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Another negligent smoker kills a person (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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This is the third time in the last month that someone's cigarette killed at least one other person.

Caribbean cruise terminated after fire
Cigarette suspected to be cause of blaze, which left 1 dead 1, injured 11


Annandale Couple Killed By Fire at Longtime Home

By Clarence Williams
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 9, 2006; Page B02

An Annandale couple in their eighties died yesterday after fire swept through the brick home they had lived in for more than 40 years.

A neighbor said she and a passing motorist had tried to break into the home to rescue the couple but were unable to get inside.

Fairfax County fire officials said a lighted cigarette was to blame for the blaze, which broke out late yesterday afternoon in a house in the 6500 block of Renwood Lane.

Firefighters found the wife dead on a family room sofa, the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department said. The husband was discovered unconscious in the adjoining living room. . . .

Fire investigators said the blaze was caused by the "inappropriate disposal of smoking materials." They said they were looking into how the cigarette sparked the fire.


I can't find the 3rd story. Regardless, this kind of stuff enrages me! Just another way cigarettes kill human beings.

Here's a good website for people to read about deaths that result from cigarette fires.
http://www.tobacco.org/articles/category/fires/ /
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Stranger: "Got a light?"
cnredd: "Sure do...Here ya go."
Stranger: "Great!...You're a real lifesaver."

See?...It all evens out...:2wave:
what about all the other things that kill people in fires, cooking, candles etc
Willoughby said:
what about all the other things that kill people in fires, cooking, candles etc

What about those other things?
anti-smoking Nazis **** me off rightly. I can't stand it. "Oh, but the squirrels have asthma!!!" Bullshit, **** you! Squirrels ain't got no damn asthma, see how fast those little furry ****ers run? Unless they got an inhaler up their ***, squirrels ain't got no asthma!
aps said:
This is the third time in the last month that someone's cigarette killed at least one other person.

I can't find the 3rd story. Regardless, this kind of stuff enrages me! Just another way cigarettes kill human beings.

I assume you are as completely enraged by drinking as people are killed by drunk drivers and other accidents related to alcohol? For that matter I hope you are outraged by cars as they can kill even without a drunk driver. And anything that can burn.....candles, matches, stove, oven....

There is just so much to be outraged over why quit at being a smoke-nazi!

Now I know smoking is a bad habit but as long as someone isn't standing right next to you forcing you to breath it in I don't see why you gotta be so b-itchy.
Aps, are you a reformed smoker?
I just saw your post in the Laura Bush thread....figured I'd respond to it down here since you started a whole thread and all....

aps said:
Guess what? I honestly don't care what you think of my thoughts on smoking. In fact, I love that you think my thoughts are "ridiculous." If you're a smoker, I feel sorry for you that you let some substance control you. I have no idea what that is like, and I am proud of that. Hopefully if you ever kill someone from smoking (http://www.debatepolitics.com/showthread.php?t=9356), that it's just yourself.

Smoking is a loser habit that I quit tons of times.:rofl The only time I was successful for any length of time was when I was breastfeeding. When I was pregnant with my son I completely quit smoking but cheated and had a cig right before going to the hospital. My water broke and I just thought whatever I need to smoke before I can give birth!:rofl I'm a total addict but I did manage to quit for the majority of my pregnancies and breastfeeding which was almost a 3 yr period....but of course once in awhile I still cheated.

I'm a total closet smoker....usually 5-6 a day. I don't need you to feel sorry for me. And, I too am glad you have no substance that controls you. That's really great and I mean that honestly.

However....smoking is legal. Hey maybe eventually they'll outlaw it all together since that seems the direction we are going.... Hey maybe if they do and I can't buy them I'll finally quit!

But in the meantime I don't get this hatred towards smokers. I don't smoke around people who aren't smoking. I don't get the commercials where the girl eats cat poo and then they declare that's what a smoker is like. Give me a break! Everyone has bad habits. There are people killing themselves with food for christsakes. Why do you gotta have the holier than thou attitude?

Now if you were sitting on a park bench and I sat next to you and lit a cig that would be incredibly rude on my part and I can totally see going off on smokers like that. Or smokers who litter....It makes me cringe when I see people throwing their butts all over.

