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ANTIFA hunter gets 3 years (1 Viewer)


USMC 1988-1996
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Sep 18, 2011
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New Mexico
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He seems nice.

‘Antifa hunter’ gets 3 years for racist threats against Black political candidate, activist

A Florida man who called himself “the Antifa hunter” as he waged an online campaign to terrorize and harass those who opposed his white supremacist ideology was sentenced on Monday to more than three years in prison.

Daniel McMahon, 32, of Brandon, Florida, pleaded guilty in April to using social media to threaten a Black activist to deter the man from running for office in Charlottesville, Virginia. McMahon also admitted that he threatened to sexually assault the young autistic daughter of a North Carolina woman who protested against white nationalists.​

I don't think prison will go well for him.
What a nice guy... /end sarcasm.
All terrorists on any side should be locked up. No exceptions.

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