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Anti-Vaxxers: Feel silly yet complaining about your freedom and tyranny? (1 Viewer)

Dans La Lune

Senior Defenestrator
DP Veteran
Aug 30, 2019
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Oceania, 1984
Political Leaning
When you see people with real problems fighting against an actual invasion in Ukraine, don't you feel silly and imbecilic complaining about not being able to get a burger without wearing a mask? Or having to get a vaccine to enter another country as part of your employment?

As the COVID restrictions wane with the pandemic largely being under control -- with absolutely no thanks to anti-Vaxxers, who contributed to worsening the situation form every possible angle -- I hope there's time for these people to reflect on their choices and movement they've chosen to be a part of while people fighting against a Russian invasion have to scrounge for the basic essentials of life and take up arms to resist actual tyranny.

Adversity creates a sense of community and strengths the capacity for compassion and empathy. When you don't have it in your life, I guess the alternative is to complain about Trudeau and the vaccine gazpacho police.
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When you see people with real problems fighting against an actual invasion in Ukraine, don't you feel silly and imbecilic complaining about not being able to get a burger without wearing a mask? Or having to get a vaccine to enter another country as part of your employment?

As the COVID restrictions wane with the pandemic largely being under control -- with absolutely no thanks to anti-Vaxxers, who contributed to worsening the situation form every possible angle -- I hope there's time for these people to reflect on their choices and movement they've chosen to be a part of while people fighting against a Russian invasion have to scrounge for the basic essentials of life and take up arms to resist actual tyranny.

Adversity creates a sense of community and strengths the capacity for compassion and empathy. When you don't have it in your life, I guess the alternative is to complain about Trudeau and the vaccine gazpacho police.
Great post. Don't hold your breath though. These imbeciles know no shame as they conflate the concept of 'freedom' with guns, bibles, disease and, of course, adoration of our very own Putin wannabe, the orange malignancy.
When you see people with real problems fighting against an actual invasion in Ukraine, don't you feel silly and imbecilic complaining about not being able to get a burger without wearing a mask? Or having to get a vaccine to enter another country as part of your employment?

As the COVID restrictions wane with the pandemic largely being under control -- with absolutely no thanks to anti-Vaxxers, who contributed to worsening the situation form every possible angle -- I hope there's time for these people to reflect on their choices and movement they've chosen to be a part of while people fighting against a Russian invasion have to scrounge for the basic essentials of life and take up arms to resist actual tyranny.

Adversity creates a sense of community and strengths the capacity for compassion and empathy. When you don't have it in your life, I guess the alternative to is to complain about Trudeau and the vaccine gazpacho police.

I have been vaccinated, and as this pandemic is winding down, it seems that those who did not get the vaccination were the only smart ones in the room. The "total politization" of vaccines and masks was probably some of the most ridiculous actions during the pandemic. This happens time and again, with the left......blame others, take the high road, cancel other opinions, take no prisoners, and destroy peoples lives, all for the All Mighty Narrative.
I have been vaccinated, and as this pandemic is winding down, it seems that those who did not get the vaccination were the only smart ones in the room.

The vast, vast majority o the people who died were unvaccinated. I guess it's easy to be the smartest guy in the room when the room is full of anti-vaxxers. Of course, it's less smart when hospitals have to turn away cancer patients because the rooms were full of anti-vaxxers gasping for air.
The vast, vast majority o the people who died were unvaccinated. I guess it's easy to be the smartest guy in the room when the room is full of anti-vaxxers. Of course, it's less smart when hospitals have to turn away cancer patients because the rooms were full of anti-vaxxers gasping for air.
I long maintained that unvaccinated idiots should lose their health insurance and be turned away from hospitals when they inevitably get sick. We should leave them to die in the streets as an example to others seeking to insure their 'freedom' in similar fashion. I have ZERO sympathy for any of these Darwin award winners.
The vast, vast majority o the people who died were unvaccinated. I guess it's easy to be the smartest guy in the room when the room is full of anti-vaxxers. Of course, it's less smart when hospitals have to turn away cancer patients because the rooms were full of anti-vaxxers gasping for air.