But you know what...I'm not that kind of smoker and I bet Laura Bush isn't either:rofl

So for you to say something to me, someone you don't even know, like I hope when you kill someone its yourself.....it's just so mean. I don't get it! Are you like perfect with no faults or what?
talloulou said:
I just saw your post in the Laura Bush thread....figured I'd respond to it down here since you started a whole thread and all....

Smoking is a loser habit that I quit tons of times.:rofl The only time I was successful for any length of time was when I was breastfeeding. When I was pregnant with my son I completely quit smoking but cheated and had a cig right before going to the hospital. My water broke and I just thought whatever I need to smoke before I can give birth!:rofl I'm a total addict but I did manage to quit for the majority of my pregnancies and breastfeeding which was almost a 3 yr period....but of course once in awhile I still cheated.

I'm a total closet smoker....usually 5-6 a day. I don't need you to feel sorry for me. And, I too am glad you have no substance that controls you. That's really great and I mean that honestly.

However....smoking is legal. Hey maybe eventually they'll outlaw it all together since that seems the direction we are going.... Hey maybe if they do and I can't buy them I'll finally quit!

But in the meantime I don't get this hatred towards smokers. I don't smoke around people who aren't smoking. I don't get the commercials where the girl eats cat poo and then they declare that's what a smoker is like. Give me a break! Everyone has bad habits. There are people killing themselves with food for christsakes. Why do you gotta have the holier than thou attitude?

Now if you were sitting on a park bench and I sat next to you and lit a cig that would be incredibly rude on my part and I can totally see going off on smokers like that. Or smokers who litter....It makes me cringe when I see people throwing their butts all over.

But you know what...I'm not that kind of smoker and I bet Laura Bush isn't either:rofl

So for you to say something to me, someone you don't even know, like I hope when you kill someone its yourself.....it's just so mean. I don't get it! Are you like perfect with no faults or what?

Didn't it just **** you off that you can't smoke in a bar anymore? I'm not a smoker, but it pissed me off. That's whole atmosphere of a bar, cigs, beer, and busty babes! YEAH!!! What's wrong with smoking sections in restaurants? They got rid of that too. Damn anti-smoking nazis suck!
Donkey1499 said:
anti-smoking Nazis **** me off rightly. I can't stand it. "Oh, but the squirrels have asthma!!!" Bullshit, **** you! Squirrels ain't got no damn asthma, see how fast those little furry ****ers run? Unless they got an inhaler up their ***, squirrels ain't got no asthma!

To Donkey1499: Wow. You need to calm down because you act like an a$$, and most mammals can get asthma you dumba$$. Maybe you can stop acting like stereotypical right-wing liar and get some facts to back your statements, but we all know you won't do that.

To Aps: As a smoker I do say this is kind of silly. Smoking should not be a major issue with people at the moment. There are bigger things to worry about. "THERE IS ****ING WAR FOR ****S SAKE."

Why don't you focus on the most important subjects. Just wait until a Democratic president is elected and then you can attack the cigarette companies.

I dream of a day when less chemicals are put into my addiction. But when that happens pot will be legal and i'll be smoking it instead of tobacco.
Sir_Alec said:
To Donkey1499: Wow. You need to calm down because you act like an a$$, and most mammals can get asthma you dumba$$. Maybe you can stop acting like stereotypical right-wing liar and get some facts to back your statements, but we all know you won't do that.

To Aps: As a smoker I do say this is kind of silly. Smoking should not be a major issue with people at the moment. There are bigger things to worry about. "THERE IS ****ING WAR FOR ****S SAKE."

Why don't you focus on the most important subjects. Just wait until a Democratic president is elected and then you can attack the cigarette companies.

I dream of a day when less chemicals are put into my addiction. But when that happens pot will be legal and i'll be smoking it instead of tobacco.

Oi! **** you, bitch titties!
Right wing liar? How, where, and when? I haven't lied on this site!
Ever hear of sarcasm, you dickhead?
And I wasn't high-strung and pissedoff for real in that post. Didn't you see my mood? It says: HA-HA!
Which means I'm joking around, you ball tickler!!!
Donkey1499 said:
Didn't it just **** you off that you can't smoke in a bar anymore? I'm not a smoker, but it pissed me off. That's whole atmosphere of a bar, cigs, beer, and busty babes! YEAH!!! What's wrong with smoking sections in restaurants? They got rid of that too. Damn anti-smoking nazis suck!

