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Another introduction noone cares about! (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 26, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
I don't even know why I'm making an introduction. Heck, I don't really even need to make an account, all I really do here is lurk (which I have been doing for awhile, I'd say). Maybe it just doesn't seem right, not having an account and all.

Oh, but wait until you year the information that you only really care about (besides if I'm liberal or conservative)--my age. Woo-hoo, I'm 13 years-old.

Before you guys start saying "oh god another 13 year-old who thinks he can debate" or "I wonder how long this one will last lol", keep in mind I'll just keep lurking, maybe introduce others and reply to some stuff posted in the off-topic forum, that's it. I'm not going to even try to join in on any debates, just learn from what you guys say to twist my perspective on things and learn how to generally be a better debator. I know that most 13-15 year-olds can't even hold a stick on a debating forum let alone an argument :p

Yeah, well... gah, I was never really good at closing an introduction.
Hi, Anonymous. Thanks for dropping a line.

And a belated welcome to Debate Politics. :2wave:
You're welcome, and thanks to you for the welcome :)
Hello TheAnonymous!:2wave:

Before you guys start saying "oh god another 13 year-old who thinks he can debate" or "I wonder how long this one will last lol", keep in mind I'll just keep lurking, maybe introduce others and reply to some stuff posted in the off-topic forum, that's it. I'm not going to even try to join in on any debates, just learn from what you guys say to twist my perspective on things and learn how to generally be a better debator. I know that most 13-15 year-olds can't even hold a stick on a debating forum let alone an argument :p

How wrong you are. There have been many 13 year olds that have 'held their own'.
Age doesn't matter, race doesn't matter, gender doesn't matter and political bias doesn't matter either.

You are more than welcome to lurk or dive right in. If the opinions are real - everyone is a winner. Because we start to understand "why". ;)

Welcome to Debate Politics!
vauge said:
Age doesn't matter, race doesn't matter, gender doesn't matter and political bias doesn't matter either.

You forgot sexual orientation, you naughty boy.
Naughty Nurse said:
You forgot sexual orientation, you naughty boy.

Hey come on NN he's only 13..

Welcome to DP and my god have mercy on your soul...
Just kidding...
Naughty Nurse said:
You forgot sexual orientation, you naughty boy.
oops, I automatically thought that part of gender and it equally dosen't matter.

So there! :2razz:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

:rofl :2rofll: :rofl

Thats was a good one!
Hail and welcome!

Hope you enjoy your stay. :smile:
TheAnonymous said:
I don't even know why I'm making an introduction. Heck, I don't really even need to make an account, all I really do here is lurk (which I have been doing for awhile, I'd say). Maybe it just doesn't seem right, not having an account and all.

Oh, but wait until you year the information that you only really care about (besides if I'm liberal or conservative)--my age. Woo-hoo, I'm 13 years-old.

Before you guys start saying "oh god another 13 year-old who thinks he can debate" or "I wonder how long this one will last lol", keep in mind I'll just keep lurking, maybe introduce others and reply to some stuff posted in the off-topic forum, that's it. I'm not going to even try to join in on any debates, just learn from what you guys say to twist my perspective on things and learn how to generally be a better debator. I know that most 13-15 year-olds can't even hold a stick on a debating forum let alone an argument :p

Yeah, well... gah, I was never really good at closing an introduction.

Hell, I am 15 myself and if I can debate, so can you.
Oh it seems like I created quite the discussion :O

Thanks for the welcomes. I still won't join in any debates, though, I think I'll keep lurking for awhile before I consider.



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