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Any MAGA Federal Employees Out There? Trump Is About To Cut Your Benefits. (1 Viewer)

RIP U.S. Democracy

DP Veteran
Jan 17, 2022
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This is what all the MAGA gomer suckers wanted....you're about to get it. --

The incoming Trump administration is preparing executive orders aimed at the federal workforce that could be implemented within days, kicking off an effort that they see as essential for wresting power away from career government employees, according to four people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal conversations.

House Republican leaders are also gearing up to enact their own curbs on federal workers this spring, which could include significant cuts to employee benefits, said two other people, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity to reflect internal conversations, as well as a document circulating on Capitol Hill.

The executive actions under consideration include measures to weaken the power of federal employee unions by stripping workers of collective bargaining rights they’ve had for four decades, the people said. Trump aide Stephen Miller told GOP congressional leadership Sunday that the administration may also move quickly to undo federal diversity initiatives, according to two people familiar with a call he held, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe the private talk.

Trump is cutting your benefits? Sorry 😢
This is what all the MAGA gomer suckers wanted....you're about to get it. --

The incoming Trump administration is preparing executive orders aimed at the federal workforce that could be implemented within days, kicking off an effort that they see as essential for wresting power away from career government employees, according to four people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal conversations.

House Republican leaders are also gearing up to enact their own curbs on federal workers this spring, which could include significant cuts to employee benefits, said two other people, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity to reflect internal conversations, as well as a document circulating on Capitol Hill.

The executive actions under consideration include measures to weaken the power of federal employee unions by stripping workers of collective bargaining rights they’ve had for four decades, the people said. Trump aide Stephen Miller told GOP congressional leadership Sunday that the administration may also move quickly to undo federal diversity initiatives, according to two people familiar with a call he held, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe the private talk.

This cuts straight to one of the main objectives of Project 2025.

We tried really hard to warn people.
You crack me up with the anonymous reference. It starts again. Who knows if these people exist at all? IMO, the so-called journalists create stories and then use "anonymous sources" as references and the public will never know that these people are fictional.

Trump ran on the platform that the DOGE would eliminate waste. If you are a federal employee, that is not needed, you will lose your job. The statements about cutting benefits is BS.
according to two people familiar with a call he held, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe the private talk.

Oh my.......
That’s true. We heard about Project 2025 incessantly. And people voted for it so…here we go.
That's not true at all. You voted for a man who claimed to have never heard of Project 2025 and who has no use for it. That's what you voted for. A ****ing liar.
You crack me up with the anonymous reference. It starts again. Who knows if these people exist at all? IMO, the so-called journalists create stories and then use "anonymous sources" as references and the public will never know that these people are fictional.

Trump ran on the platform that the DOGE would eliminate waste. If you are a federal employee, that is not needed, you will lose your job. The statements about cutting benefits is BS.
In what way is it BS? If you cannot unionize, that eliminates your collective bargaining power....which leads to reduction of benefits.
This is what all the MAGA gomer suckers wanted....you're about to get it. --

The incoming Trump administration is preparing executive orders aimed at the federal workforce that could be implemented within days, kicking off an effort that they see as essential for wresting power away from career government employees, according to four people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal conversations.

House Republican leaders are also gearing up to enact their own curbs on federal workers this spring, which could include significant cuts to employee benefits, said two other people, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity to reflect internal conversations, as well as a document circulating on Capitol Hill.

The executive actions under consideration include measures to weaken the power of federal employee unions by stripping workers of collective bargaining rights they’ve had for four decades, the people said. Trump aide Stephen Miller told GOP congressional leadership Sunday that the administration may also move quickly to undo federal diversity initiatives, according to two people familiar with a call he held, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe the private talk.

Wow. The unemployment rate is going to skyrocket. WTG Trump!
In what way is it BS? If you cannot unionize, that eliminates your collective bargaining power....which leads to reduction of benefits.

Pandemic’s over. Time to get their asses back in the office. This work one-day-a-month thing from the office is BS. Keeping federal office buildings open at 25% occupancy is also BS. Biden really spoiled them.

