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Another short test for smart people (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
This is a math test....arrgh...no, it's not that bad....it's easy...simply add each number up with the previous total and say the new number out loud.

TO BEGIN: Scroll down until you see a number...say this number out loud! This is important! Then scroll down until you see the next number...add this, in your head, to the previous number, and say this new total OUT LOUD! Continue scrolling and adding...remember to say each new total OUT LOUD!

Ready? Here we go.....









What did you get? If you said 5000, you're wrong. The correct answer is 4,100. The mind is a strange thing, isn't it?
:rofl - that is too cool!!
Thanks Vague, can you believe I've given this test to ,perhaps, hundreds of people, including math majors, and no one has ever given the correct answer?!

I don't really understand the theory behind it...I thought about sending it to that "Ask Marilyn" column...that woman who is suppossed to be a genius and has a column in Parade magazine...in the Sunday paper, just to see if she could explain why the mind doesn't recognize this math problem correctly?

If you give this test to your friends...you have to write the numbers out just as I posted them...and allow them to see only one number at a time, and make them say each total out loud.

Very weird....like an optical illusion of the mind.
Hoot said:
Thanks Vague, can you believe I've given this test to ,perhaps, hundreds of people, including math majors, and no one has ever given the correct answer?!

I don't really understand the theory behind it...I thought about sending it to that "Ask Marilyn" column...that woman who is suppossed to be a genius and has a column in Parade magazine...in the Sunday paper, just to see if she could explain why the mind doesn't recognize this math problem correctly?

If you give this test to your friends...you have to write the numbers out just as I posted them...and allow them to see only one number at a time, and make them say each total out loud.

Very weird....like an optical illusion of the mind.

I feel dumb :2bigcry:
Hoot said:
This is a math test....arrgh...no, it's not that bad....it's easy...simply add each number up with the previous total and say the new number out loud.

TO BEGIN: Scroll down until you see a number...say this number out loud! This is important! Then scroll down until you see the next number...add this, in your head, to the previous number, and say this new total OUT LOUD! Continue scrolling and adding...remember to say each new total OUT LOUD!

Ready? Here we go.....









What did you get? If you said 5000, you're wrong. The correct answer is 4,100. The mind is a strange thing, isn't it?

That's great!I'm going to catch loads of people out with that one now.

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