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And here is what the representatives of the "second army of the world" look like (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Makes the farmers with their tractor look like Elite Squad

Makes the farmers with their tractor look like Elite Squad

View attachment 67383662

American spent twenty years trying to beat a bunch of goat herders with forty year old rifles and still couldn’t do it no matter how many billions of dollars we poured in.

Spare us the posturing.
American spent twenty years trying to beat a bunch of goat herders with forty year old rifles and still couldn’t do it no matter how many billions of dollars we poured in.

Spare us the posturing.
this war will be over in 1-2 month , your fav despotic Muscovite ulus is a paper tiger, it can´t stand against our Liberal Order much longer

this war will be over in 1-2 month , your fav despotic Muscovite ulus is a paper tiger, it can´t stand against our Liberal Order much longer

You’ve been blathering on about the “war being over” for weeks now. We’ll see what the negotiating table produces, but whining about the “liberal order” is meaningless.

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