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Ansar al-Sunnah Claims Responsibility of Bombing Operations Targeting American Forces (1 Viewer)


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Oct 13, 2005
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Ansar al-Sunnah Claims Responsibility of Bombing Operations Targeting American Forces and Iraqi National Guards in Kirkuk and Baghdad, and Provides Video of Car Bombing an American Humvee in Kirkuk
By SITE Institute
October 10, 2005



Ansar al-Sunnah issued seven communiqués and a 1:12 minute video today, October 10, 2005, claiming responsibility for bombing operations targeting American forces and Iraqi National Guards in Kirkuk and Baghdad:

A Video of Detonating a Car Bomb on an American Humvee in Kirkuk
Destroying an American Tank by Detonating a Land Mine in the Area of al-Yusefiya, South of Baghdad
Destroying an American Humvee, Killing Who Were in it in Abu Ghraib, in Baghdad
Destroying an American Vehicle and Killing Four Crusaders in it in the Area of al-Rashad in Kirkuk
Destroying a Troop Transportation Vehicle of the National Guard in al-Yusefiya, South of Baghdad
Destroying a Troop Transportation Vehicle of the Crusaders’ Forces in al-Radwaniya, in Baghdad
Destroying a Troop Transportation Vehicle of the National Guard and Killing Ten Converters Who Were on it in Kirkuk

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