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An Ex-Republican Libertarian Here (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
I go by the name of danarhea. Have decided to leave the board I have been posting at because every time I posted something, about half a dozen trolls would trash the thread.

I voted for Pat Buchanan in 2000, and officially bolted the Republican party early in 2003. Voted for Badnarik last year, and consider myself to be one of a dying breed - A Conservative. :)

I am anti Bush at this point in time, but dont want to see Liberals run Washington either. My hope is that Conservatives can take the GOP back in time for 2008, kick the Bushneviks out, and field a REAL Conservative candidate in the election. Note: Does anyone else here like Tom McClintock? :)

Anyways, I have taken a look around here, and am impressed. Not only is this a tight ship in regard to how everyone follows the rules, but the people here in general post very intelligently, at least more so than the board I have left. So far, I am glad to be here, and I look forward to some stimulating discussion.
hey a fellow libertarian, excellent

and someone who realizes that the current evil mutation that is the Republican party is not necessarily represenative of a conservative agenda.
new coup for you said:
hey a fellow libertarian, excellent

and someone who realizes that the current evil mutation that is the Republican party is not necessarily represenative of a conservative agenda.

Not necessarily Conservative? How about Liberals on steroids? LOL.
hey ya dana, don't throw too many temper tantrums...
come back to us...resistance is futile...
no ****
teh reason being the economic pole has deteriorated in teh face of shifting priorities.
oneofthem said:
hey ya dana, don't throw too many temper tantrums...
come back to us...resistance is futile...

Hey bud:)

Nah, I am gone from that troll pit forever. This is a decent place. Even the Bush supporters here are extremely intelligent and dont troll. LOL.

Seriously, after spending more than a year fighting off organized troll attacks over there, it didnt take much to get me to leave. That suspension I got was the kick I needed to get me out of there.

Want to know what it was about? I posted a thread that Hobbie and his gang didnt like. Its the one called Debunking the "We are Conservative" Lie. I have that same thread posted here now. The trolls, not wanting to debate, as is their style, began with the personal attacks. I did what I had done before. I restarted the thread, and added a note that the original thread had been trolled so was restarting the thread, along with posting that if people could not stay on topic, they should not post in the thread. Hobbie and the gang attacked that thread, so I started it a third time. Same thing. I kept restarting the thread, and HObbie and his bunch kept attacking me in the threads, then Hobbie and his bunch complained to Learn to Swim, who suspended me for a week. It was an organized hit by Hobbie and the gang, helped out by Learn to Swim. Nothing happened to the trolls. Best eye opener I had on that board. I now know that Hobbie and the gang pretty much run that board, with Learn to Swim as their proxy, doing their dirty work for them.

Its fine by me. They got the troll pit they wanted, and I am gone. So are about a dozen other people that Hobbie and the gang drove off PC in the last month, not to mention many others they drove out over the past year, but at this point, I dont really give a damn. Its no longer my problem. I send them my best wishes and goodbye. :)
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Welcome to Debate Politics.
We're glad to have you. I hope you continue to enjoy it.
Simon W. Moon said:
Welcome to Debate Politics.
We're glad to have you. I hope you continue to enjoy it.

Thanx. The only problem I am having is Republicans being nice to me. Not used to that. But thats not a problem after all. If you guys are all that nice, maybe I can talk you all into joining the Libertarian Party. Or you could try and talk me into rejoining the Republican Party. Uh oh. LOL.

Seriously though, you have no idea how much I appreciate your graciousness. Now lets beat each other up in debate and have fun. :)
danarhea said:
Thanx. The only problem I am having is Republicans being nice to me. Not used to that. But thats not a problem after all. If you guys are all that nice, maybe I can talk you all into joining the Libertarian Party. Or you could try and talk me into rejoining the Republican Party. Uh oh. LOL.

Seriously though, you have no idea how much I appreciate your graciousness. Now lets beat each other up in debate and have fun. :)

I was Republican when Republican wasn't cool. I first registered GOP twenty years ago this year.
Welcome, I also consider myself as a liberatarian, the only party left for true conservatives, although I will admit that I voted for Bush in 04, I just couldn't bear the thought of Kerry getting elected, one question though, what the hell is a troll? Oh and what do you think of Mccain to liberal or?
Simon W. Moon said:
I was Republican when Republican wasn't cool. I first registered GOP twenty years ago this year.

I was Republican longer than that, and an activist too. If you were ever in the Detroit area in the early 1970's, and signed the petition for property tax reform, you might have met me. I bolted the GOP, after many years as a dedicated member, after a long struggle with my own ideology, finally realizing that the party abandoned its Conservative principles for nothing more than power. As we all know, power corrupts and absolute power...... You know the rest. My decision to bolt the party was a good one, and the Bushneviks who are now in power proves that beyond a doubt.
Hey dana, I'm here now too. Good to see other respecting republicans and libertarians here.
zero18 said:
Hey dana, I'm here now too. Good to see other respecting republicans and libertarians here.

Hey bud:)

Yes, this board has a decent Libertarian representation. :)
danarhea said:
Hey bud:)

Nah, I am gone from that troll pit forever. This is a decent place. Even the Bush supporters here are extremely intelligent and dont troll. LOL.

