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And the 2013 Nobel Prizes Go To... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 2, 2011
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Political Leaning
... In Physics - like this is any kind of shocker - François Englert and Peter Higgs. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013

... In Physiology / Medicine - James Rothman, Randy Schekman, and Thomas C. Südhof. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013

The others have yet to be announced. I'll try to continue posting them as they are released.

Let us congratulate these gentlemen!

The World is better because of these men.
If past Nobel Prizes hadn't been shown to go to people that actually do not deserve it I might have applauded when not knowing the actual person. But as is...sorry, I just can't. And sorry but a short excerpt of them is just not going to cut it.
If past Nobel Prizes hadn't been shown to go to people that actually do not deserve it I might have applauded when not knowing the actual person. But as is...sorry, I just can't. And sorry but a short excerpt of them is just not going to cut it.
A few prizes, Not a significant amount, have been given for political reasons. Usually it's the Peace Prize, ie, Obama; To a lesser degree, literature; Very Rarely the other harder-science prizes.
A few prizes, Not a significant amount, have been given for political reasons. Usually it's the Peace Prize, ie, Obama; To a lesser degree, literature; Very Rarely the other harder-science prizes.

That may be. But they compromised their reputation. I for one won't chance it. As the old saying goes "trick me once, shame on you. Trick me twice, shame on me". (wording slightly changed in order to keep within the rules)
Eh, you have to have a pretty big accomplishment to get Nobel prices in the sciences.
If past Nobel Prizes hadn't been shown to go to people that actually do not deserve it I might have applauded when not knowing the actual person. But as is...sorry, I just can't. And sorry but a short excerpt of them is just not going to cut it.
Why are you apologizing as if the Nobel Foundation or anyone else is affected by your loss of faith? Saying, "I'm ignorant of who the winners are and so I don't know if they're worthy of the award" is a greater indictment of how complacent you are with ignorance than it is of the Nobel Foundation. The self-importance in your post is absurd.
Why are you apologizing as if the Nobel Foundation or anyone else is affected by your loss of faith? Saying, "I'm ignorant of who the winners are and so I don't know if they're worthy of the award" is a greater indictment of how complacent you are with ignorance than it is of the Nobel Foundation. The self-importance in your post is absurd.

Name me one person that knows everything. Everyone is ignorant in some way or another and no one can possibly teach themselves every single little thing there is to know. The self righteous indignation of your post is what is absurd. My post had nothing to do with the people that were awarded. It was a reflection of my feelings on the Nobel Prizes. If you don't like it, tough. Deal with it. Or present an actual decent arguement as to why my belief in regards to the Nobel Prizes is wrong. Your choice.
There is no reason to care about any of this. It's time for this award to meet it's end.
I love how some posters here think that because Obama got a Peace Prize he didn't deserve we suddenly shouldn't commemorate scientists who work to better humanity.

Sad, really.
If past Nobel Prizes hadn't been shown to go to people that actually do not deserve it I might have applauded when not knowing the actual person. But as is...sorry, I just can't. And sorry but a short excerpt of them is just not going to cut it.

Such as? Oh, is this going to be an "Obama receiving a Peace Prize" comment? Probably.

That may be. But they compromised their reputation. I for one won't chance it. As the old saying goes "trick me once, shame on you. Trick me twice, shame on me". (wording slightly changed in order to keep within the rules)

Don't want to join the ranks of the Curies, Fleming, Hess, Golgi, Krebs, Weller, Kornberg, Watson, Crick, Lorentz, Schrodinger, Bequerel, Hertz, van der Waals, Fischer, Nernst, Svedberg, Einstein, Bohr, Planck, Delbruck, Axelrod, Hershey, Broglie, Dirac, Heisenberg, Dirac, Hess, Pauli, Appleton, Fermi, Weinberg, Cronin, Politzer, Urey, Pauling, Sanger, Wittig, Tanaka, Tsien, Pavlov, Koch, Golgi, Ehrlich, Carrel, Cappechi, or any of the rest? Yeah, these are only people that've shaped mankind for the better in more ways than imaginable.