Actually, the vast, vast majority of people who died from Covid were the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions with lower immune systems......the broad swipe of dividing the country in two is typical of the democrats.....it's the usual blame game. The incessant desire to vax and mask young children was criminal behavior in need of serious prosecution, imo. It was done all in the name of the "Almighty Narrative" pushed by liberal, socialist nutjobs across the country.....they will come to accountability come Nov.
I long maintained that unvaccinated idiots should lose their health insurance and be turned away from hospitals when they inevitably get sick. We should leave them to die in the streets as an example to others seeking to insure their 'freedom' in similar fashion. I have ZERO sympathy for any of these Darwin award winners.

I have sympathy for everyone, except those who maliciously deprive others of safety and freedom. Many anti-vaxxers are victims, and not the prime movers. The prime movers are themselves FULLY vaccinated, because they don't believe the lies they profit from, and think less of their followers than the dirt beneath their fingernails.

It's been a while since I've seen an entire post/OP, dedicated to propaganda. Not just that, but one trying it's hardest to associate someone who was anti-mandate. With what is going on in between Russian and Ukraine. All of this, despite how far of a time frame the two instances have between one another.
I find the comparison between people protesting mandates and an actual shooting war to be ridiculous, personally.

I don’t see how the two are at all comparable or equatable.

Strikes me as an attempt, yet again, to vilify those who opposed mandates. Which isn’t shocking - never let a crisis go to waste and all that.
I have been vaccinated, and as this pandemic is winding down, it seems that those who did not get the vaccination were the only smart ones in the room. The "total politization" of vaccines and masks was probably some of the most ridiculous actions during the pandemic. This happens time and again, with the left......blame others, take the high road, cancel other opinions, take no prisoners, and destroy peoples lives, all for the All Mighty Narrative.
The left did not call it a democratic hoax in case you've forgotten. Whose life was destroyed by wearing a mask? Fifteen soon to be zero, we're turning the corner, poof, like a miracle it will be gone, open for business by easter and on and on and on...all said by the dems?
I find the comparison between people protesting mandates and an actual shooting war to be ridiculous, personally.

I don’t see how the two are at all comparable or equatable.

I find the comparison between people protesting mandates and an actual shooting war to be ridiculous, personally.

I don’t see how the two are at all comparable or equatable.
That was kind of the point of the OP.
Actually, the vast, vast majority of people who died from Covid were the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions with lower immune systems......the broad swipe of dividing the country in two is typical of the democrats.....it's the usual blame game. The incessant desire to vax and mask young children was criminal behavior in need of serious prosecution, imo. It was done all in the name of the "Almighty Narrative" pushed by liberal, socialist nutjobs across the country.....they will come to accountability come Nov.
They also weren't vaccinated.
I have been vaccinated, and as this pandemic is winding down, it seems that those who did not get the vaccination were the only smart ones in the room. The "total politization" of vaccines and masks was probably some of the most ridiculous actions during the pandemic. This happens time and again, with the left......blame others, take the high road, cancel other opinions, take no prisoners, and destroy peoples lives, all for the All Mighty Narrative.
The left did not call it a democratic hoax in case you've forgotten. Whose life was destroyed by wearing a mask? Fifteen soon to be zero, we're turning the corner, poof, like a miracle it will be gone, open for business by easter and on and on and on...all said by the dems?

Bullcrap.....the omicron variant destroyed the left's hopes in keeping this pandemic going onto perpetuity.....especially to Nov. Now, it's election time with Nov. looming, so hence the fast and drastic change and of course they are taking credit. Sickening politization of a pandemic from the left.....they have no soul. Power hungry losers have no place in the politics of our country, imo.....they need gone in a big way, for they are the most damaging threat to democracy in the history of our country. They've come out of the closet and America does not like what they see......gone for good, soon.
The point of the OP seems silly to me.

Attempting to compare two unrelated instances/events to what? Vilify protestors?

