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Another Civil War in America's Future? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 29, 2012
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On an island. Not that one!
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Been doing a bit of reading lately, after learning of a book recently published - The Next Civil War - written by Stephen Marche, a Canadian journalist. I have found just a few pages on the net related to the subject and will provide links with quotes for those interested in learning more. Please note that not all of the links are 'Librul Lamestream (American) Media'.

This first link was written sometime before Marche's book was published.

Is America Headed for a New Kind of Civil War?

August 14, 2017
America’s stability is increasingly an undercurrent in political discourse. Earlier this year, I began a conversation with Keith Mines about America’s turmoil. Mines has spent his career—in the U.S. Army Special Forces, the United Nations, and now the State Department—navigating civil wars in other countries, including Afghanistan, Colombia, El Salvador, Iraq, Somalia, and Sudan. He returned to Washington after sixteen years to find conditions that he had seen nurture conflict abroad now visible at home. It haunts him. In March, Mines was one of several national-security experts whom Foreign Policy asked to evaluate the risks of a second civil war—with percentages. Mines concluded that the United States faces a sixty-per-cent chance of civil war over the next ten to fifteen years. Other experts’ predictions ranged from five per cent to ninety-five per cent. The sobering consensus was thirty-five per cent. And that was five months before Charlottesville.​

What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like
21 July 2020
I fear that there is a looming civil war on the horizon. It is not yet inevitable, but all true American patriots must be prepared for the coming battle. And the costs in blood will be heavy. This war will not be fought like the American Revolution or the Civil War of 1861-65, where disciplined armies observed the laws of war and respected civilian lives.

This war will be waged by far-left radicals and their deep-state puppet masters. For them, civilian casualties and massacres will not be moral evils, but merely part and parcel of their larger plan to “reconstruct” America. Their objective is simple: overthrow our constitutional order, destroy our way of life, and deprive us of our freedom, our liberties, our property, and our honor.​

Is the US headed for another Civil War?

16 Sept 2021
Is it really possible that America could face the possibility of civil war in the near future? It may seem unthinkable, and yet there’s much to worry about.

A 2021 national survey by pollster John Zogby found a plurality of Americans (46%) believed a future civil war was likely, 43% felt it was unlikely, and 11% were not sure. War seemed more likely for younger people (53%) than older ones (31%), and for those residing in the South (49%) and Central/Great Lakes region (48%) relative to those in the East (39%).​

3 retired generals: The military must prepare now for a 2024 insurrection

17 Dec 2021

The lack of military preparedness for the aftermath of the 2020 election was striking and worrying. Trump’s acting defense secretary, Christopher C. Miller, testified that he deliberately withheld military protection of the Capitol before Jan. 6. Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reportedly scrambled to ensure the nation’s nuclear defense chains were secure from illegal orders. It is evident the whole of our military was caught off-guard.​
No. Such headlines make for great clickbait though.
ANOTHER leftist banging the drum for a civil war....

Its almost like they are following Marx's works line by line.
Been doing a bit of reading lately, after learning of a book recently published - The Next Civil War - written by Stephen Marche, a Canadian journalist. I have found just a few pages on the net related to the subject and will provide links with quotes for those interested in learning more. Please note that not all of the links are 'Librul Lamestream (American) Media'.

This first link was written sometime before Marche's book was published.
We are definitely closer to a Civil War after Jan 6 than we were before Jan 6.

It cannot be ruled out.

The 2024 election could be the final trigger. When the Republicans get control of Congress in Jan 2023, they are going to do everything in their power to steal the 2024 election from Biden.

What will Biden do about it? What will the military do about it?
If you can't read the Washington Post article because of a paywall, try this Globe & Mail link

Retired generals warn U.S. military deeply divided and future coup attempt possible

19 Dec 2021​
The United States could be subject to a military coup after the next presidential election unless it acts now to tamp down signs of insurrection within the ranks, three retired generals are warning.

In a Washington Post op-ed, retired brigadier-general Steven Anderson and retired major-generals Paul Eaton and Antonio Taguba contend that, if former president Donald Trump or a similar candidate loses again in 2024, renegade military units might overthrow the election winner and install Mr. Trump in the White House.​

America’s next civil war: Toronto writer Stephen Marche sets out scenarios for the future

4 Jan 2022
In October 2018, Canadian novelist and journalist Stephen Marche published an essay in The Walrus called “The Next American Civil War,” in which he laid out several potential scenarios for the violent breakup of our neighbour to the south. Writing for a Canadian publication, he naturally framed this in terms of the impact such a conflict would have for those of us north of the 49th parallel. (Spoiler: it generally involves trade and migration.) “Canadians with any power at all have to predict what’s going to happen in the United States,” Marche wrote. “Figuring out what will happen there means figuring out what we will eventually face here.”

