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Another picture of tyranny, this time a life sentence in Turkey (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Political Leaning
Same old - civil rights businessman sentenced to life in prison related to protests against the government. Shocking - trump loved the dictator.

Same old - civil rights businessman sentenced to life in prison related to protests against the government. Shocking - trump loved the dictator.

Yes, and your idol Bernie loved Castro, Ortega, and Chavez.

But you don't hold that against him for some reason.
LOL, for a moment I thought this thread was about photos of transmissions.

I recently purchased a Muncie M22 "rock crusher" for $600 from a guy who found it in a shed full of old auto parts at an estate sale. My brother and I are restoring a 1972 Chevy C10 half ton pick up. This tranny will go nicely with our newly rebuilt 396 V8. Ditching the automatic tranny that was already tore up anyway.

Sorry to go off topic, but photos of trannys right now I am really keen to see.

Same old - civil rights businessman sentenced to life in prison related to protests against the government. Shocking - trump loved the dictator.
...and your point being?
LOL, for a moment I thought this thread was about photos of transmissions.

That's real edgy, and totally insightful.

Now we all have insight into the Turkish government.
That's real edgy, and totally insightful.

Now we all have insight into the Turkish government.
When my father was in the Navy he visited Turkey (coastal areas) and at the time he said that Turkey probably along with Greece (Greek Isles) were the best parts of Europe he visited. Italy was the dirtiest, the Sicilians the most uncivilized, the French were the most unfreindly/ungrateful, the Germans had the worst BO, the Morrocans had the best food, and the English....well, the biggest egos. But the Greeks and the Turks were very hospitable to American servicemen, even despite both hating each other.

Hope that was insightful?
When my father was in the Navy he visited Turkey (coastal areas) and at the time he said that Turkey probably along with Greece (Greek Isles) were the best parts of Europe he visited. Italy was the dirtiest, the Sicilians the most uncivilized, the French were the most unfreindly/ungrateful, the Germans had the worst BO, the Morrocans had the best food, and the English....well, the biggest egos. But the Greeks and the Turks were very hospitable to American servicemen, even despite both hating each other.

Hope that was insightful?
Did your father write for the National Lampoon? Your post reminds me of an article I read there.

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