The “SHOW UP Act”😆:

Key Provisions of the SHOW UP Act:

  • Requires federal agencies to reduce telework to not more than 2019 levels within 30 days;
  • Requires federal agencies to submit to Congress retrospective studies within six months detailing how pandemic-era telework levels impacted their missions—including adverse effects on services, network security, and costs for real property and locality pay; and
  • Prevents federal agencies from expanding telework without submitting to Congress plans certified by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that detail how such policies will:
    • Substantially improve agency mission-performance;
    • Substantially lower agency costs for real property and locality pay;
    • Ensure security for agency networks, data and records;
    • Accelerate the dispersal of federal jobs across the nation and outside the Beltway.
That's not true at all. You voted for a man who claimed to have never heard of Project 2025 and who has no use for it. That's what you voted for. A ****ing liar.
Perhaps at the time he said it, he hadn’t. 🤷‍♂️…don’t know.
This is what all the MAGA gomer suckers wanted....you're about to get it. --

The incoming Trump administration is preparing executive orders aimed at the federal workforce that could be implemented within days, kicking off an effort that they see as essential for wresting power away from career government employees, according to four people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal conversations.

House Republican leaders are also gearing up to enact their own curbs on federal workers this spring, which could include significant cuts to employee benefits, said two other people, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity to reflect internal conversations, as well as a document circulating on Capitol Hill.

The executive actions under consideration include measures to weaken the power of federal employee unions by stripping workers of collective bargaining rights they’ve had for four decades, the people said. Trump aide Stephen Miller told GOP congressional leadership Sunday that the administration may also move quickly to undo federal diversity initiatives, according to two people familiar with a call he held, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe the private talk.



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That's not true at all. You voted for a man who claimed to have never heard of Project 2025 and who has no use for it. That's what you voted for. A ****ing liar.

And the on-the-fencers voted for "oh, that's probably not true" and "I want cheaper eggs."

Oops and oops, but here we are. Strap in! Four years.
And the on-the-fencers voted for "oh, that's probably not true
Probably because the left has spouted BS for 8 straight years and believing anything from them is done at your own peril.
Probably because the left has spouted BS for 8 straight years and believing anything from them is done at your own peril.

LOL sure.

Nah. Probably because they were screamed at by a liar for four years straight that the sky was falling "because of the left" and that only he could save them. And over and over again, gave promises to lower prices...enact immediate deportations...end a war. (Oops on all three so far...)

People want lower crime (even if it's imagined crime) and a cheap grocery bill. Period.

"Done at your own peril" LOL. Wait two years when eggs are still expensive, and the tide turns once again as it always does when Americans say "Okay, I'm ditching this party, I'm sick of waiting for prices to go down like they promised," and Pubs are standing there having lost their majority in Congress going, "What????? I thought Dems lost because of all this deep, angry, profound shit I concocted in my fantasies!" 🤣

People want cheaper eggs.

There you go. Pretty simple.

But, then, people are.
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On of the more unholy alliances in American politics is government workers voting for Democrats because Democrats hand out bags of money to government workers.

Definitely more of a problem at the state level where long term control by Democrats effectively allows the looting of the taxpayers to benefit government unions.

Pension expenses are the single-largest item in the state budget, taking up nearly $10.5 billion, or 20%, of the state’s general funds budget, and nearly $11.6 billion across all state funds.

Illinois’ pension contributions are far below what actuaries determined is required to begin paying down the state’s $142 billion in pension debt – the gap between what the state will have available and what state retirees must eventually be paid. Payments across all funds in 2025 are more than $4.5 billion short of actuarially determined contributions, according to the Illinois General Assembly’s Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability.

Seems like some financial responsibility at the Federal level is a good idea. Something tells me they'll do fine retaining their stellar employees regardless.
And over and over again, gave promises to lower prices...enact immediate deportations...end a war. (Oops on all three so far...)
He’s not even in office yet and has already achieved a cease fire…as precarious as it is…that Biden wouldn’t or couldn’t. How unheard of is that? 🤷‍♂️
Good luck discussing this with your husband/wife/kids.
On of the more unholy alliances in American politics is government workers voting for Democrats because Democrats hand out bags of money to government workers.

Definitely more of a problem at the state level where long term control by Democrats effectively allows the looting of the taxpayers to benefit government unions.

Seems like some financial responsibility at the Federal level is a good idea. Something tells me they'll do fine retaining their stellar employees regardless.

The FERS annuity portion of the Federal retirement system is fully funded and in excellent financial shape.
Wow. The unemployment rate is going to skyrocket. WTG Trump!
Especially in the DC area. This is one of the most prosperous areas of the country because of the Federal workforce and their benefits. It will also hurt all the service workers in the DC area.
Pandemic’s over. Time to get their asses back in the office. This work one-day-a-month thing from the office is BS. Keeping federal office buildings open at 25% occupancy is also BS. Biden really spoiled them.

The “SHOW UP Act”😆:

This is the least of the problems that Federal workers are about to have.

Any MAGA Federal Employees Out There? Trump Is About To Cut Your Benefits.​


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