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And now, the weather (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 17, 2010
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Political Leaning
We're having totally sh!teous weather here in central Minnesota. Temp 84, heat index 93, 78% humidity and a tornado watch to boot. Oh, yippee! Yippee yo-yo.
It was nice and sunny when I left work and then all of a sudden we had 20 minutes of non stop rain just when I was walking home

Thankfully I had a umbrella in my bag :thumbs:
Pays to be prepared!

What we had earlier was one of those rains that do nothing to dissipate the heat.

It was nice and sunny when I left work and then all of a sudden we had 20 minutes of non stop rain just when I was walking home

Thankfully I had a umbrella in my bag :thumbs:
Pays to be prepared!

What we had earlier was one of those rains that do nothing to dissipate the heat.

I hate those types of rain as well.

Lol, Leaving umbrella at home in London is like leaving your keys. You don't do it

But I gotta love British weather especially in the heat within minutes shirts off, shorts on and people are off to the nearest available grass where they begin muttering "Christ, it’s hot"
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Oh, yes; one of my business partners is in London, he said he doesn't even need to shower, just stick his head out the window and he's good. <G>

Minnesota has the same for spring. Seriously. If we pass freezing, we're out there sans jackets, in shorts, singing "We're having a heatwave, a tropical heatwave ..."

I hate those types of rain as well.

Lol, Leaving umbrella at home in London is like leaving your keys. You don't do it

But I gotta love British weather especially in the heat within minutes shirts off, shorts on and people are off to the nearest available grass where they begin muttering "Christ, it’s hot".
I'd kill for a temperature of 84...and usually I'd kill for that humidity level too.

July and August down here has both as close to triple digit as you can get - and sometimes the temperature actually does hit it. You have tornadoes - I deal with hurricanes.
Oh, yes; one of my business partners is in London, he said he doesn't even need to shower, just stick his head out the window and he's good. <G>

Minnesota has the same for spring. Seriously. If we pass freezing, we're out there sans jackets, in shorts, singing "We're having a heatwave, a tropical heatwave ..."

Haha, pretty much sums up our attitude.

The second we see a bit of sun, alot of us start hurrying to the beach in a attempt to beat any rain that is coming.
Do you have air conditioning? I don't. Hence the whinge.

I'd kill for a temperature of 84...and usually I'd kill for that humidity level too.

July and August down here has both as close to triple digit as you can get - and sometimes the temperature actually does hit it. You have tornadoes - I deal with hurricanes.
And yet I'm betting neither one of us would ever willingly relocate. I love my four seasons. :)

Haha, pretty much sums up our attitude.

The second we see a bit of sun, alot of us start hurrying to the beach in a attempt to beat any rain that is coming.
And yet I'm betting neither one of us would ever willingly relocate. I love my four seasons. :)

Not for anything in this world :)
I probably shouldn't read internet forums and watch television at the same time...

I've just heard the weather guy say that Europe has been damaged by huge cunnylingus:shock:
We're having totally sh!teous weather here in central Minnesota. Temp 84, heat index 93, 78% humidity and a tornado watch to boot. Oh, yippee! Yippee yo-yo.

Worked two weeks in Hollywood (FL) recently. When we got started at 7 in the mornings we had what you describe above. Then, later, it got warm.

We're a little further north now, near Melbourne (FL). Doesn't hit 84 until about 9 AM. We call that 'fresh.'
See, I have a certain logic. If I have to put up with -70 windchill, I should be free from the weather you describe. Doesn't that make sense?
Worked two weeks in Hollywood (FL) recently. When we got started at 7 in the mornings we had what you describe above. Then, later, it got warm.

We're a little further north now, near Melbourne (FL). Doesn't hit 84 until about 9 AM. We call that 'fresh.'

Here is the summer forecast for central Florida:

High 92-94, low 77-80, humidity 80-100%, chance of rain 30-40%

This covers half of May, all of June, July, and August, and half of September.. the weathermen do not even need to show up for work unless a tropical system comes into the general vacinity.

Although this year we did have that anomaly in June where it actually got 5 degrees above the norm, and yes for those not familiar with Florida summer, that is very unusual, our temps are that predicatable.. summer highs are consistantly low to mid 90's, yet we have never broke 100F where I am.. we came damn close last month though.

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