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An Example of DC Gov WASTE (1 Viewer)


Buttermilk Man
DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2015
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Olympia Wa
Political Leaning
A Los Angeles-bound Compass Airlines aircraft operating on behalf of Delta Airlines was diverted to Arizona's Tucson International Airport Wednesday afternoon, following an onboard "verbal disturbance" involving a passenger, the FBI and Tucson Airport Authority confirmed.

NORAD confirmed to ABC News that it scrambled two F-16 fighters to intercept the jet, which was carrying 80 people, including passengers and flight crew. The plane's flight crew notified the captain and copilot of the disturbance, leading to the F-16 fighter escort. The NORAD spokesman did not have details on the disturbance itself but said whatever it was met the criteria to launch the fighters, which monitored the plane until it landed in Tucson. Citing “operational security”, they won’t say where the F-16s launched from.


WFT is supposed to be the point of having these two birds in the air at the cost of $23K/Hour EACH??!!


Are they going consider shooting down this civilian aircraft due to a report of a "verbal disturbance" on board?


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