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Anti-abortion extremists (1 Viewer)

Anti-abortion extremists (also known as Republicans): NO ABORTIONS! PERIOD!
Reasonable person: leave it up to the woman; leave the woman alone; no government interference.
The supposed party of the constitution.

Turns out it is just a failed slogan
Anti-abortion extremists (also known as Republicans): NO ABORTIONS! PERIOD!
Reasonable person: leave it up to the woman; leave the woman alone; no government interference.
There are real world examples of when there are no abortions allowed, or at least abortions are severely restricted, it does not bode well for society.
Anti-abortion extremists (also known as Republicans): NO ABORTIONS! PERIOD!

There are very few people who think there should be no abortions at all.
There are very few people who think there should be no abortions at all.
And yet, such extremists are there. It's not just the idea of no abortions, such views also include those with severe restrictions on abortion.
Then why are governors such as the one in Oklahoma signing bills that outlaw ALL abortions?

The OK law doesn’t outlaw all abortions.
There are very few people who think there should be no abortions at all.
Yes, but the ones who think that are very loud, aggressive, and functionally incapable of grasping that there is any other side on the issue.
The OK law doesn’t outlaw all abortions.
My understanding is that it makes only an exception to save a woman's life in a medical emergency. There are no exceptions for rape or incest, and the articles I read did not mention any exception to protect a woman from irreparable injury or illness. So I guess it's okay as long as a woman continues breathing - it doesn't really matter if she has to live the rest of her life in a coma.
There are very few people who think there should be no abortions at all.

One hundred percent of those people are Republicans.

There is no reason even one person should oppose life-saving abortions.

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