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Anti War Rally this weekend (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal

This is gonna be an interesting event to watch on tv. I wonder if the conservatives are going to keep ignoring them now.

Despite whether there is a truth or not to any of this you bush supporters better watch out.

It seems like all of this anti Iraq stuff is starting to heat up now? Why? Cause this is what goes on in the peoples minds?

Where are the National Guard? Oh they're in Iraq

Oh yeah and that money that was supposed to go to the levees? Yeah we spent that on a war instead.

So yeah I think conservatives are kinda screwed now. Well lets sit back and enjoy the political fireworks.
Yea, the rally should be interesting. I heard that President Bush won't be there anyway, he's going to texas to supervise the evacutation. Ban electoral usually brings these rallies up. Where is he? I haven't seen him make any posts in a few days?
FinnMacCool said:

This is gonna be an interesting event to watch on tv. I wonder if the conservatives are going to keep ignoring them now.

Despite whether there is a truth or not to any of this you bush supporters better watch out.

It seems like all of this anti Iraq stuff is starting to heat up now? Why? Cause this is what goes on in the peoples minds?

Where are the National Guard? Oh they're in Iraq

Oh yeah and that money that was supposed to go to the levees? Yeah we spent that on a war instead.

So yeah I think conservatives are kinda screwed now. Well lets sit back and enjoy the political fireworks.

HUh huh, ...don't bet your house on the conservatives being screwed now.

I think you liberals mis-judged the mainstream majority, ..& you CAN bet on one thing though; ...there WILL be protesters aginst the liberal whiney little snots that "think" they can get Bush on "something"!

Liberals love polls too, but they are basically meaningless, if not outright manipulated.

The money for the leveees was recieved LONG ago, & NEW Orleans recieved 1.9 BILLION dollars. THats right, they recieved even more than california.

THe CORRUPT local, & state political machine in NEW Orleans just blew that federal aid on different things, as well as their phoney croney's.

BTW, ..the first line response WAS the mayor's responsibility, not Pres. BUsh's....& THe mayor SHOULD have used the BUSES he had by the thousand IF you count the school buses, & other public buses to extricate the poor out of the city BEFORE katrina hit, & they had ample warning.

Of course he could not, because the whole city HAS, & lives by an "ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY" expecting the fed to do every damn thing for them.

Why so many poor, & black...? Simple, leave anything to the liberals & democrats who RAN New Orleans for 60 YEARS, & they STAYED POOR!

Maybe the democrats should help the media invent a few more conspiracy theories...huh huh. THe liberals, & democrats are great at that, or perhaps getting "something" on Bush.....since they cannot win elections anymore, & will not win in 08' either.

THe American majority see all too well how the left wing kooks, & nuts & THE DIRTY BIASED MEDIA has SAVAGED Bush the last two years.

What does the DNC have today that they didn't have last time..? Zilch, nada, & ...nothing in spite of the medias, & DNC constant political assassination, & outright savagery that's been heaped upon Bush.

What have the liberals, & democrats done in the senate, or house to make America better for all, & what alternative ideas have THEY put forth?

THats simple, ..why NOTHING of course, except a constant "GET BUSH THEME" at any, & all costs!

And be sure......THAT is EXACTLY WHAT WILL BE REMEMBERD when those kooks, & nuts in the DNC start their campaign for the whitehouse.

So what do YOU suppose the DNC will have that will give themselves an edge, because all I see is well..., "nothing" as usual except obstruction, hate, & lies with the intention of trying to destroy his presidency, because that ALL the democrats have these days! (besides the fact that liberals always hide about WHO & WHAT they are & WHAT they really represent) :2razz:

Isn't it pathetic when they have to "Pretend" as Hillary has been doing, instead of being who they actually really are? Actually, it should be embarrassing not being able to campaign on what THEY really believe, just like the double talking John Kerry did! :rofl
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O man, you definetly are non-partisan. You need to chill out, I sense alot of tension there. I am willing to bet that you pee sitting down.:2razz:
kal-el said:
O man, you definetly are non-partisan. You need to chill out, I sense alot of tension there. I am willing to bet that you pee sitting down.:2razz:
You had me laughing until the last sentence...

