother****ers on the face of the earth. I just can't be friendly or diplomatic about it anymore. They spout uninformed nonsense and can't admit when they don't know what the **** they're talking about, instead preferring to double and triple down on the stupid.
Joe? The Easter bunny is here to take you back to the basement. :ROFLMAO:
Obvious is obvious.

Nah. I'll just point out that you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
Yeah, you’ve already given the OP the business for thinking Trump COULD do all of this by himself.
Yet the OP staked the claim that Trump WOULD take such actions. 🤷‍♂️…making the author the uninformed one.
I think it's safe to assume that the Washington Post is more informed than you are.
Reagan, like Trump, did nothing that Iran/Hamas didn't intend to do already. They didn't do anything special to get the hostages back.
Yeah, nothing special whatsoever. 🙄…the hostages beg to differ.
I think it's safe to assume that the Washington Post is more informed that you are.
Take it up with multivita-man…he’s the one who said it was full of s**t. Be careful, though…he’s no longer being friendly or diplomatic.
Yeah, nothing special whatsoever. 🙄…the hostages beg to differ.

The deal that's going into effect now is the same one that was proposed in May. What changed was that Iran and their proxies have basically lost the war(s) and they lost leverage. If you want to argue that Israel preferred dealing with Trump than Harris, I'd agree with that, but the dynamics changed in the region. Not that I expect you to understand any of this -- it's too complex for people who just admittedly post about things they've not spent much time thinking about.
The deal that's going into effect now is the same one that was proposed in May. What changed was that Iran and their proxies have basically lost the war(s) and they lost leverage. If you want to argue that Israel preferred dealing with Trump than Harris, I'd agree with that, but the dynamics changed in the region. Not that I expect you to understand any of this -- it's too complex for people who just admittedly post about things they've not spent much time thinking about.
I agree Trump didn’t craft the framework of the ceasefire. He just expedited the implementation when it looked like that was impossible. Perhaps the Biden administration didn’t want peace. 🤷‍♂️
BTW, this SHOULD go without saying, but lots of people obviously don't know jack shit.

Trump CANNOT unilaterally cut Federal benefits.

Those are mandated by law.

Trump would have to get a change in the law to change benefits.
From the WaPo --

Incoming Trump officials have consulted conservative policy experts on executive orders to weaken the power of federal unions, which they see as a barrier to their plans to revamp U.S. agencies, according to the people familiar with the matter. One four-page memo, disseminated this month to congressional GOP leadership and incoming Trump aides, states the president can prevent agencies from negotiating collective bargaining agreements with unions under a 1978 law if doing so would risk “a national security concern.”

The memo, written by the conservative group Americans for Tax Reform, points out that President Barack Obama excluded some of the Defense Department from collective bargaining in January 2017, and other presidents took similar actions. But conservatives want to go much further under Trump.
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If you're going to criticize WFH for federal workers at least know what the **** you're talking about. There are hardly any federal employees who work from home one day a month.

Who are you? OMB Director? 😆

So enlighten me. What is “hardly any”? And why are there any such workers at this point? What agencies have collective bargaining agreements covering these workers, and how many total workers do they cover? Do you know? I heard some workers schedule their one day to be back-to-back with the next month so that they only have to show up two days in a row every two months! 😆 Is that true? A simple yes or no will do. 🫡

Most work at minimum 60% in the office, and many are already at 80 or 100%.

And yet supposedly only 25% of federal agency HQ office space in Washington DC is occupied. Is that true? If people are back to work, why is that, especially considering that head-counts haven’t declined. If anything, they’ve gone up. 🤷‍♂️

Like so many MAGA-leaning voters, you're ****ing uninformed. But the fact that you're uninformed and have absolutely no ****ing clue what you're talking about won't keep you from having an opinion anyway, will it?

So Congressman Comer and the cosponsors of his SHOW UP bill are uninformed?
Who are you? OMB Director? 😆

Someone who actually knows a lot of federal employees and agency policies.

So enlighten me.


What is “hardly any”?

Already gave you numbers but I guess someone can't read.

And yet supposedly only 25% of federal agency HQ office space in Washington DC is occupied. Is that true? If people are back to work, why is that, especially considering that head-counts haven’t declined. If anything, they’ve gone up. 🤷‍♂️

This is an example of you not having any idea what "underutilization" means. It doesn't mean that everyone's working from home. It means that there's a lot of extra office space that conceivably could be used but for whatever reason isn't. This is true of *private* commercial office space as well.

So Congressman Comer and the 26 cosponsors of his bill are uninformed?

Given what I know about them, yes, I'd say that's probably a good assumption.
This is the least of the problems that Federal workers are about to have.

There are about 3 million civilian federal workers in 430 federal agencies in 15 departments, not counting so-called “independent” agencies like Elizabeth Warren’s pet, the CFPB. Some of these people no doubt need an extended vacation.


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