I don't go to bars very often but yeah I think its kind of stupid. I mean I think a bar owner should be allowed to decide if its a smoking or nonsmoking bar. Many bars here where I live are going out of business cause smoking is illegal and that hurt their business.

I do think smoking in restaurants is kind of rude....even if there's a smoking section it still can be smelled by nonsmokers but again I think perhaps we should have just let restaurants decide for themselves what they wanted to do.

What I hate is the commercials that as of late have gotten really bad. What I really hate is someone sneering at me while I'm walking my dog 'cause they're so offended that I'm walking around and smoking. It's really crazy in my opinion and I just really don't get it. If I'm walking down the sidewalk smoking and I see kids coming I will actually cross the street so they don't walk through a cloud of smoke.

If people were just taking steps to outlaw smoking that would be one thing...but to just pick at it to the point where smoking is legal but you just can't do it anywhere is sorta unreal. I've heard of jobs firing people for smoking, people having to pay more $$$ for the health insurance. Do employers make fat people pay more $$$$? Its just an unusal attack campaign that really has in many cases gone completely overboard.
talloulou said:
I don't go to bars very often but yeah I think its kind of stupid. I mean I think a bar owner should be allowed to decide if its a smoking or nonsmoking bar. Many bars here where I live are going out of business cause smoking is illegal and that hurt their business.

I do think smoking in restaurants is kind of rude....even if there's a smoking section it still can be smelled by nonsmokers but again I think perhaps we should have just let restaurants decide for themselves what they wanted to do.

What I hate is the commercials that as of late have gotten really bad. What I really hate is someone sneering at me while I'm walking my dog 'cause they're so offended that I'm walking around and smoking. It's really crazy in my opinion and I just really don't get it. If I'm walking down the sidewalk smoking and I see kids coming I will actually cross the street so they don't walk through a cloud of smoke.

If people were just taking steps to outlaw smoking that would be one thing...but to just pick at it to the point where smoking is legal but you just can't do it anywhere is sorta unreal. I've heard of jobs firing people for smoking, people having to pay more $$$ for the health insurance. Do employers make fat people pay more $$$$? Its just an unusal attack campaign that really has in many cases gone completely overboard.

Those Truth ads are despicable!

Owners making choices would be good, just like customers make the choice of eating/drinking there or not.
talloulou said:
I assume you are as completely enraged by drinking as people are killed by drunk drivers and other accidents related to alcohol? For that matter I hope you are outraged by cars as they can kill even without a drunk driver. And anything that can burn.....candles, matches, stove, oven....

There is just so much to be outraged over why quit at being a smoke-nazi!

Now I know smoking is a bad habit but as long as someone isn't standing right next to you forcing you to breath it in I don't see why you gotta be so b-itchy.

Yes, I am enraged by drunken driving. I think the penalities for such should be much worse than they are now. You drink and you get behind the wheel of a car--you should be charged with intentional manslaughter.

I'm bitchy because I think smoking is a disgusting habit.
Deegan said:
Aps, are you a reformed smoker?

I have never smoked (well, I have, but I didn't inhale ;)). I tried it a couple of times when I was 13.
talloulou said:
I just saw your post in the Laura Bush thread....figured I'd respond to it down here since you started a whole thread and all....

Smoking is a loser habit that I quit tons of times.:rofl The only time I was successful for any length of time was when I was breastfeeding. When I was pregnant with my son I completely quit smoking but cheated and had a cig right before going to the hospital. My water broke and I just thought whatever I need to smoke before I can give birth!:rofl I'm a total addict but I did manage to quit for the majority of my pregnancies and breastfeeding which was almost a 3 yr period....but of course once in awhile I still cheated.

I'm a total closet smoker....usually 5-6 a day. I don't need you to feel sorry for me. And, I too am glad you have no substance that controls you. That's really great and I mean that honestly.

However....smoking is legal. Hey maybe eventually they'll outlaw it all together since that seems the direction we are going.... Hey maybe if they do and I can't buy them I'll finally quit!

