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..and this isn`t a racist question, but... (1 Viewer)

The American

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Jul 16, 2005
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...I haven`t watched TV news for the past few weeks as I always do! I`m checking on the news on the internet and newspapers when I have the chance... To be honest, I haven`t been in New Orleans in my life... but god dammit, aren`t there ANY whites living there?...

I haven`t seen ONE white bloke on ANY of the pics comin from that area... or did I missed it somewhere? Anyone living there?
I have a question. Where were the local government officials as well as state officials. This isn't a racist statement either but... the mayor of New Orleans is black and therefore should know that his city is 1/4 below the poverty line. He is also or should be aware that that poor population is primarily black.

Evacuation orders were issued for the gulf areas of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana including and particularly New Orleans. Did people refust to leave? Yes, by the thousands. Could they have left? MSNBC reports that being poor these people didn't have cars or gas. Fox News Channel asks the question, "Why didn't the city of New Orleans provide bus serivice to take residents, poor or not, to a safer after they themselves issued an evacuation order.

Our media is trying it's best to lay this right on the doorstep of the President even to the point that the New York Times editorializes today that the President should put off the Supreme Court nomination process. I think they have the President mixed up with the Congress.

Should we blame President Bush for this disaster? Why not every President since any and every recent hurricane. I mean, a city built on the gulf coast, below sea level and in the path of hurricanes that the President orders up? When these disasters occur it is the states that deal with them BEFORE they happen and the Federal Government that comes in later to help. Our media enjoys making it look like our government is the worst in the world but I think most Americans know better.
:duel :cool:
Quid Pro Quo said:

Listen to this in reference to your question.

...or is it a political photo propoganda? I don`t know and that`s why I`m asking... I see all people as Americans!! ...or is it the black community who are suffering the most due to the floods?... or is this a mostly black area?
Lets face it, more whites could evacuate out of New Orleans than other minorities before the disaster. And yes, I have seen stranded poor white folks on TV in New Orleans...
I did see on the news that the New Orleans population is 57% black................As far as leaving the city goes I think everyone was warned to leave....Some chose not too for whatever reason.........
brassmonkey621 said:
Lets face it, more whites could evacuate out of New Orleans than other minorities before the disaster. And yes, I have seen stranded poor white folks on TV in New Orleans...

So where was the Mayor of New Orleans with the entire fleet of public transport? I say we blame him along with everyone else we can lay our hands on and not let him blame anyone else. It might be a good idea to paint the faces of Republican and Democrat politicians red and blue so we can easily identify those who pose a danger to our country :duel :cool:
Navy Pride said:
I did see on the news that the New Orleans population is 57% black................As far as leaving the city goes I think everyone was warned to leave....Some chose not too for whatever reason.........

Some were too poor to own a car.

Some could not afford the price of bus tickets for their families.

Some had no money to find hotel accommodations in another city.

Some were City employeess (policemen, firemen, flood control personnel, etc.), who stayed out of duty to their fellow citizens.

Some were invalid, and nobody offered them a ride.

Some were hospitalized, and unable to leave.

Some were health care workers, not willing to abandon the sick.

Some belonged to churches, and stayed to offer help to others.

Yes, everyone had choices.
danarhea said:
Some were too poor to own a car.

Some could not afford the price of bus tickets for their families.

Some had no money to find hotel accommodations in another city.

Some were City employeess (policemen, firemen, flood control personnel, etc.), who stayed out of duty to their fellow citizens.

Some were invalid, and nobody offered them a ride.

Some were hospitalized, and unable to leave.

Some were health care workers, not willing to abandon the sick.

Some belonged to churches, and stayed to offer help to others.

Yes, everyone had choices.

So where was the City Evacuation Plan? Where was the Mayor and the City Council or it's equivalent? Where were the plans drafted by the State Representatives and Senators and sent to the Governor that was demanding them, or was she? Where were the supervisory fire personel, police and state troopers? Where was the public transportation to EVACUATE the people of the city? Where were all the good politicians, Republicans and Democrats that are crying now? Hey Mayor? Can you spell HURRICANE?

WHO'S TALKING ABOUT A BUS TICKET??? City Transit which New Orleans had could have been used to implement the City Evacuation Plan for those lest likely to afford a car or the hospitalized or the elderly. They had what, 3 or 4 days and just sat there? They did have an evacuation plan didn't they? Should President Bush or Teddy Kennedy write one? Why not the people that live below sea level on the coast of the gulf?

You tell me who should have been the first to respond. The Mayor of the city before the disaster or the Afghan government that it sending $100,000 in aid. When I see people blaming President Bush I say get the skewers because by the time you stack up everyone under him we will have one hell of a bar b que and it will make simple pork look like candy.
:duel :cool:
The Bush Administration is taking flak from the scum sucking media (the media that doesn't think we are the greatest country on earth) for what it did in the 48 hours after the disaster struck New Orleans. WHAT ABOUT THE 48 HOUR WARNING NEW ORLEANS HAD BEFORE THE DISASTER?

You may be interested that, indeed, New Orleans had a plan to deal with evacuation and who was responsible to carry it out. Shall we look at some of it?

QUOTE: "City of New Orleans Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan."

As established by the City of New Orleans Charter, the government has jurisdiction and responsibility in disaster response. City government shall coordinate its efforts through the Office of Emergency Preparedness.

The authority to order the evacuation of residents threatened by an approaching hurricane is conferred to the Governor by Louisiana Statute. The Governor is granted the power to direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from a stricken or threatened area within the State, if he deems this action necessary for the preservation of life or other disaster mitigation, response or recovery. The same power to order an evacuation conferred upon the Governor is also delegated to each political subdivision of the State by Executive Order. This authority empowers the chief elected official of New Orleans, the Mayor of New Orleans, to order the evacuation of the parish residents threatened by an approaching hurricane.

The City of New Orleans will utilize all available resources to quickly and safely evacuate threatened areas. Those evacuated will be directed to temporary sheltering and feeding facilities as needed. When specific routes of progress are required, evacuees will be directed to those routes. Special arrangements will be made to evacuate persons unable to transport themselves or who require specific life saving assistance. Additional personnel will be recruited to assist in evacuation procedures as needed. ...

Evacuation procedures for small scale and localized evacuations are conducted per the SOPs of the New Orleans Fire Department and the New Orleans Police Department. However, due to the sheer size and number of persons to be evacuated, should a major tropical weather system or other catastrophic event threaten or impact the area, specifically directed long range planning and coordination of resources and responsibilities efforts must be undertaken. [You can read New Orleans' Emergency Plan for hurricanes at its Web site: http://www.cityofno.com/portal.aspx?portal=46&tabid=26] END QUOTE

If you also read this plan you will find that the Governor and Mayor had the responsibility to provide City Transportation to facilitate the evacuation of the City of New Orleans. Of course FEMA is delagated to "assist" local and state governments in time of disaster but it is the local and state governments that are responsible for preparing and first response after the disaster has occured. Besides, President Bush couldn't be there in New Orleans. He was standing on the Golden Gate Bridge so he could be there when the earthquake hit.

:duel :cool:
Originally posted by Gordontravels:
So where was the Mayor of New Orleans with the entire fleet of public transport? I say we blame him along with everyone else we can lay our hands on and not let him blame anyone else. It might be a good idea to paint the faces of Republican and Democrat politicians red and blue so we can easily identify those who pose a danger to our country
Where was FEMA? And where was the 1/4 of a billion dollars that was supposed to go to shoring up the levi's but was diverted to Iraq?

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