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Another huge boat parade for Trump (1 Viewer)


Battle Ready
DP Veteran
Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Southwestern U.S.
Political Leaning
I think this is the 4th boat parade for Trump. The third in Florida, and there was one at a lake in Texas last week.

They look like fun, especially while living in an area where I wouldn't dare voice or show support on any level, for fear of safety.
I think this is the 4th boat parade for Trump. The third in Florida, and there was one at a lake in Texas last week.


Its not a parade. Its a protest. In boats.
Did the "We Build the Wall" boat appear? Whoops, it's being held by the feds... :3oops:
I think this is the 4th boat parade for Trump. The third in Florida, and there was one at a lake in Texas last week.


Yes the one in Texas is a boat gravesite. Anyone hear how many patriot boats sank?

It is an impressive feat, getting all those rich people behind his campaign.
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It's amazing how many morons own a boat.

Have you ever owned a boat? The two happiest days of a boat owners life are the day they buy it and the day they sell it... :2razz:
Yes the one in Texas is a boat gravesite. Anyone hear how many patriot boats sank?It is an impressive feat, getting all those rich people behind his campaign.
I guess you are celebrating then, right?
How many sank in this one?
As if we didn't already know that its mostly rich people who support Trump.
Yes the one in Texas is a boat gravesite. Anyone hear how many patriot boats sank?

It is an impressive feat, getting all those rich people behind his campaign.

I think this is the 4th boat parade for Trump. The third in Florida, and there was one at a lake in Texas last week.


Yes the one in Texas is a boat gravesite. Anyone hear how many patriot boats sank?

It is an impressive feat, getting all those rich people behind his campaign.

Four in Texas and one on the Willamette River in Portland.

Out of tens of thousands of boats in more than six boat parades.
We had one here in San Diego:

Trump boat parade II.jpg

Trump boat parade.jpg

Had one for Biden, too:

biden boat parade.jpg

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