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Another day, another shooting (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 24, 2013
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Sunnyvale California
Political Leaning
This time it’s in Washington, D.C.

On Wednesday, a man was shot by police in the southeast area of Washington, D.C. He was transported to the hospital in critical condition, and according to Metropolitan Police Chief Peter Newsham, the man has died.

Per NBC Washington reporter Cory Smith, community members shouted down the chief of police as he provided updates on the incident, with cries of “This is unacceptable!” City councilmember Trayon White said that the man was African-American and “young.” Activists groups are reportedly planning to demonstrate in protest shortly.

‘This is unacceptable!’ DC residents shout down chief after fatal police shooting – Raw Story

Will this cop be held accountable for his actions? The community don’t trust the police department’s account of what happened.
We need information. We can't just assume the shooting was wrong. That's a danger of a movement like this, when there's a danger the burden of proof is that police are assumed guilty until proven innocent.

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