Name me one person that knows everything. Everyone is ignorant in some way or another and no one can possibly teach themselves every single little thing there is to know. The self righteous indignation of your post is what is absurd. My post had nothing to do with the people that were awarded. It was a reflection of my feelings on the Nobel Prizes. If you don't like it, tough. Deal with it. Or present an actual decent arguement as to why my belief in regards to the Nobel Prizes is wrong. Your choice.

What's wrong with? You've presented nothing other than "Booo, I don't like it."

There is no reason to care about any of this. It's time for this award to meet it's end.

Based on? Celebrating and applauding scientific knowledge and bettering mankind? Sure. :roll:

I hear Putin's getting one for making Obama look like a jackass. :lol:

I'll look forward to reading one sentence from you complaining about that, too.
Such as? Oh, is this going to be an "Obama receiving a Peace Prize" comment? Probably.

Don't want to join the ranks of the Curies, Fleming, Hess, Golgi, Krebs, Weller, Kornberg, Watson, Crick, Lorentz, Schrodinger, Bequerel, Hertz, van der Waals, Fischer, Nernst, Svedberg, Einstein, Bohr, Planck, Delbruck, Axelrod, Hershey, Broglie, Dirac, Heisenberg, Dirac, Hess, Pauli, Appleton, Fermi, Weinberg, Cronin, Politzer, Urey, Pauling, Sanger, Wittig, Tanaka, Tsien, Pavlov, Koch, Golgi, Ehrlich, Carrel, Cappechi, or any of the rest? Yeah, these are only people that've shaped mankind for the better in more ways than imaginable.

What's wrong with? You've presented nothing other than "Booo, I don't like it."

Based on? Celebrating and applauding scientific knowledge and bettering mankind? Sure. :roll:

I'll look forward to reading one sentence from you complaining about that, too.

After Obama got his for nothing, it ceased to mean anything.
After Obama got his for nothing, it ceased to mean anything.

It stopped meaning anything when they ignored Irena Sendler in favor of Al Gore.
Based on? Celebrating and applauding scientific knowledge and bettering mankind? Sure. :roll:

Based on repeated instances of the committee being politically motivated. The days of this award having any real meaning are over.
After Obama got his for nothing, it ceased to mean anything.

Seeing as this isn't about the Peace Prize but in science, your statement is invalid.

Based on repeated instances of the committee being politically motivated. The days of this award having any real meaning are over.

Seeing as how the scientific field, especially these, aren't politically motivated in the slightest, your argument, too, carries little (no) weight. Oh yeah, those Conservative vesicles and presynaptic protrusions and lest we forget about those Socialist bosons! Oh wait... :roll:

I see the non-scientists have a problem with scientists. Got it.
Putin, right, see he has supported the peace all along in Syria, has helped Obama with more Peace in Syria, and has a peaceful general outlook for the region.
Putin, right, see he has supported the peace all along in Syria, has helped Obama with more Peace in Syria, and has a peaceful general outlook for the region.

Hahahah, yeah sure he's for peace.
Name me one person that knows everything. Everyone is ignorant in some way or another and no one can possibly teach themselves every single little thing there is to know. The self righteous indignation of your post is what is absurd. My post had nothing to do with the people that were awarded. It was a reflection of my feelings on the Nobel Prizes. If you don't like it, tough. Deal with it. Or present an actual decent arguement as to why my belief in regards to the Nobel Prizes is wrong. Your choice.
Another self-important post premised on the assumption that someone sees you as an authority figure or has an interest in changing your mind when that couldn't be farther from the truth.

For the record, if you want people to see you as the authority you seem to think you are, I wouldn't start out posts with strawmen.
... In Chemistry - Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt, and Arieh Warshel from Harvard, Stanford, and USC, respectively. :applaud
Another self-important post premised on the assumption that someone sees you as an authority figure or has an interest in changing your mind when that couldn't be farther from the truth.

For the record, if you want people to see you as the authority you seem to think you are, I wouldn't start out posts with strawmen.

Actually this is an assumption on your part. I don't see myself as an "authority" on much of anything. I'm just stating an opinion...much like we all do around here. ;) And believe it or not I've changed my mind a few times since I've been here on DP. I like to have an open mind. One of the many reasons I don't adhere to either the republican or democrat base. They're too closed minded.
... In Literature - Canadian author, Alice Munro.

... Peace Prize - Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

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