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Another False-Flag Operation (1 Viewer)

Cold Highway

Dispenser of Negativity
DP Veteran
May 30, 2007
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Newburgh, New York and World 8: Dark Land
Political Leaning
The TSA is not only utterly immoral, it is completely, mind-bogglingly incompetent. Anecdotes abound of the penknives, nail-clippers, normal-sized bottles of shampoo and other Weapons of Mass Destruction passengers have deliberately or inadvertently smuggled past its checkpoints: just peruse the readers' comments on virtually any article concerning the agency. If you want "official" proof of its ineptitude, check out the reports from its own undercover inspectors or from the Government Accountability Office (HA!!!! Never accuse Our Masters of an irony deficiency). Screeners can leer at smutty scans until they go blind (oh, please, oh, please!), but the TSA will never protect aviation or passengers or anything but its own butt because it is inherently incompetent.

So for the agency to advise other nations [sic for "boss them around"] is akin to Bill and Hill's counseling Chelsea on building a happy marriage: absurd at best and downright disastrous if heeded.

Huzzah for government manufactured FEAR!

Another False-Flag Operation by Becky Akers
Ah, but TSA is a great training ground to prepare us citizens for the Brave New World of 1984 that Progressives are planning for us... :roll:
I've watched a couple of documentaries on airport security, one done by the Fifth Estate in Canada, and all of the measures being put into place aren't really doing anything. Most airport security personnel have only 2-5 hours worth of training. If you do some research on people whose job it is to test airport security by acting as a dangerous passenger, you'll find that an overwhelming number of them are able to get through no problem.

On the Fifth Estate, a man hired by the show was able to guess, within 20 tries, the password to the door for the secured area. He discovered that the password was the same for every door in the airport. In a separate test, he blew up an old car in his backyard using explosive materials and positioned some clothing in proximity to collect the bomb dust. He then wore those clothes through security and there was VISIBLE debris on his clothes. They let him in. This was at security check for those entering U.S. airspace, at Toronto Pearson International, Canada's biggest international hub.

It is more realistic to think of airport security in terms of capitalism and profiteering. Private security companies who manufacture the technology for airports (like the overpriced body scanners) make huge sums of money every year. I mean, look at the incident with the underwear bomber. Within DAYS (not even a week) of that happening, the government was rolling out body scanners in most major airports.

"Security" and "your safety" are code words for "we are going to profit on your fear"; all the while, privacy violations are becoming common place. At the same time, unless every person is getting a cavity search, there is no way to stop it from happening. The best thing we can do is have armed air marshals on board planes.

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