Don't make me get out the Moderator robes.:naughty
cnredd said:
You had me laughing until the last sentence...

Don't make me get out the Moderator robes.:naughty

He had me laughing with that last sentence.:lol:
I was on the mall today when the protestors rambled through. With signs like "Fu*k War" all over the place, it was no wonder that visiting families with small kids had to cut their day short.

I'll be attending a much more respectable march tomorrow.
What makes your march more "respectable"?

Oh by the way, not to be outdone with posting useless images here is one of mine.

FinnMacCool said:
What makes your march more "respectable"?

Oh by the way, not to be outdone with posting useless images here is one of mine.

Yeah, I suppose if I'm not ANTI-something I can't be part of your "cool" "in" crowd...... and by respectable I mean we won't be protesting something that offends us by being offensive ourselves.

When you grow up you might comprehend this.
I did not attend the protest, but went into DC for the day. On my way home, I saw a bunch of people with signs who oppose the war. There were definitely those who support the war there to protest the anti-war protest.

Can someone explain to me why people assume that those of us who do not support this war somehow don't support our troops? I don't get that. I support our troops. I care when they die. I care when they get injured. I want them out of Iraq so that they aren't getting killed, maimed, and their families aren't suffering because their spouse, child, relative is dead.
aps said:
I did not attend the protest, but went into DC for the day. On my way home, I saw a bunch of people with signs who oppose the war. There were definitely those who support the war there to protest the anti-war protest.

Can someone explain to me why people assume that those of us who do not support this war somehow don't support our troops? I don't get that. I support our troops. I care when they die. I care when they get injured. I want them out of Iraq so that they aren't getting killed, maimed, and their families aren't suffering because their spouse, child, relative is dead.

Because it doesn't make any sense to us. Our morals are higher.
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GySgt said:
Because it doesn't make any sense to us.

Explain to me why it doesn't make sense.

For example, a judge I worked for is totally pro-life, as is his wife. He got a case before him where he had to uphold the law, which allows abortion. His wife did the "March for Life." Does that mean that she doesn't support her husband? Nope.
Just a bunch of leftover hippies from the sixties burning their American Flags and shouting anti- military slogans and waving their anti military signs........No more no less..

It was so discussing seeing them outside Walter Reed Hospital a couple of weeks ago harrassing the wounded troops............They have no shame..........

Why don't you liberals wise up and smell the roses? President Bush is not driven by your whacked out polls and is going to see this job through to the finish.........
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Liberals, pacifists, and anti-war protesters offer the world nothing.

War and the men that would risk it all waging it have shaped our world. History has recorded it for all to see. The aggressions of history would cover the world with Nazism, Communism, and Fundamental Islam.

Through the anti-Semitic hate of the European Nazi, we would see the complete extinction of Jews and the Jewish religion as just a start. Nazism carries with it an air of superiority. Hitler’s Nazism would have seen the complete persecution of all people, races, and their religions because they were less than “Aryan”. The “Culturally inferior” would have all succumbed to the power of the swastika.

Through Communism, we have seen represssive states that dominated every aspect of life. The Communist states often practice censorship. The level of censorship varies widely between different states and historical periods, but it nearly always exists to a greater or lesser extent. This censorship includes the arts, science, and dissent. Large scale human rights violations are very common in Communist states. Most prominent were deaths due to executions, forced labor camps, genocides of certain ethnic minorities, and mass starvations caused by either government mismanagement or deliberately. Lesser violations include religious and ethnic persecutions, sytematic use of torture as part of police procedure, and the complete lack of democracy.

Through Fundamental Islam, we have seen a very similar movement that reflects that of the Communists and surpasses the Nazi movement. The persecution of Jews and the never ending terror levied against Israel is more of the same Euro anti-semetic bigotry practiced over a period of time. In the Sudan we saw over two million Christians slaughtered in man’s latest holocaust mission. All religions aren’t merely seen as inferior, but are seen as the practice of “infidels”. The spread of oppression through religious restrictions is deadly to anyone that practices or wishes to practice a freer life style. The censorship of the arts, sciences, and dissent is not merely a crime against the state, but a crime against “God”. The spread of this new form of evil masking as a religion, is something the military has been warning America and the rest of the world about since the 1980's to deaf ears. Bin Laden, Al-Queda, and the failing Middle Eastern civilization, which is causing this spread of blasphemous Islamic extremism, has been appeased for two decades. We are still screaming the warnings, and people are still refusing to see it.