Seriously, after spending more than a year fighting off organized troll attacks over there, it didnt take much to get me to leave. That suspension I got was the kick I needed to get me out of there.

Want to know what it was about? I posted a thread that Hobbie and his gang didnt like. Its the one called Debunking the "We are Conservative" Lie. I have that same thread posted here now. The trolls, not wanting to debate, as is their style, began with the personal attacks. I did what I had done before. I restarted the thread, and added a note that the original thread had been trolled so was restarting the thread, along with posting that if people could not stay on topic, they should not post in the thread. Hobbie and the gang attacked that thread, so I started it a third time. Same thing. I kept restarting the thread, and HObbie and his bunch kept attacking me in the threads, then Hobbie and his bunch complained to Learn to Swim, who suspended me for a week. It was an organized hit by Hobbie and the gang, helped out by Learn to Swim. Nothing happened to the trolls. Best eye opener I had on that board. I now know that Hobbie and the gang pretty much run that board, with Learn to Swim as their proxy, doing their dirty work for them.

Its fine by me. They got the troll pit they wanted, and I am gone. So are about a dozen other people that Hobbie and the gang drove off PC in the last month, not to mention many others they drove out over the past year, but at this point, I dont really give a damn. Its no longer my problem. I send them my best wishes and goodbye. :)
Well, i don't remember that particular thread or what was said on it, but i guess the gradual building of anomosity from confrontational and polarized debates...
anyways, i don't think hobbie is a troll, and LTS has said some nice words about you in the the rep hq, so perhaps you were a bit too emotional about it?
danarhea said:
I was Republican longer than that, and an activist too. If you were ever in the Detroit area in the early 1970's, and signed the petition for property tax reform, you might have met me. I bolted the GOP, after many years as a dedicated member, after a long struggle with my own ideology, finally realizing that the party abandoned its Conservative principles for nothing more than power. As we all know, power corrupts and absolute power...... You know the rest. My decision to bolt the party was a good one, and the Bushneviks who are now in power proves that beyond a doubt.
power of course is synonymous to political relevance. the whole point of the thing is to gain power.
now what you refer to is abuse of said power and the diversion of it to what you consider to be irrelevant or harmful ends.
danarhea said:
Want to know what it was about? I posted a thread that Hobbie and his gang didnt like. Its the one called Debunking the "We are Conservative" Lie. I have that same thread posted here now. The trolls, not wanting to debate, as is their style, began with the personal attacks. I did what I had done before. I restarted the thread, and added a note that the original thread had been trolled so was restarting the thread, along with posting that if people could not stay on topic, they should not post in the thread. Hobbie and the gang attacked that thread, so I started it a third time. Same thing. I kept restarting the thread, and HObbie and his bunch kept attacking me in the threads, then Hobbie and his bunch complained to Learn to Swim, who suspended me for a week. It was an organized hit by Hobbie and the gang, helped out by Learn to Swim. Nothing happened to the trolls. Best eye opener I had on that board. I now know that Hobbie and the gang pretty much run that board, with Learn to Swim as their proxy, doing their dirty work for them.
oneofthem said:
anyways, i don't think hobbie is a troll, and LTS has said some nice words about you in the the rep hq, so perhaps you were a bit too emotional about it?

There's not a rule about it, but just as a matter of personal respect, good manners and, most importantly, to protect the simplicity in this part of my life, let's limit the discussion of folks from other MBs, especially those who aren't here.
I'd sure be mighty appreciative if you'd abide this wish on the matter.
I'm just asking 'sall.

Welcome to the Debate Politics community danarhea! I think we've met already... hope I didn't trash ya :3oops:

oneofthem said:
Well, i don't remember that particular thread or what was said on it, but i guess the gradual building of anomosity from confrontational and polarized debates...
anyways, i don't think hobbie is a troll, and LTS has said some nice words about you in the the rep hq, so perhaps you were a bit too emotional about it?

And I suppose you never saw the "hit" threads in the Republican HQ either. You know, those threads which were planned hits on others at the PC forum? Well, I did. Not all Republicans there agree with the shitty tactics those guys are using to gang up on people with personal attacks and smear tactics. One of them let me log into his account. That is the difference between that board and this one. Thuggery is not permitted here, and that is why I am staying here. As for you, I know you were not one of those involved, so I give you my best wishes. As far as the situation goes at PC, if things stay as they are there, I will not be back. If the mods there finally decide to take action and end what is going on, I will still not be going back there. In short, I will not be going back there. Period.

Want to know something funny? I got to participate in a planned hit on myself in one of the threads planning mass personal attacks on me a few days before I got that suspension for defending myself. LMAO. But you know all about it too, because you are a member at the Republican HQ. You also know why others have been hounded off that board too, but guess what? It is not my problem now. There is intelligent debate here instead of all the personal attacks, smear jobs, stalking, and trolling which seem to be part and parcel of Political Crossfire debate, and intelligent debate is all I was ever looking for in the first place. Here I stay.

PS. I guess they are going to ban my account at PC now for sneaking into Republican HQ there. Right? LMAO.
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Simon W. Moon said:
I was Republican when Republican wasn't cool. I first registered GOP twenty years ago this year.

It's still not hip or "cool":2razz:
SouthernDemocrat said:
It's still not hip or "cool":2razz:

It will be once the Bushneviks are driven out of the party :)

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