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And Now for Something Completely Different... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 14, 2004
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Pacific Northwest US
Anybody else following this story out of Kansas?


KANSAS CITY, Mo. - [size=-1]An infant girl who was cut from her strangled mother's womb remained in good condition Monday as the alleged attacker prepared to make a first court appearance.

Lisa Montgomery, of Melvern, Kan., was set to appear at 3 p.m. Monday at the federal courthouse in Kansas City, Mo., before Chief Magistrate Judge John Maughmer. A spokesman for U.S. Attorney Todd Graves said the magistrate would read the charge — kidnapping resulting in death — and possibly appoint a lawyer for Montgomery and scheduled an arraignment.

Montgomery, 36, confessed to strangling Bobbie Jo Stinnett, cutting out the fetus and taking the baby back to Kansas. She is accused of trying to pass the child off as her own to family and friends. Victoria Jo Stinnett, the baby girl, was later recovered unharmed.

Is it just me or has the world gone completely f**king insane?

There are some truely sick people in this world!
Speaking of sick people any word on that Texas mother who killed her kid by cutting off his arms? And yes, WTF is wrong with people?
Her lawyer sited a biblical reference. Something about "if your arm offends you - cut it off".
According to her, that is what he did. The babies arms offended her.

Something like that, trying to find the exact reference.
vauge said:
Her lawyer sited a biblical reference. Something about "if your arm offends you - cut it off".
According to her, that is what he did. The babies arms offended her.

Something like that, trying to find the exact reference.
The Bibles a good book. Some even call it "The Good Book." But there's some strange stuff in there.

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