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An Arab prince denounces Islamism (1 Viewer)


Active member
Dec 27, 2014
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Courtesy of The Washington Times.

We need more realists and fewer apologists.
Courtesy of The Washington Times.

We need more realists and fewer apologists.

Islamic states are no where near as bad as liberal ones. The tendency he refers to, to act as if a religion is true, is common to most of them, including Christianity. This man seems to be a liberal, and thus a greater enemy of civilization than those he discusses ever will be.
I hear that some airports don't even allow liberals to fly without intense inspection. :roll:
The war on theocrats? When the Prince puts his money where his mouth is, then maybe I'll listen, maybe.

Otherwise, SOS in the ME.
I hear that some airports don't even allow liberals to fly without intense inspection. :roll:

Liberals like the prince in question, are a threat, not of direct violence (usually), but due to the harm caused by their ideology.
All the while he and his royal family oppress his own people, while he enjoys the riches of his "royalty". I will never praise this man and his family.

Who is praising him? He's broaching basically a taboo subject in the Islamic world. His background, deeds or what have you do not nullify the fact that Islamofascism is a problem. Would it have been better if he had praised the Islamofascism? No.

This 'you have to be 100% pure or 100% in agreement with my views' line of though is utter nonsense when somebody speaks the truth about utter evil promulgated in the name of a religion.

Worse than a nuclear aspirant Iran? I really, really doubt that.
Μολὼν λαβέ;1064165646 said:
The war on theocrats? When the Prince puts his money where his mouth is, then maybe I'll listen, maybe.

Otherwise, SOS in the ME.

Agreed, the money is the proof.... but getting Muslims to speak out against Islamofascism in the ME is rare. It needs to highlighted especially amongst the apologists here.
Who is praising him?

You. "We need more realists and fewer apologists."

He's broaching basically a taboo subject in the Islamic world. His background, deeds or what have you do not nullify the fact that Islamofascism is a problem.
I find it very ironic that the "Washington Times ( a openly conservative paper)" writes this article. Why? Because Islam is the official religion of Bahrain, and its governed by their version of Sharia.. I find it even more ironic especially with their report of Sharia Law...

Would it have been better if he had praised the Islamofascism? No.
Did I say we should? But hey, I think we should denounce this scums attacks on his own people. I think we should denounce his violations against basic human rights on peaceful protestors. I think we should allow peaceful protests in his county, I think we should allow the freedom of information, I think we should allow free and fair elections in his country. Dont you? Dont you side on the people calling for free, fair elections? The end to the authoritarian monarchy?

This 'you have to be 100% pure or 100% in agreement with my views' line of though is utter nonsense when somebody speaks the truth about utter evil promulgated in the name of a religion.
No. But im not too blind to see this guy is a scum and part of the problem in the middle east.
You. "We need more realists and fewer apologists."

If acknowledging a fact is praise, your definition is different from mine. It's a fact that we need more of them.

If you're waiting for a perfect news outlet? You're going to be very disappointed. So, I guess since they have these flaws, they should ignore the story?

Well, I'm putting the shoe on your foot. If acknowledging a problem is praise (for example), then opposition to his words based upon flaws (and their are many) are the same as acceptance of the status quo ..which is very few people over there speaking out.

No. But im not too blind to see this guy is a scum and part of the problem in the middle east.

Oh, here we go. I'm blind. So, while we're making assumptions about each other... I can assume you're fine waiting for the perfect Islamic character to speak the truth in the midst of the ME. And you're calling me blind? Puh-lease
Worse than a nuclear aspirant Iran? I really, really doubt that.

Yes, a whole new region of the world secularized and made morally degenerate would be much worse than one of the least aggressive countries in the world possessing a nuke, which they're not actually trying to do anyway.
If acknowledging a fact is praise, your definition is different from mine. It's a fact that we need more of them.
Wanting more of someones style of leadership is usually "praise"...

If you're waiting for a perfect news outlet? You're going to be very disappointed. So, I guess since they have these flaws, they should ignore the story?
Saying they are writing on a prince who speaks out against Islamisim while they infact have in place Islam as the official religion and is governened by Sharia... Yea, I find that to be a major flaw...

Come again...

Oh, here we go. I'm blind. So, while we're making assumptions about each other... I can assume you're fine waiting for the perfect Islamic character to speak the truth in the midst of the ME. And you're calling me blind? Puh-lease
No. Im saying using Barhain as some sort of voice for stability, and anti-Islamism efforts to bring stability to the ME is idiotic.

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