The core scenarios Marche imagines remain unchanged: the potential future assassination of a sitting U.S. president; an environmental catastrophe leading to mass emigration from an urban centre (Marche posits a flood that devastates New York); a crisis of governmental legitimacy leading citizens to take up arms in the streets. In expanding his focus, he also looks at the persistent issue of states’ rights, a thorn in the side of republican governance since The American Revolution, and the widening gulf between hyperpartisan Republicans and Democrats.

5 Jan 2022
“We need to be careful about what we mean by civil war,” says political science professor Max Abrahms. While there’s no consensus over the definition of the term, most scholars point out that a civil war requires a certain threshold of deaths on the government side and the resistance side, he adds. Five people, including a Capitol police officer, died in the melee.

“I do not believe that America will become violent enough to be characterized as a civil war,” Abrahms says. That doesn’t rule out the prospect of further political violence as there was on Jan. 6, 2021, he adds, “but it will be short of civil war.”​

Sorry, Democrats: Civil War isn’t likely — even if you’re trying to provoke one

22 Feb 2022

Trump was not the first Republican president to face “The Resistance” from Democrats. It was, after all, the refusal of the Democratic Party to abide by the results of a free election in 1860 that led to our first Civil War, so why change modes now?

The hysteria among Democrats over the shambolic riot at the Capitol a year ago reveals not only the hypocrisy of the left but also its deep insecurity, ideological hollowness and what psychologists call “projection,” that is, attributing to others what is going on in your own mind.​
I do fear the older generations are not going to let power transition to the more progressive younger ones without a fight.
ANOTHER leftist banging the drum for a civil war....

Its almost like they are following Marx's works line by line.
Townhall and the NY Post are "leftist"?

In this important book, The Next Civil War, Stephen Marche has disquieting news for us. America may be headed toward a civil war. [. . .]

Marche in four “dispatches” describes four possible crisis situations that could lead to civil war: a conflict between local forces who no longer recognize federal authority and troops sent from Washington to disarm them; the assassination of a president; the destruction of New York City in a flood; and the outbreak of massive violence owing to terrorism and counterinsurgency measures that arouse resistance.​

Texas secession? Civil war? Threats of violence — or worse — loom over the 2022 midterm elections
29 Mar 2022
mong the worst-case scenarios: Political violence escalates ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. Lawmakers in several states vote to secede from the United States. The federal government refuses to let them go. Armed conflict erupts.
[. . .]
A 2021 poll by Bright Line Watch and YouGov found that 37% of respondents expressed a "willingness to secede" from the union. People living in the South were most likely to indicate secessionist leanings, although the study's authors acknowledged that this is "an issue that they are very unlikely to have considered carefully."​
[. . .]
Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, 13 Republicans voted earlier this month in support of a measure that would require the state to amend its constitution, declare itself independent from the United States, and become a sovereign nation. The measure did not garner enough votes to pass the state House of Representatives, failing by a 323-13 vote.

But in New Hampshire, the vote did make a statement that secession is on the minds of some residents of a state that features the official motto: "Live free or die."

Republican State Rep. Matthew Santonastaso told Insider it was just a matter of time before states begin to secede.

"A national divorce is inevitable," Santonastaso said. "The government is nothing but an illusion we all hold in our minds. If the people decide to reject their government, then there is little the federal government can do to stop it."​
We are definitely closer to a Civil War after Jan 6 than we were before Jan 6.

It cannot be ruled out.

The 2024 election could be the final trigger. When the Republicans get control of Congress in Jan 2023, they are going to do everything in their power to steal the 2024 election from Biden.

What will Biden do about it?

Likely nothing. IMHO, Joe “Where am I?” Biden will not be the demorat POTUS nominee in 2024.

What will the military do about it?

Normally, I'd say clickbait, but extremism is the new normal, so possible.
Will the growing division in America's political views lead to another civil war or would secession by some states be a possible means of holding back the violence of Americans killing their fellow Americans?

Damned if I know.

