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An odd happening on my cell phone (1 Viewer)

Kenneth T. Cornelius

Active member
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
I have a cell phone that I use only for outgoing calls and I have never given the number to anyone. Occasionally, I get a stray call, which I never answer. Last night it happened. Later, I was fooling with the thing and discovered that I had voice mail. Out of curiousity I tried to listen to it but was prevented from doing so by a demand that I produce a "temporary password". What the hell? If someone wants to reach me, why demand a password? :censored
Perhaps it was god trying to tell you to mend your wicked ways?
Kenneth T. Cornelius said:
I have a cell phone that I use only for outgoing calls and I have never given the number to anyone. Occasionally, I get a stray call, which I never answer. Last night it happened. Later, I was fooling with the thing and discovered that I had voice mail. Out of curiousity I tried to listen to it but was prevented from doing so by a demand that I produce a "temporary password". What the hell? If someone wants to reach me, why demand a password? :censored

Security. If someone stole your phone - they could listen to your messages.

Where you driving?
It could have been the cell phone driving gawds - Telling you to pull over.
vauge said:
Security. If someone stole your phone - they could listen to your messages.

Where you driving?
It could have been the cell phone driving gawds - Telling you to pull over.
The thief might as well listen to 'em. The messages can't be for me, and I can't listen to them, either.

Driving a grocery cart as a matter of fact. :cool:

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