But in the meantime I don't get this hatred towards smokers. I don't smoke around people who aren't smoking. I don't get the commercials where the girl eats cat poo and then they declare that's what a smoker is like. Give me a break! Everyone has bad habits. There are people killing themselves with food for christsakes. Why do you gotta have the holier than thou attitude?

Now if you were sitting on a park bench and I sat next to you and lit a cig that would be incredibly rude on my part and I can totally see going off on smokers like that. Or smokers who litter....It makes me cringe when I see people throwing their butts all over.

But you know what...I'm not that kind of smoker and I bet Laura Bush isn't either:rofl

So for you to say something to me, someone you don't even know, like I hope when you kill someone its yourself.....it's just so mean. I don't get it! Are you like perfect with no faults or what?

I apologize for being so harsh on you.
Donkey1499 said:
Didn't it just **** you off that you can't smoke in a bar anymore? I'm not a smoker, but it pissed me off. That's whole atmosphere of a bar, cigs, beer, and busty babes! YEAH!!! What's wrong with smoking sections in restaurants? They got rid of that too. Damn anti-smoking nazis suck!

I was just in Seattle, Washington, last week, and they just recently passed a smoking ban in all restaurants and bars. It was fantastic! I sat in a bar and had a glass of wine with an old friend, and I loved that I didn't smell any smoke and didn't have to take a shower when I went back to my hotel. It was heaven. I am hoping that the same thing happens in DC, but I can't hope too much since Congress has to approve it.
Sir_Alec said:
To Donkey1499: Wow. You need to calm down because you act like an a$$, and most mammals can get asthma you dumba$$. Maybe you can stop acting like stereotypical right-wing liar and get some facts to back your statements, but we all know you won't do that.

To Aps: As a smoker I do say this is kind of silly. Smoking should not be a major issue with people at the moment. There are bigger things to worry about. "THERE IS ****ING WAR FOR ****S SAKE."

Why don't you focus on the most important subjects. Just wait until a Democratic president is elected and then you can attack the cigarette companies.

I dream of a day when less chemicals are put into my addiction. But when that happens pot will be legal and i'll be smoking it instead of tobacco.

LOL I can choose to put energy into anything I want. Why do you care what is an issue for me? I have several issues going on in my neighborhood such as gang activity. Should I ignore that since there is a war going on? Riiiiiiiiiiight.
aps said:
I have never smoked (well, I have, but I didn't inhale ;)). I tried it a couple of times when I was 13.

Just wondering, because I know that reformed smokers are the most adamant about anything smoke related, they just seem intolerant. I can see you obviously hate smoking, but not everyone who smokes is irresponsible, or has caused anyone else pain or death from their habit. Just be careful when you discuss this issue, as some are sensitive to it, as I am. I don't want to be told I am awful, or bad, because I enjoy a cigar, or even a cigarette.

Your tone just sounds off here, just an observation.;)
Donkey1499 said:
Didn't it just **** you off that you can't smoke in a bar anymore? I'm not a smoker, but it pissed me off. That's whole atmosphere of a bar, cigs, beer, and busty babes! YEAH!!! What's wrong with smoking sections in restaurants? They got rid of that too. Damn anti-smoking nazis suck!

I still can.. Thankfully adults are allowed to make there own decisions in PA....
galenrox said:
So? I think menstration is a disgusting habit. Now you may say that we're talking about completely different things, but at the root of it we're not. I have been smoking now for over 12 years, and I am now physically addicted to it. Now, of course, I could take some pills that might alleviate this addiction and allow me to stop, but the same could be said about menstration, I mean, if you're on the pill all month then you don't menstrate. And you say that being around a smoker smoking could be bad for your health, but I have been kicked in the nuts, punched in the face, scratched and bitten all the way through my skin by menstrating women, and I highly doubt you could prove that the effect of being in a bar while someone has a smoke has EVER ****ed you up as much as menstrating women have ****ed me up.

