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An Uncontrollable Ego (1 Viewer)


May 11, 2013
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By James Lewis
June 22, 2013

IRS. FBI. NSA... Under Obama they consistently exceed their previously understood legal powers. Yes, there was technical consent by the secret FISA court for massive NSA spying. In times of national threat the FISA court is a pushover; just imagine if they said "No" and we had another 9/11/01. So they drove a dagger into the U.S. Constitution rather than stand for principle, the way Chief Justice John Roberts helped damage the Constitution by voting for ObamaCare, and the Burger Court shafted the Constitution and ruined millions of young lives with unrestricted abortion.

Perhaps the most damaging Leftist assault ever was reverse discrimination to make up for white racial sins going back to the slave trade that ended in 1865; that racialist revenge narrative still drives reverse discrimination, forty years after the start of "affirmative" action. It will never end, as long as there is a penny to be made on racial blackmail.

The equal protection clause is gone. Every time the left imagines another victim group, that gaping wound in constitutional protections grows larger and larger -- first on behalf of American blacks, then for all "people of color," then women and gays, and now, illegal immigrants. Reverse racial discrimination has empowered an unelected political class growing fat and thuggish on a new spoils system. With ObamaCare, racial spoils may capsize our elected ship of state, leaving only an EU-type corruptocracy.


Read more:
Articles: An Uncontrollable Ego

Our first "Affirmative Action" president has only reinforced the racial spoils by using the "Pigford" farmers USDA scam?

News about Obama And Pigford?

Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal
Articles: Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal

American Thinker·4 days ago The Obama administration has again been protected from a troubling ... charges of racism were used to temporarily silence those sounding the alarm. Seemingly, the alarm-ringers' only crime was having the temerity to…
American Thinker is the most hilariously misnamed magazine ever. It is specifically designed for those who don't think.
American Thinker is the most hilariously misnamed magazine ever. It is specifically designed for those who don't think.

Still complaining about Ring Wing Sources I see.....but can't get past that Pepsi Challenge. When ya can get past Salon. Mag. Then give out a shout out.
Still complaining about Ring Wing Sources I see.....but can't get past that Pepsi Challenge. When ya can get past Salon. Mag. Then give out a shout out.

You read Salon? Never would have guessed it. Not my style. I prefer facts, not people telling me what to think. Part of being a liberal.
You read Salon? Never would have guessed it. Not my style. I prefer facts, not people telling me what to think. Part of being a liberal.

I might check them out if they are referencing another News source. Unlike the liberal. I don't have all those limitations they like to expound on. How did that work out in the Service when your ass got told what to do? Did you think that liberal crap meant anything then. Were you able to follow the instructions without the mouth?
I might check them out if they are referencing another News source. Unlike the liberal. I don't have all those limitations they like to expound on. How did that work out in the Service when your ass got told what to do? Did you think that liberal crap meant anything then. Were you able to follow the instructions without the mouth?

I had no problems in the military. My enjoyment of research actually worked well there.
I might check them out if they are referencing another News source. Unlike the liberal. I don't have all those limitations they like to expound on. How did that work out in the Service when your ass got told what to do? Did you think that liberal crap meant anything then. Were you able to follow the instructions without the mouth?

I guess that I was in a different U.S. Military than you.

The one that I was in not only encouraged independent thinking, it demanded it.
American Thinker is the most hilariously misnamed magazine ever. It is specifically designed for those who don't think.

I usually call it American Stinker.

It tells those who can't think for themselves what they should think and what they should say.

It's mighty handy for people like Wehrwolfen.
By James Lewis
June 22, 2013

IRS. FBI. NSA... Under Obama they consistently exceed their previously understood legal powers. Yes, there was technical consent by the secret FISA court for massive NSA spying. In times of national threat the FISA court is a pushover; just imagine if they said "No" and we had another 9/11/01. So they drove a dagger into the U.S. Constitution rather than stand for principle, the way Chief Justice John Roberts helped damage the Constitution by voting for ObamaCare, and the Burger Court shafted the Constitution and ruined millions of young lives with unrestricted abortion.

Perhaps the most damaging Leftist assault ever was reverse discrimination to make up for white racial sins going back to the slave trade that ended in 1865; that racialist revenge narrative still drives reverse discrimination, forty years after the start of "affirmative" action. It will never end, as long as there is a penny to be made on racial blackmail.

The equal protection clause is gone. Every time the left imagines another victim group, that gaping wound in constitutional protections grows larger and larger -- first on behalf of American blacks, then for all "people of color," then women and gays, and now, illegal immigrants. Reverse racial discrimination has empowered an unelected political class growing fat and thuggish on a new spoils system. With ObamaCare, racial spoils may capsize our elected ship of state, leaving only an EU-type corruptocracy.