To face the aggressions of such tyrannies and to fight the cruel government’s that these ideologies are practiced and glorified, brave men must take up arms. There is such a thing as “good and evil.” Dismissing such truths by remarking that “good and evil” is merely a person’s perception of right and wrong is irresponsible at best. The armies of darkness can only be defeated by the conviction of better men that hold everyone’s freedoms high above any dictator’s or religious zealot’s sense of societal rule. Where is the liberal or pascifist in this? What do they really offer? Do we need a group of “holier than thou” individuals telling us that war is bad and to point out every civilian killed through a missile strike or that was caught up in a fire fight? After we all admit the obvious, is it enough to hold back man’s cruelest militaries from marching across our lands? No. Negative aggression will never be defeated through appeasement. Death and destruction is very necessary to combat these evils. It will always be better for the few to die now than the many to suffer later. Liberals, pacifists, and anti-war protesters neither are the aggressor nor are they a part of the defense of good. They merely take up space, voice the obvious, and get in the way through their protests.

Our sense of morality and honor is higher than the average citizen. This is why, we do not understand their protests. Their wish to "save our lives" now, will only create more deaths later.
GySgt said:
Our sense of morality and honor is higher than the average citizen. This is why, we do not understand their protests. Their wish to "save our lives" now, will only create more deaths later.

If only I could believe that their intentions were as noble as saving our soldiers lives. Considering what I've seen from a majority of their protests, I'd be a fool to come to that conclusion.
Navy Pride said:
Just a bunch of leftover hippies from the sixties burning their American Flags and shouting anti- military slogans and waving their anti military signs........No more no less..

It was so discussing seeing them outside Walter Reed Hospital a couple of weeks ago harrassing the wounded troops............They have no shame..........

Why don't you liberals wise up and smell the roses? President Bush is not driven by your whacked out polls and is going to see this job through to the finish.........

Navy Pride, are you really a professor? I find that hard to believe based on this nonsense that you are posting.

Do you have a link to show me where I could read about the anti-war protestors harassing the troops outside Walter Reed. If they did that, that is awful.

So what would my wising up and smelling the roses entail? In some ways, I am glad he is continuing with this war, since he is becoming so unpopular that people may be ready to vote for a democrat at the next presidential election, and hopefully will cause people like Rick Santorum to lose his seat in the senate.

BTW, the majority of Americans think the war is a mistake.


Fifty-nine percent said they considered the 2003 invasion of Iraq a mistake. That figure is the highest recorded in a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll.
wrath said:
If only I could believe that their intentions were as noble as saving our soldiers lives. Considering what I've seen from a majority of their protests, I'd be a fool to come to that conclusion.

For example?
aps said:
Navy Pride, are you really a professor? I find that hard to believe based on this nonsense that you are posting.

Do you have a link to show me where I could read about the anti-war protestors harassing the troops outside Walter Reed. If they did that, that is awful.

So what would my wising up and smelling the roses entail? In some ways, I am glad he is continuing with this war, since he is becoming so unpopular that people may be ready to vote for a democrat at the next presidential election, and hopefully will cause people like Rick Santorum to lose his seat in the senate.

BTW, the majority of Americans think the war is a mistake.


Fifty-nine percent said they considered the 2003 invasion of Iraq a mistake. That figure is the highest recorded in a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll.

As far as the protestors harrassing the wounded coming into Walter Reed it was all over the news and here is a link you can read about it...Next time try and keep up.I wwon't do your work for you again.....


Anti-War Protests Target Wounded at Army Hospital
By Marc Morano
CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
August 25, 2005

Why would anyone want to vote for the Kerrys and Gores of the world? They have no solutions, no answers, just critcisms and bellyacheing.....
aps said:
For example?