So, then how is it different? Essentially it comes down to smoking is bad for the user, while menstrating is not, but does that merit legislation? Of course it doesn't, because whether or not I am living a healthy life is none of the government's *******ed business!

galenrox, I know you're a smoker, and I understand your frustrations. When women are on the pill, they still menstruate--they just don't ovulate. Regardless, there is a difference when what I am doing has a negative impact on you. I know the biting, slapping, etc. has a negative impact on you, but you know what? There are already rules in place to address those instances, which are considered assaults. If someone bit you, you could get them arrested. But you light up next to me, what do I get except smoke in my face and my having to inhale YOUR smoke.

If you are diagnosed with emphysema, will you do anything to stop yourself from smoking? If you were married and your spouse suffered health problems due to your smoking, would you do anything about it? I have a friend who had a heart attack and the doctors begged his wife to stop smoking because she was killing her husband. She wouldn't stop, and she was an agoraphobic so she wouldn't go outside to smoke. She eventually died from smoking herself, and her husband (my friend) is living a smoke-free world right now.

For me, I would be embarrassed that any sort of chemical controlled me. But this is me. I don't know addiction, so I can't understand it.
aps said:
Yes, I am enraged by drunken driving. I think the penalities for such should be much worse than they are now. You drink and you get behind the wheel of a car--you should be charged with intentional manslaughter.

I'm bitchy because I think smoking is a disgusting habit.

It is disgusting and I only smoke outside so I don't smell like smoke and I chew tons of gum. I try to be as least disgusting as possible. But I am not doing anything illegal. In Washington people will actually say s-hit to you when they see you walking your dog and smoking. I once had a women tell me you're killing yourself..... She looked like she weighed upwards of 200 lbs and I felt like telling her so are you fat asssss! But I restrained myself because while attacking smokers is completely socially acceptable right now attacking fat f-uckers is not and plus I'm just not that rude. I don't get off on attacking people and letting them know exactly why I think I'm better than them.

I just think its very f-ucking ridiculous for some bitch to sneer at me in the mall parking lot cause I'm having a smoke. Am I attacking her for her big old SUV with off road capability that she drives around our little neighborhood?

There are rude smokers but not all smokers are rude. I don't blow second hand smoke at non-smokers so they need to take the stick out of their assss.

I'm just sick of this s-hit. People think smokers are second class citizens and they can just say whatever the hell they want to them. For godsakes if you walk by me in the mall parking lot and I happen to be smoking you do not need to pitch a hysterical fit and act like I just gave you cancer! In my opinion that's going way overboard.

To say Laura Bush has no class cause she smokes or to tell me I hope when you kill someone it's yourself is just so f-ucking ridiculous. If you read a story about a women in the paper who accidently burned down her house and killed her kids with some type of candle or cooking accident would you start a thread called d-umbf-uck negligent housewife kills kids with candles? Get a grip on yourself and check the mirror 'cause I bet theres some s-hit you could work on for yourself without b-itching about the s-hit I gotta work on.
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Deegan said:
Just wondering, because I know that reformed smokers are the most adamant about anything smoke related, they just seem intolerant. I can see you obviously hate smoking, but not everyone who smokes is irresponsible, or has caused anyone else pain or death from their habit. Just be careful when you discuss this issue, as some are sensitive to it, as I am. I don't want to be told I am awful, or bad, because I enjoy a cigar, or even a cigarette.

Your tone just sounds off here, just an observation.;)

Yeah, I know Deegan. This is a subject that I feel very strongly about. There is nothing redeeming about smoking. I can't walk 10 feet in DC or around a subway station without seeing a cigarette butt. I see the people who work in my building smoking outside in front adn then throwing their butts on the ground. I don't get it. I rarely see a smoker put out their cigarette and then put it in the trash. You walk a crosswalk where there is a streetlight, and there are cigarette butts all over the place from people throwing them out of their window while they're stopped at the light. So while I am sure htere are considerate smokers, I haven't seen many. I guess for me, if I truly believe in what I am doing, no matter how many people despite what I am doing, it won't have any impact on me.

I'm sorry if I offended any of the smokers.
aps said:
Yes, I am enraged by drunken driving. I think the penalities for such should be much worse than they are now. You drink and you get behind the wheel of a car--you should be charged with intentional manslaughter.

I'm bitchy because I think smoking is a disgusting habit.

Well thankfully you don't smoke so I don't see why your bitchy is coming out for something you don't do. Unless you find it necessary to tell people how to live?

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