Read more:
Articles: An Uncontrollable Ego

Our first "Affirmative Action" president has only reinforced the racial spoils by using the "Pigford" farmers USDA scam?

News about Obama And Pigford?

Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal
Articles: Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal

American Thinker·4 days ago The Obama administration has again been protected from a troubling ... charges of racism were used to temporarily silence those sounding the alarm. Seemingly, the alarm-ringers' only crime was having the temerity to…

Any far right loser who is not happy in the USA will always find the entrance to the exit wide open.

If you're not happy with the guy in the White House, prepare to be unhappy for a while.

He's not going anywhere until another Democrat takes his place in 2017.

Hopefully that will be someone who you like even less than you like Obama.

Have a nice millisecond.
I usually call it American Stinker.

It tells those who can't think for themselves what they should think and what they should say.

It's mighty handy for people like Wehrwolfen.

Mr. wehrwolfen Kind of reminds me of Ca independent back when I was still on politico. Similar Modis operendai
I like Wehrwolfen ... I'm not afraid of his posts & sources ... so I didn't have to change my name post-Politico to hide the fear ... don't be afraid of what makes you uncomfortable.

Why would anyone be afraid of a trashy online outfit like WorldNetDaily or anyone who quotes it? WND is the home of the wacky birthers.

It has zero credibility.

Wehrwolfen doesn't make me uncomfortable, he disgusts me. I have no use for the dude.
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Any far right loser who is not happy in the USA will always find the entrance to the exit wide open.

If you're not happy with the guy in the White House, prepare to be unhappy for a while.

He's not going anywhere until another Democrat takes his place in 2017.

Hopefully that will be someone who you like even less than you like Obama.

Have a nice millisecond.

Hmm..., and you were so calm and collective during your eight long years of Bush Derangment Syndrome. That hasn't stopped you from blaming him for everything including your latest hangnail, while covering for every infantile incompetent and inane criminal move Obama makes. As far as the next election is concerned, I'd be more interested in the 2014 election and who will win control of both Houses.
Hmm..., and you were so calm and collective during your eight long years of Bush Derangment Syndrome. That hasn't stopped you from blaming him for everything including your latest hangnail, while covering for every infantile incompetent and inane criminal move Obama makes. As far as the next election is concerned, I'd be more interested in the 2014 election and who will win control of both Houses.

I'm just going to put you on ignore for a while.

You're not worth my time.
I had no problems in the military. My enjoyment of research actually worked well there.

That's nice.....glad you did what ya was told to do, and hopefully without screwing up.
I guess that I was in a different U.S. Military than you.

The one that I was in not only encouraged independent thinking, it demanded it.

Were you a Regular, playing Reggie.....I wasn't!
I like Wehrwolfen ... I'm not afraid of his posts & sources ... so I didn't have to change my name post-Politico to hide the fear ... don't be afraid of what makes you uncomfortable.

Yeah.....course most aren't up on Sun Tzu and, Know thy Enemy well! That's why the Pawns go first. ;)
I'm just going to put you on ignore for a while.

You're not worth my time.

You write about my name. At least it's more creative than "Shrubnose" showing your BDS and Progressive Socialist ideology. But that's okay. you just keep up that hypocritical bent. I'll bet you really believe that Progressives have always been behind raise the Afro-American to freedom. Hmm, was that as high as the lynch rope you use to hoist him? Did your dad and grandfather really walk down Pennsylvania Ave in hoods and robes?
You write about my name. At least it's more creative than "Shrubnose" showing your BDS and Progressive Socialist ideology. But that's okay. you just keep up that hypocritical bent. I'll bet you really believe that Progressives have always been behind raise the Afro-American to freedom. Hmm, was that as high as the lynch rope you use to hoist him? Did your dad and grandfather really walk down Pennsylvania Ave in hoods and robes?

Like I said, you're not worth my time, loser.

Keep projecting.

You're a 'funny' guy.

Not humorous - 'funny'.
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Moderator's Warning:
Wehrwolfen and shrubnose. Both of you stop the personal attacks now, or there will be further consequences.
Moderator's Warning:
Wehrwolfen and shrubnose. Both of you stop the personal attacks now, or there will be further consequences.

Thank you. I was thinking about reporting this gentleman. I wondered how long it would take. Thank you again.
Yeah.....course most aren't up on Sun Tzu and, Know thy Enemy well! That's why the Pawns go first. ;)

It is a bit strange for some folks to go out of their way to go to a thread to respond the way they do to ...
(a) not only the thread subject but also
(b) the thread author.
I have to believe there is an element of fear that they ...
(a) don't know themselves, given they see they've hitched their wagon to what turned out to be a lame horse and
(b) they sure as hell don't know anything about who they've been taught is the enemy.

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