Glad you asked!
A few of the thousands of pics of your peace loving, soldier saving, respectable comrads. If there are benevolent messages in here somewhere I certainly don't see it!




i lost respect for all anti-war rallies and the people who attend them within a week of our initial invasion of Iraq. anyone else who lived in San Francisco during that time did as well, im sure. i dont know if anyone here remembers, but 'protesters for peace' shut the city down for nearly three days by crowding the streets, they prevented emergency response vehicles from running calls, directly resulting in peoples deaths, they started riots, put police officers in the hospital and ultimately caused the city over a million dollars. and guess who picks up the tab? me, the taxpayer. after this, ive made up my mind that anti-war protesters are nothing more than children throwing a tantrum. they have no respect for anyone but themselves and take no responsibility for their actions. it just cracks me up watching a guy yelling obscenities and throwing glass bottles and rocks at police while he holds a sign that says "Peace is the Answer".

and if you're a sympathizer of these protesters, please dont quote me and say that im making a blanket statement and that not all demonstrators are children because i dont care anymore, your comrades ruined it for all of you.
FiremanRyan said:
and if you're a sympathizer of these protesters, please dont quote me and say that im making a blanket statement and that not all demonstrators are children because i dont care anymore, your comrades ruined it for all of you.
That's how I felt about abortion protestors too. Now, I know that they're all bombers, snipers and assorted murderers. Their comrades ruined it for all of them.

You see, I have trouble wrapping my mind around the possibility that there might be some difference or distinction between some violent extremists amongst abortion protesters and the vast majority of those who sympathize with the cause of peacable abortion protestors who are respectable law-abiding Americans.

Maybe if I seek help and try really, really hard, I can get over my inability to think of other human beings except in terms of merely stereotyped caricatures that're drawn w/ childlike crudeness from limited samples.

If I find a way around this, would you like to know what it is? Or are you more comfortable w/ simplified yet fallacious reasoning re your fellow Americans?
Liberals, pacifists, and anti-war protesters offer the world nothing.

War and the men that would risk it all waging it have shaped our world. History has recorded it for all to see. The aggressions of history would cover the world with Nazism, Communism, and Fundamental Islam.

Through the anti-Semitic hate of the European Nazi, we would see the complete extinction of Jews and the Jewish religion as just a start. Nazism carries with it an air of superiority. Hitler’s Nazism would have seen the complete persecution of all people, races, and their religions because they were less than “Aryan”. The “Culturally inferior” would have all succumbed to the power of the swastika.

Through Communism, we have seen represssive states that dominated every aspect of life. The Communist states often practice censorship. The level of censorship varies widely between different states and historical periods, but it nearly always exists to a greater or lesser extent. This censorship includes the arts, science, and dissent. Large scale human rights violations are very common in Communist states. Most prominent were deaths due to executions, forced labor camps, genocides of certain ethnic minorities, and mass starvations caused by either government mismanagement or deliberately. Lesser violations include religious and ethnic persecutions, sytematic use of torture as part of police procedure, and the complete lack of democracy.

Through Fundamental Islam, we have seen a very similar movement that reflects that of the Communists and surpasses the Nazi movement. The persecution of Jews and the never ending terror levied against Israel is more of the same Euro anti-semetic bigotry practiced over a period of time. In the Sudan we saw over two million Christians slaughtered in man’s latest holocaust mission. All religions aren’t merely seen as inferior, but are seen as the practice of “infidels”. The spread of oppression through religious restrictions is deadly to anyone that practices or wishes to practice a freer life style. The censorship of the arts, sciences, and dissent is not merely a crime against the state, but a crime against “God”. The spread of this new form of evil masking as a religion, is something the military has been warning America and the rest of the world about since the 1980's to deaf ears. Bin Laden, Al-Queda, and the failing Middle Eastern civilization, which is causing this spread of blasphemous Islamic extremism, has been appeased for two decades. We are still screaming the warnings, and people are still refusing to see it.

To face the aggressions of such tyrannies and to fight the cruel government’s that these ideologies are practiced and glorified, brave men must take up arms. There is such a thing as “good and evil.” Dismissing such truths by remarking that “good and evil” is merely a person’s perception of right and wrong is irresponsible at best. The armies of darkness can only be defeated by the conviction of better men that hold everyone’s freedoms high above any dictator’s or religious zealot’s sense of societal rule. Where is the liberal or pascifist in this? What do they really offer? Do we need a group of “holier than thou” individuals telling us that war is bad and to point out every civilian killed through a missile strike or that was caught up in a fire fight? After we all admit the obvious, is it enough to hold back man’s cruelest militaries from marching across our lands? No. Negative aggression will never be defeated through appeasement. Death and destruction is very necessary to combat these evils. It will always be better for the few to die now than the many to suffer later. Liberals, pacifists, and anti-war protesters neither are the aggressor nor are they a part of the defense of good. They merely take up space, voice the obvious, and get in the way through their protests.