A New Civil War - Maybe So

Interview with Barbara Walter, professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego

In this conversation, Walter warns that the American people and their leaders have been blinded by a type of "status quo bias" that prevents them from responding properly to the democracy crisis and the danger of widespread political violence. She argues that privilege and a lack of historical experience with oppression have combined to create a state of willful myopia and denial for most white Americans about the existential peril the country now faces.
Walter draws upon some of the darkest moments in human history, such as the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust, to explain why so many (white) Americans will likely remain in denial about the country's descent into civil war and other massive violence, even as the carnage is imminent or already happening around them. She warns that many people will comply, or perhaps collaborate, with the right-wing extremists who are committing worsening acts of terror and political violence.
[. . .]
The bible of the alt-right is a book called "The Turner Diaries." It lays out exactly how they intend to start a second civil war in the United States. "The Turner Diaries" includes an attack on the U.S. Capitol, and in that book a working gallows is erected outside the Capitol where they're going to bring "traitors" out for trial and then kill them. They're not hiding what they intend to do, and yet throughout history, the people who are at risk have not taken those messages, warnings and manifestos seriously.
The "next" civil war already started on January 6, 2021 and when the next SCOTUS justice opening pops up, there will be blood. When the mid-terms start up, there will be blood.
And when the General Election come, there will be blood again. No, not at the US Capitol this time, at STATE capitals, and at polling places far and wide, for starters.
Civil War in America in the 21st century will not be between secessionist nations with armies, it will look a lot more like Ireland's "The Troubles" instead, with a little bit of KKK/Christian Taliban gore thrown in.

There will be MORE plots to kidnap and execute state governors, more secret plots to infiltrate law enforcement, FBI, and more rogue Secret Service membership.
There will be MORE attacks on power grids, comm infrastructure, and mass shootings/bombings at public venues.

And in a year or so, media will begin to closely resemble Rwandan national radio, calling out Democrats and all others outside the Republican Party as cockroaches not fit to live.
And the invite to Putin's paid propaganda machine will hit record highs with social media laying down and rolling over in abject acquiescence to our new Reputinist overlords.

Show trials will abound.

Oh yeah, kiss Ukraine good-bye. It will be as if it never existed.
Neither will democracy.
And anything and everything ever uttered in favor of it will be noted and retribution will be meted out, yes even in small enclaves like DP.
Likely nothing. IMHO, Joe “Where am I?” Biden will not be the demorat POTUS nominee in 2024.
He'll still be President for two months after the 2024 election. If whoever the Democrat nominee is gets the most electoral votes in 2024, Biden is not going to just sit by and allow the Republican-controlled House of Representatives to perform a coup and overrule the will of the people.

And don't say the Republicans wouldn't do something like that. 147 of them voted to do exactly that on Jan 6.
If the above scenario happens, there will be a crisis in the military. Some will want to prevent the Republican coup in the House, some will want to aid it.
The "next" civil war already started on January 6, 2021 and when the next SCOTUS justice opening pops up, there will be blood. When the mid-terms start up, there will be blood.
And when the General Election come, there will be blood again. No, not at the US Capitol this time, at STATE capitals, and at polling places far and wide, for starters.
Civil War in America in the 21st century will not be between secessionist nations with armies, it will look a lot more like Ireland's "The Troubles" instead, with a little bit of KKK/Christian Taliban gore thrown in.

There will be MORE plots to kidnap and execute state governors, more secret plots to infiltrate law enforcement, FBI, and more rogue Secret Service membership.
There will be MORE attacks on power grids, comm infrastructure, and mass shootings/bombings at public venues.

And in a year or so, media will begin to closely resemble Rwandan national radio, calling out Democrats and all others outside the Republican Party as cockroaches not fit to live.
And the invite to Putin's paid propaganda machine will hit record highs with social media laying down and rolling over in abject acquiescence to our new Reputinist overlords.

Show trials will abound.

Oh yeah, kiss Ukraine good-bye. It will be as if it never existed.
Neither will democracy.
And anything and everything ever uttered in favor of it will be noted and retribution will be meted out, yes even in small enclaves like DP.
Better check your closet for the boogie men lol
I do fear the older generations are not going to let power transition to the more progressive younger ones without a fight.
Why fear it? Embrace it. Wisdom always wins when given the chance.
This war will be waged by far-left radicals and their deep-state puppet masters.

As soon as Deep State is mentioned I know it's far right BS and quit reading.

I'd like to know who would be fighting whom? For control of what? How do you know when you win? What about the constitution?
And the most important question, which side is the air force on because that side will win.

The whole civil war thing is beyond stupid.
Not very likely.

The Roman leadership knew that as long as the masses had their "bread and circuses" that they were fairly safe from insurrection.

Modern America is too addicted to safety, comfort and plenty to stage a widespread civil war. Even the poor in America have wealth undreamed of by the poor in Jakarta or Zimbabwe.

There could be some level of civil disruption, and/or terrorist acts. In any population of 330 million there are some extremists willing to die for their cause.

But most Americans? If it disrupts their weekend beer, pizza and Netflix-n-chill, it is too much bother.

The tiny fraction of a percent actually willing to fight, suffer and die could cause a lot of trouble, but probably couldn't start a genuine civil war.
As soon as Deep State is mentioned I know it's far right BS and quit reading.

