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An appeal for releasing Mohammad Almoayyd (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 12, 2005
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Political Leaning
Please my Dear , This is an Appeal to release a person Aged 75 years old and is going to have the same inside the prison and to pay more than 2 millions Dollars to the US Brooklyn court....

Please , contribute with us to release shiekh Mohammad Almoayyed just by clicking this link below , read and sign your petition :


and also try to forward this by email to all people you know all over the world for the justice .

Thank you very much ,
waddah said:
Please my Dear , This is an Appeal to release a person Aged 75 years old and is going to have the same inside the prison and to pay more than 2 millions Dollars to the US Brooklyn court....

Please , contribute with us to release shiekh Mohammad Almoayyed just by clicking this link below , read and sign your petition :


and also try to forward this by email to all people you know all over the world for the justice .

Thank you very much ,

UM .. and why is he in jail?
Calm2Chaos said:
UM .. and why is he in jail?
Why do you insist on asking intelligent and relevant questions? ;)

But seriously, I want to know too.
I just looked him up and he's apparently in jail for connections to al-Queda and other minor offenses.
waddah said:
Please my Dear , This is an Appeal to release a person Aged 75 years old and is going to have the same inside the prison and to pay more than 2 millions Dollars to the US Brooklyn court....

Please , contribute with us to release shiekh Mohammad Almoayyed just by clicking this link below , read and sign your petition :


and also try to forward this by email to all people you know all over the world for the justice .

Thank you very much ,

Better yet.....why don't you send us YOUR address so we can send you a "little something".
MiamiFlorida said:
Better yet.....why don't you send us YOUR address so we can send you a "little something".
Moderator Gavel

This is a borderline threat and is not allowed on this board.

/Moderator Gavel
shuamort said:
Moderator Gavel

This is a borderline threat and is not allowed on this board.

/Moderator Gavel

No one can accuse you of having a sense of humor.
MiamiFlorida said:
No one can accuse you of having a sense of humor.
I'm like 7Up, never had it, never will. :mrgreen:
shuamort said:
I'm like 7Up, never had it, never will. :mrgreen:

Definition of threat:

n] declaration of an intention or a determination to inflict harm on another; "his threat to kill me was quite explicit"
[n] a warning that something unpleasant is immanent; "they were under threat of arrest"
[n] a person who inspires fear or dread; "he was the terror of the neighborhood"
[n] something that is a source of danger; "earthquakes are a constant threat in Japan"

Of course, "borderline" can apply to anything yo say, right?

Now...asking to release a terrorist.....there's a threat!...and that's neither perceived nor borderline.
Not like we said we were going to fly a plane into his house or strap C4 to his dog. :2razz: Maybe he was going to send him so good christian prayer material. LOLOL
Calm2Chaos said:
Not like we said we were going to fly a plane into his house or strap C4 to his dog. :2razz: Maybe he was going to send him so good christian prayer material. LOLOL

LOL. Actually I had in mind sending him some bacon and sausage.
Let's just keep it all on the up and up.
shuamort said:
Let's just keep it all on the up and up.

Some things to look up in your Moderator's Handbook:

"Facetious remarks"


"tongue in cheek"


With that being said, I get your point loud and clear.

Art made tongue-tied by authority. (William Shakespeare)
shuamort said:
Let's just keep it all on the up and up.

Shouldn't that be "Let's just keep it all on the 7up and 7up"?:doh
HEY ... lets not be funny here. You know will bust ya azz for that. Now go back mope around until you post again..

But comon.. C4 on the dog.. That was kinda funny:lol:
Arch Enemy said:
Not really, infact thats sick.

Why..... it wasn't your dog. :rofl :rofl
Calm2Chaos said:
Why..... it wasn't your dog. :rofl :rofl

Doesn't mean that we have to kill little Timmy's dog. PETA will kill you in your sleep, I'll garuantee it!
Arch Enemy said:
Doesn't mean that we have to kill little Timmy's dog. PETA will kill you in your sleep, I'll garuantee it!

Consider PETA kills about 80% of the animals it recieves my odds are not all to good..:2razz:
Damn,...this thread went from freeing an alleged agent of terror to defending Canine rights and saving our C4 supply.
GySgt said:
Damn,...this thread went from freeing an alleged agent of terror to defending Canine rights and saving our C4 supply.

We are talking about an agent of terror...PETA was mentioned...
Let's get back on topic and realize that this guy was someone who, for lack of better words, promoted terrorism through hate speech which would now be outlawed in britain. That being said, we should at least discuss whether he should be held at all considering he never committed a terrorist act, not banter over peta.
What's the sense in debating it?

Generally speaking....Liberal = Free him
Conservative = Imprison him

I stand with the conservative on this, IF any attacker can be proven to have been in audience of the Mullah. The preacher has more blood on his hands than the bomber. They almost serve as Generals giving orders. We live in an age where we are just starting to realize the movement going on in the Middle East. Political Correctness and defending someone's right to "hate" is too dangerous when that hate has followers that are willing to act. We should take from the lessons learned from Hitler and to a much lesser degree Manson. How many murders did the two commit? Did it matter? It is widely accepted that the voice behind the butchery is the most sick and guilty.

Hatred taught to the young seems a lingering cancer of the human condition. And the accusations leveled against us by terrified, embittered men fall upon the ears of those anxious for someone to blame for the ruin of their societies, for the local extermination of opportunities, and for the poverty guaranteed by the brute corruption of their compatriots and the selfish choices of their own leaders to remain in power. This is the Middle East. Violence between Muslims and Israelis has become routine and acceptable to Western society. Being aware of decades of hate speech from mosques in many countries around the world and numerous terrorist attacks, when we noticed anything at all, we dismissed it as no more than an annoyance, our attitude drifting between the “Politically Correct” notion that everyone is entitled to his or her own form of religion (no matter if it preaches hatred and praises mass murder). Our continued "appeasement" has only allowed it to grow and it will not stop as long as we continue to speak for their right to preach their brand of Islam. It’s time for people to recognize that fundamental Islam has long taken the Nazi movement's place as the number one scourge against humanity and if it's not dealt with soon, it will explode in our faces. 9/11 will be forgotten as a small incident.

It's sad that Britian, who's many people oppose the war, are doing the right thing against these leaders of terror, while America, who was attacked by these fundamentals, will ultimately recognize his right to preach "hate and violence" above anything else.
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ShamMol said:
Let's get back on topic and realize that this guy was someone who, for lack of better words, promoted terrorism through hate speech which would now be outlawed in britain. That being said, we should at least discuss whether he should be held at all considering he never committed a terrorist act, not banter over peta.

What the hell, let him come here. Nobody seems to have a problem with terrorist roaming free in the good ole target rich USA. Plus if he did come here the ACLU would have something to do
^The ACLU fights for anyone's rights. That means your right to own a gun to his right to be here (if that is indeed a right). That makes the public enemy number one for anyone, liberal or conservative, so go ahead and attack.

There is a fine line between preaching violence and hate and what some do...we have to distinguish between that and I am afraid Britain's new laws don't do a good enough job protecting what is essentially free speech and distinguishing that from hate speech (which is now much broader).

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