Our sense of morality and honor is higher than the average citizen. This is why, we do not understand their protests. Their wish to "save our lives" now, will only create more deaths later.

You think Ghandi merely just took up space? He didn't resort to violence and look at what he achieved.

Everything about your post disgusts me. I wonder if you will ever get tired of fighting wars. We've been doing it since the beginning of time really. Nothing has changed. fighting evil with evil isn't gonna cut it.

Please forgive me my morally superior marine if I offended you in any way.

And you know something GySgt? You could at least try and tell your fellow moral soldiers that nuking the middle east and killing millions of innocents is wrong. you seem very careful not to take a stance on that for some reason. I dunno why.
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FinnMacCool said:
What makes your march more "respectable"?
Well can you cite any at the pro-America that read anything like these at the anti-America rally

"9/11 Was an Inside Job"
"Impeach the Fourth Reich"
"One Fuhrer was Enough"
"Stop Facism"
"F - - k the war"
"Convict and Castrate Cheney"
FinnMacCool said:
You think Ghandi merely just took up space? He didn't resort to violence and look at what he achieved.

Everything about your post disgusts me. I wonder if you will ever get tired of fighting wars. We've been doing it since the beginning of time really. Nothing has changed. fighting evil with evil isn't gonna cut it.

Please forgive me my morally superior marine if I offended you in any way.

And you know something GySgt? You could at least try and tell your fellow moral soldiers that nuking the middle east and killing millions of innocents is wrong. you seem very careful not to take a stance on that for some reason. I dunno why.

What disgusts you is self-knowledge. That would be your problem, not mine. I would rather face my enemy with a bullet, not a hug and not a kiss on the ass. While I have killed, it has been for your lifestyle. It must pain you to know that for you to maintain a pacifist lifestyle, people like me have to do the things that you find despicable. It's quite a quagmire isn't it? I kill to protect mine and my families existence. You and millions of others may tag along for the ride. It's my gift.

What was so great about Gandhi? Really. Amongst the wars of history that has shaped our lives to this day, you mention one single man? We do not face a British empire. We face a civilization of murderous thugs that hide their barbarism under the guise of a religion. Ghandhi is no more than a goody-goody icon. A great man, no doubt, but in a world where terrorism lurks at every corner and computer screens blink on all sides, Gandhi is passe. Gandhi will get you killed. It got him killed. Pacifism merely prolongs the inevitable. As far as what he achieved?......He traded in the English rule for the rule of religious persecution and religious sponsered violence. Violence against religious minorities, mainly Christians, is escalating throughout India and has been for a while. Hindu-Muslim voilence has achieving quite the body count over the years. Thanks for the band-aid "G".

As far as nukes.....I have made that stance. I'll do it again.....I wouldn't like to have to make the call, because it is morally wrong. However, I've already said that I would not be opposed to a few nukes being dropped in the Middle East. Hell, if given the order, I'd push the button. Militarily speaking, and like it or not, it would be a very strategic move. And until the "innocent" decide to distinguish themselves from the terrorists and Islamic extremists, they are among them. The Arabs of the Middle East have conducted "Jihads" on the people of Jesus, Gandhi, and Buddha all over the world and are still doing so. You can put on a smiley face on and be as politically correct as possible, but the fact is....the world would be a better place if the Middle East, simply...did not exist. This is where people like me, make the decisions that you don't want to make. People like me allow people like you the freedom to be self-righteous. Must be nice.

What Would Jesus Bomb?
What Would Gandhi Bomb?
What Would Buddha Bomb?

---- Nothing. Doing the dirty work is what people like me are for. Do you believe in God? I wonder how many people have been killed for you to worship in peace? What makes you think you're so clean? None of us are free of hypocrisy, but at least the military's hypocrisy is defined and without facade and deceit.
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