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And The Favored Status Begins (1 Viewer)


Relentless Thinking Fury
DP Veteran
Jan 25, 2013
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The North Shore
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The US Department of Defense has announced plans to offer special marriage benefits to same-sex couples—exceeding the benefits currently offered to heterosexual couples.

The Pentagon has said that a member of the armed service will be given 7 days of paid leave to travel to a state that allows same-sex marriage. The benefit will be expanded to 10 days for those serving overseas. This benefit is not available to service members planning heterosexual weddings.

Pentagon plans special bonus for same-sex marriages : News Headlines - Catholic Culture
The US Department of Defense has announced plans to offer special marriage benefits to same-sex couples—exceeding the benefits currently offered to heterosexual couples.

The Pentagon has said that a member of the armed service will be given 7 days of paid leave to travel to a state that allows same-sex marriage. The benefit will be expanded to 10 days for those serving overseas. This benefit is not available to service members planning heterosexual weddings.

Pentagon plans special bonus for same-sex marriages : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

So, don't work for the DOD. They can set their own policies.
All members earn 30 days a year and all are granted leave on a regular basis for anything including getting married. I bet they are not granted 7 extra days. The story very artfully fails to address it directly.
The US Department of Defense has announced plans to offer special marriage benefits to same-sex couples—exceeding the benefits currently offered to heterosexual couples.

The Pentagon has said that a member of the armed service will be given 7 days of paid leave to travel to a state that allows same-sex marriage. The benefit will be expanded to 10 days for those serving overseas. This benefit is not available to service members planning heterosexual weddings.

Pentagon plans special bonus for same-sex marriages : News Headlines - Catholic Culture
Well if they legalized same-sex marriage in all states you wouldn't have this problem.
The US Department of Defense has announced plans to offer special marriage benefits to same-sex couples—exceeding the benefits currently offered to heterosexual couples.

The Pentagon has said that a member of the armed service will be given 7 days of paid leave to travel to a state that allows same-sex marriage. The benefit will be expanded to 10 days for those serving overseas. This benefit is not available to service members planning heterosexual weddings.

Pentagon plans special bonus for same-sex marriages : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

When some states insist on discriminating on the basis of gender and the Federal government decides it will no longer do so, some accommodations are necessary to offset that discrimination.

Are there states that prevent you from marrying a person of your preferred gender on the basis of your gender?
Some gay troops to get extra 'marriage leave' | Navy Times | navytimes.com

Starting no later than Sept. 3, DoD will treat all couples who are married under state law equally, regardless of whether they are gay. All entitlements will be retroactive to the date of the Supreme Court ruling on June 26. That includes Tricare health coverage, housing allowance and family separation pay.

To compensate for the fact that same-sex couples cannot legally marry in 37 states, DoD will grant special leave to gay troops who want to get married but are stationed more than 100 miles from a state that legally recognizes same-sex marriages.

That leave will be for seven days for troops stationed in the continental U.S., and 10 days for those stationed outside the continental U.S., according to a memo signed by Jessica Wright, acting undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness.

Any absence in excess of that period will be charged to the service member’s leave account. Each service member will be permitted one marriage leave in his or her military career, the memo states.
The "extra benefit" only exists to compensate for an extra burden. As Observer put it, stop discriminating against gays and they won't need special measures to overcome that discrimination.
The "extra benefit" only exists to compensate for an extra burden. As Observer put it, stop discriminating against gays and they won't need special measures to overcome that discrimination.


Every other military person that wants to get married has to take time out of their accrued leave and they manage to get it done just fine. This just goes back to the whole "It's not equal treatment you want. It's special treatment."
Did you not read our link, it says regardless of it you are gay or not. Hetro get the same.

Every other military person that wants to get married has to take time out of their accrued leave and they manage to get it done just fine. This just goes back to the whole "It's not equal treatment you want. It's special treatment."

Every other military person that wants to get married has to take time out of their accrued leave and they manage to get it done just fine. This just goes back to the whole "It's not equal treatment you want. It's special treatment."

It will be unequal treatment once you no longer have to travel to a whole other state to marry someone because of gender-based discrimination.
Am I speaking Chinese here?
It will be unequal treatment once you no longer have to travel to a whole other state to marry someone because of gender-based discrimination.
Did you not read our link, it says regardless of it you are gay or not. Hetro get the same.

You're reading the article wrong. The part you cited is with regard to gays that are already married and has nothing to do with the extra leave.

The extra leave only applies to gays who want to get married and are stationed more than 100 miles from a state that allows such arrangements. For example, if I'm stationed at Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson and I want to get gay married I would have to go to San Diego which allows that. It's an hour flight of an 8 hour drive but I get 7 extra days to do it. Meanwhile, if I'm straight and want to get married in San Diego then I don't get any extra leave.
Am I speaking Chinese here?

No, but apparently you didn't read your own post, not even the portion you quoted in this very thread:

To compensate for the fact that same-sex couples cannot legally marry in 37 states, DoD will grant special leave to gay troops who want to get married but are stationed more than 100 miles from a state that legally recognizes same-sex marriages.

Maybe you should take an extra few seconds to study your own material before you take a personal shot at someone whose read disagreed with yours.
That was from a movie. I cant really believe they would do that. Maybe that is why I keep reading it wrong. If that is true it is truly an outrage.
No, but apparently you didn't read your own post, not even the portion you quoted in this very thread:

Maybe you should take an extra few seconds to study your own material before you take a personal shot at someone whose read disagreed with yours.
It will be unequal treatment once you no longer have to travel to a whole other state to marry someone because of gender-based discrimination.

Do you think straight people and their buddies who will be in the wedding do not have to travel for weddings?
I still dont beleive gays get 7 more days leave.

Every other military person that wants to get married has to take time out of their accrued leave and they manage to get it done just fine. This just goes back to the whole "It's not equal treatment you want. It's special treatment."

Because they don't have to go anywhere. They can get married where they're stationed. There are no special laws aimed at them to keep them from marrying. What a whiny little tantrum you're having.
Do you think straight people and their buddies who will be in the wedding do not have to travel for weddings?

Of course they do, but whereas I believe individual people have a right to be free of gender-based discriimination (or in this case to enjoy benefits intended to offset said discriimination), I do not believe that "buddies" have a right to be there. I'm sure they want to be, but oh well.
Of course they do, but whereas I believe individual people have a right to be free of gender-based discriimination (or in this case to enjoy benefits intended to offset said discriimination), I do not believe that "buddies" have a right to be there. I'm sure they want to be, but oh well.

I don't believe the bride or groom have a "right" to be there either so that is where we differ. Plan your life and your wife around your job.
The US Department of Defense has announced plans to offer special marriage benefits to same-sex couples—exceeding the benefits currently offered to heterosexual couples.

The Pentagon has said that a member of the armed service will be given 7 days of paid leave to travel to a state that allows same-sex marriage. The benefit will be expanded to 10 days for those serving overseas. This benefit is not available to service members planning heterosexual weddings.

Pentagon plans special bonus for same-sex marriages : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

Non-homosexual military couples don't need to travel a long distance to another state to get married, so I'm not sure why gays getting to do so is special treatment. It would be like saying women in the military get special treatment because they're provided tampons and the men aren't.

7 days does seem like a long time though.

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