FinnMacCool said:
This is gonna be an interesting event to watch on tv. I wonder if the conservatives are going to keep ignoring them now.
Despite whether there is a truth or not to any of this you bush supporters better watch out.
It seems like all of this anti Iraq stuff is starting to heat up now? Why? Cause this is what goes on in the peoples minds?
Where are the National Guard? Oh they're in Iraq
Oh yeah and that money that was supposed to go to the levees? Yeah we spent that on a war instead.
So yeah I think conservatives are kinda screwed now. Well lets sit back and enjoy the political fireworks.
HUh huh, ...don't bet your house on the conservatives being screwed now.
I think you liberals mis-judged the mainstream majority, ..& you CAN bet on one thing though; ...there WILL be protesters aginst the liberal whiney little snots that "think" they can get Bush on "something"!
Liberals love polls too, but they are basically meaningless, if not outright manipulated.
The money for the leveees was recieved LONG ago, & NEW Orleans recieved 1.9 BILLION dollars. THats right, they recieved even more than california.
THe CORRUPT local, & state political machine in NEW Orleans just blew that federal aid on different things, as well as their phoney croney's.
BTW, ..the first line response WAS the mayor's responsibility, not Pres. BUsh's....& THe mayor SHOULD have used the BUSES he had by the thousand IF you count the school buses, & other public buses to extricate the poor out of the city BEFORE katrina hit, & they had ample warning.
Of course he could not, because the whole city HAS, & lives by an "ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY" expecting the fed to do every damn thing for them.
Why so many poor, & black...? Simple, leave anything to the liberals & democrats who RAN New Orleans for 60 YEARS, & they STAYED POOR!
Maybe the democrats should help the media invent a few more conspiracy theories...huh huh. THe liberals, & democrats are great at that, or perhaps getting "something" on Bush.....since they cannot win elections anymore, & will not win in 08' either.
THe American majority see all too well how the left wing kooks, & nuts & THE DIRTY BIASED MEDIA has SAVAGED Bush the last two years.
What does the DNC have today that they didn't have last time..? Zilch, nada, & ...nothing in spite of the medias, & DNC constant political assassination, & outright savagery that's been heaped upon Bush.
What have the liberals, & democrats done in the senate, or house to make America better for all, & what alternative ideas have THEY put forth?
THats simple, ..why NOTHING of course, except a constant "GET BUSH THEME" at any, & all costs!
And be sure......THAT is EXACTLY WHAT WILL BE REMEMBERD when those kooks, & nuts in the DNC start their campaign for the whitehouse.
So what do YOU suppose the DNC will have that will give themselves an edge, because all I see is well..., "nothing" as usual except obstruction, hate, & lies with the intention of trying to destroy his presidency, because that ALL the democrats have these days! (besides the fact that liberals always hide about WHO & WHAT they are & WHAT they really represent) :2razz:
Isn't it pathetic when they have to "Pretend" as Hillary has been doing, instead of being who they actually really are? Actually, it should be embarrassing not being able to campaign on what THEY really believe, just like the double talking John Kerry did! :rofl