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An appeal for releasing Mohammad Almoayyd (1 Viewer)

shuamort said:
It's not a need, no one needs guns. It's a want. Luckily that want is protected by the 2nd Amendment.

Yes it is.

Want/Need. Doesn't matter there is no reason a person needs an assoult rifle. But thats for another thread. A nice 9mm will do the trick everytime.
I have an assault rifle. The problem with weapon's banning and restrictions is that America has come too far and their are entirely too many guns running around. The law abiding citizen is the only one that is hindered through weapon's laws. The criminal element will always be able to get what ever they want.

9mm's have no stopping power. It is a weak round. A 45mm or a 40mm is the way to go. The military is moving in that direction.
shuamort said:
It's not a need, no one needs guns. It's a want. Luckily that want is protected by the 2nd Amendment.

Despite the fact that I don't now, and probably never will, own a gun, I think the 2nd Amendement is there because that want may turn into a need. I think our forefathers wanted to leave us the tools necessary to overthrow our government if we had to. Not saying we do need to, but just in case.
Calm2Chaos is exactly right about Pat Robertson. There is no greater myth in modern America than the one that the Christian Coalition is a mobilized force to be reckoned with. Christian organizations can't even muster enough support to get more than two hundred or so people at protests anymore. They are neutered. They are impotent. Yet they are constantly, infamously used to stir up anxiety of a cartoonishly fictional "religous right" political force. This villification is often (intentionally) carried over to Republicans (you know, the party that clearly represents the mainstream in this country-as election after election proves) by the media and relentlessly used to demonize common sense Republican policies.
GySgt said:
I have an assault rifle. The problem with weapon's banning and restrictions is that America has come too far and their are entirely too many guns running around. The law abiding citizen is the only one that is hindered through weapon's laws. The criminal element will always be able to get what ever they want.

9mm's have no stopping power. It is a weak round. A 45mm or a 40mm is the way to go. The military is moving in that direction.

Nice grouping center mass and you can drop em with a 22 :lol: But I like the 45, I have never tried the 40mm.

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