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Another case of passengers using homophobic slurs on an airplane. Jet Blue flight out of PBI. (1 Viewer)


Ice Cream for Crow?
DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2013
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Political Leaning
Getting really sick of this kind trash on airliners. And, screaming Karen says its because she and her husbands are Trump fans.

Pure garbage.

Last edited:
Getting really sick of this kind trash on airliners. And, screaming Karen says its because she and her husbands are Trump fans.

Pure garbage.

Very fine people. /s
Getting really sick of this kind trash on airliners. And, screaming Karen says its because she and her husbands are Trump fans.

Pure garbage.

What got her riled up to begin with ? I couldn't catch most of what she was saying.
Getting really sick of this kind trash on airliners. And, screaming Karen says its because she and her husbands are Trump fans.

Pure garbage.

Poor bigoted Trump devotees. Always the victims. Must be hard getting through each day as a victim.
Anytime there is an edited video and we only get the Cliff Note version I hesitate to jump to any conclusions.

While there is nothing that will excuse this meltdow, having the lead up would put everything in perspective.

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