Say “it isn’t war, so why complain”?
It isn't tyranny, so quit the ridiculous hyperbolic snowflake victim bullshit.
I find the comparison between people protesting mandates and an actual shooting war to be ridiculous, personally.

I don’t see how the two are at all comparable or equatable.

Which ideology has been screaming about tyranny and authoritarianism over vaccine mandates? Oh right, YOURS.
When you see people with real problems fighting against an actual invasion in Ukraine, don't you feel silly and imbecilic complaining about not being able to get a burger without wearing a mask? Or having to get a vaccine to enter another country as part of your employment?

As the COVID restrictions wane with the pandemic largely being under control -- with absolutely no thanks to anti-Vaxxers, who contributed to worsening the situation form every possible angle -- I hope there's time for these people to reflect on their choices and movement they've chosen to be a part of while people fighting against a Russian invasion have to scrounge for the basic essentials of life and take up arms to resist actual tyranny.

Adversity creates a sense of community and strengths the capacity for compassion and empathy. When you don't have it in your life, I guess the alternative is to complain about Trudeau and the vaccine gazpacho police.
Bullcrap.....the omicron variant destroyed the left's hopes in keeping this pandemic going onto perpetuity.....especially to Nov. Now, it's election time with Nov. looming, so hence the fast and drastic change and of course they are taking credit. Sickening politization of a pandemic from the left.....they have no soul. Power hungry losers have no place in the politics of our country, imo.....they need gone in a big way, for they are the most damaging threat to democracy in the history of our country. They've come out of the closet and America does not like what they see......gone for good, soon.
Point out the parts that are bullcrap please. Trump did say it's a democratic hoax along with all the other things I mentioned. When biden took office his mission was to get out as many vaccines as possible. Is it his fault so many decided not to get vaccinated? The power hungry loser is at mar a lago.
When you see people with real problems fighting against an actual invasion in Ukraine, don't you feel silly and imbecilic complaining about not being able to get a burger without wearing a mask? Or having to get a vaccine to enter another country as part of your employment?

As the COVID restrictions wane with the pandemic largely being under control -- with absolutely no thanks to anti-Vaxxers, who contributed to worsening the situation form every possible angle -- I hope there's time for these people to reflect on their choices and movement they've chosen to be a part of while people fighting against a Russian invasion have to scrounge for the basic essentials of life and take up arms to resist actual tyranny.

Adversity creates a sense of community and strengths the capacity for compassion and empathy. When you don't have it in your life, I guess the alternative is to complain about Trudeau and the vaccine gazpacho police.
Vaxxer fanatics imposing their fear upon others feel silly yet. In light of real problems?
The vast, vast majority o the people who died were unvaccinated. I guess it's easy to be the smartest guy in the room when the room is full of anti-vaxxers. Of course, it's less smart when hospitals have to turn away cancer patients because the rooms were full of anti-vaxxers gasping for air.
They should have said, "No vaccine, no hospital."
Point out the parts that are bullcrap please. Trump did say it's a democratic hoax along with all the other things I mentioned. When biden took office his mission was to get out as many vaccines as possible. Is it his fault so many decided not to get vaccinated? The power hungry loser is at mar a lago.

Trump never called the Covid virus, itself a hoax, but the approach and politization of a pandemic by the left, the hoax.....herein is your misunderstanding and problem, and have fallen for the left's false narrative. President Trump is the one responsible in getting us the vaccine in record time.....thank him first. Operation Warp Speed saved literally millions of lives across the globe.
Trump never called the Covid virus, itself a hoax, but the approach and politization of a pandemic by the left, the hoax.....herein is your misunderstanding and problem, and have fallen for the left's false narrative. President Trump is the one responsible in getting us the vaccine in record time.....thank him first. Operation Warp Speed saved literally millions of lives across the globe.
Uh huh, most people had no idea of covid until trump started to talk about it and saying operation warp speed didn't really do anything but confuse his base into thinking he's actually done something. He did not create any of the vaccines but if it will make you feel better I'll call every one of them the wondrous trump vaccine that conquered covid. The stull you guys talk yourselves into believing is amazing.

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