It's another previously valid topic ruined by their dishonest distortion.
Why fear it? Embrace it. Wisdom always wins when given the chance.
We should all fear civil war. I don't think it would be fought on age lines, but perhaps on the different ideas that the age groups represent. The younger generation being more progressive would help turn the pendulum back towards equality, which is a good thing.

Its more likely that the US will fall into some sort of external war with Russia or China, I think, but I think even that is a very small chance.
There will be no "civil war."

In the coming decades, Americans will simply seek out other people who share their cultural and political persuasions.

There will be a harmonious separation of the country into several de facto independent entities.

For various reasons, the American "experiment" failed.

But it was a miracle that it lasted so long.

In the 22nd century, maybe the dream of some people will have come true: Canada and the United States and Mexico will be one nation.

In such a huge land mass, everyone will be able to find a community that suits him/her.
Been doing a bit of reading lately, after learning of a book recently published - The Next Civil War - written by Stephen Marche, a Canadian journalist. I have found just a few pages on the net related to the subject and will provide links with quotes for those interested in learning more. Please note that not all of the links are 'Librul Lamestream (American) Media'.

This first link was written sometime before Marche's book was published.

Man in a tin foil hat
The "next" civil war already started on January 6, 2021 and when the next SCOTUS justice opening pops up, there will be blood. When the mid-terms start up, there will be blood.
And when the General Election come, there will be blood again. No, not at the US Capitol this time, at STATE capitals, and at polling places far and wide, for starters.
Civil War in America in the 21st century will not be between secessionist nations with armies, it will look a lot more like Ireland's "The Troubles" instead, with a little bit of KKK/Christian Taliban gore thrown in.

There will be MORE plots to kidnap and execute state governors, more secret plots to infiltrate law enforcement, FBI, and more rogue Secret Service membership.
There will be MORE attacks on power grids, comm infrastructure, and mass shootings/bombings at public venues.

And in a year or so, media will begin to closely resemble Rwandan national radio, calling out Democrats and all others outside the Republican Party as cockroaches not fit to live.
And the invite to Putin's paid propaganda machine will hit record highs with social media laying down and rolling over in abject acquiescence to our new Reputinist overlords.

Show trials will abound.

Oh yeah, kiss Ukraine good-bye. It will be as if it never existed.
Neither will democracy.
And anything and everything ever uttered in favor of it will be noted and retribution will be meted out, yes even in small enclaves like DP.
The conspiracy theory section is further down. That’s where this nonsense belongs.
A new civil war would be ruinous.

Man in a tin foil hat

Nice photo - You?

Do you believe that 3 retired generals are now living in a home for the mentally ill? That a PhD with a background in national security matters has become deranged? OR maybe you think Daniel Miller is the nutter.
Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, an organization that advocates for Texas to become a sovereign nation, says that the idea of Texas seceding is not new.

"Let's be honest, Texas has pretty much been keeping one eye on the exit sign since we joined the union in 1845," he said.

"When people say that Texas couldn't make it as an independent nation, well look at all the natural advantages that we have, we're the ninth-largest economy in the world. Our economic power globally is stronger than that of Russia," he said.

He continued: "Look at not just our economic power, but look at our natural resources. And look at the independent spirit of Texans who believe that there really is no one better to govern us than us?"​

Northeastern Univ. political science professor Max Abrahms has a somewhat more balanced view of the possibility of civil war.
“We need to be careful about what we mean by civil war. While there’s no consensus over the definition of the term, most scholars point out that a civil war requires a certain threshold of deaths on the government side and the resistance side.

“I do not believe that America will become violent enough to be characterized as a civil war, that doesn’t rule out the prospect of further political violence as there was on Jan. 6, 2021, but it will be short of civil war.”​
Nice photo - You?

Do you believe that 3 retired generals are now living in a home for the mentally ill? That a PhD with a background in national security matters has become deranged? OR maybe you think Daniel Miller is the nutter.

Northeastern Univ. political science professor Max Abrahms has a somewhat more balanced view of the possibility of civil war.

I've heard that under the dome in the Texas Capitol Building, they have various references to their independence dating back hundreds of years.

Civil War is always a possiblity.

Given our current debt and the ongoing theft being continuously conducted by our lying thieves, Civil War seems like the easiest way to clear the debt. ;)
Show trials will abound.

Oh yeah, kiss Ukraine good-bye. It will be as if it never existed.
Neither will democracy.
And anything and everything ever uttered in favor of it will be noted and retribution will be meted out, yes even in small enclaves like DP.
Not dramatic enough. Should've been more like "Verily, kiss Ukraine goodbye" and "retribution will be meted out, yea, even in small enclaves like DP." Could've done with some rivers of blood, too.

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