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Americans & The Flag (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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Given all the hulla ba loo about Flag burning.You'd think Americans were very respectful of their flag,but. They aren't! Except for members of the military most Americans know little about how to properly respect the flag.
They display it backwards,they use it for a scarf, they fly it when its damaged.They do not know what the diferent parts are called or what they stand for.
Yet we have people running around trying to amend the Constitution to make burning it a crime .It makes no sense.
JOHNYJ said:
Given all the hulla ba loo about Flag burning.You'd think Americans were very respectful of their flag,but. They aren't! Except for members of the military most Americans know little about how to properly respect the flag.
They display it backwards,they use it for a scarf, they fly it when its damaged.They do not know what the diferent parts are called or what they stand for.
Yet we have people running around trying to amend the Constitution to make burning it a crime .It makes no sense.

Yeah its to bad that some people have no respect for "Old Glory."..........I am undecided on the amendment though.......
I hate when its used as clothing....
cnredd said:
I hate when its used as clothing....

I hate it more when it is burned or dumped in a toilet.........
cnredd said:
I hate when its used as clothing....

Me too. It's sooooo difficult to find matching shoes.
Naughty Nurse said:
Me too. It's sooooo difficult to find matching shoes.

Excuse me...The subject is "Americans & The Flag", not "The British & The Fag". :2razz:
Watch yourself cnredd..."fag" means cigarette "over the pond"...

As to the flag burning amendment, I do not think it should be illegal to burn the flag. It is an important part of free speech. That said, if anyone burned the flag in front of me, I'd do my best to put him in the hospital. I'd take my felony assault proudly. But it should be legal for him to do it.

The British & the fag was still a good joke though...
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cnredd said:
Excuse me...The subject is "Americans & The Flag", not "The British & The Fag". :2razz:

:rofl Although I don't really understand the cigarette reference!
cnredd said:
Excuse me...The subject is "Americans & The Flag", not "The British & The Fag". :2razz:


That's funny ****! Tell another one, tell another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ncallaway said:
Watch yourself cnredd..."fag" means cigarette "over the pond"...

As to the flag burning amendment, I do not think it should be illegal to burn the flag. It is an important part of free speech. That said, if anyone burned the flag in front of me, I'd do my best to put him in the hospital. I'd take my felony assault proudly. But it should be legal for him to do it.

The British & the fag was still a good joke though...

So you think that it shouldn't be changed, yet you'd fight someone for doing it? That's a bit stupid.
I don't think it should be illegal. I think they should have every right to do it, and so it's their choice.

However, I love my country, and I love the symbols that the flag stands for. And I would fight someone for burning my flag (well, obviously not if they're doing it for ceremonial purposes. I'm talking about "I hate America" flag burning). And you know what? I would go to jail for fighting them. That's how it should be. They should have every right to burn that flag, and I firmly believe it. But I still don't think I could stop myself from beating the **** out of the little ass that lit my flag on fire.

It should be legal. I should go to jail for hurting them. I still think I would end up hurting them.

Just like it should be legal for Nazis to hold a parade in the streets. Doesn't mean I'm not going to **** with them when they do it. I hate Nazis. I hate people that burn the flag. I won't stand for it. But my country should.
Naughty Nurse said:
:rofl Although I don't really understand the cigarette reference!

I didn't think I had to explain it....

I know "fag" is a reference to a cigarette in Englang...But I was ASSUMING that you knew that "fag" is a derogatory reference to a homosexual in America...

See?...It's even funnier now, ain't it? :2razz:
alex said:

That's funny ****! Tell another one, tell another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK...I will pat myself on the back ONE TIME...until tomorrow;)

For my two all-time posts...Keep in mind that I am a moderate conservative...

#1)Nice logic...My turn to try it...

Using only your genius analysis, I will now prove that
because my dad was an alcoholic, Hillary Clinton is a man...

My dad used to drink.
My dad would beat the dickens out of me.
Charles Dickens wrote "David Copperfield"
David Copperfield is a magician that makes people disappear.
The Bermuda Triangle makes people disappear.
People put their business addresses in Bermuda to save taxes.
Taxes are one of the facts of life.
"The Facts of Life" starred George Clooney.
George Clooney is a man with short hair.
Hillary Clinton has short hair.

Conclusion:Hillary Clinton is a man.

#2)From the Conservtive Cracker Compund in Philadelphia....
Top Ten Reasons you can tell you're at a Republican party...

10)Parking lot filled with pick-up trucks with gun racks....
9) DJ?...Sir Prays-A-Lot
8)Tom DeLay gets drunk and does his imitation of John McCain
7)Coat check?....See that guy Rudy
6)Santorum's on the dance floor holding a rosary circle
5)Rush is doing his "hidden pill" trick
4)Condi Rice is searched at the door
3)Ann Coulter strips down to her "Vote for THIS Bush" panties
2)Bill Frist's top button is undone

And the #1 reason you can tell you're at at Republican party...

1)**** Cheney's daughter?...not invited

Sorry...I don't see anyone topping them....and the great point is that I didn't have to sit down for an hour for these to pop out...sometimes they just flow...
cnredd said:
I didn't think I had to explain it....

I know "fag" is a reference to a cigarette in Englang...But I was ASSUMING that you knew that "fag" is a derogatory reference to a homosexual in America...

See?...It's even funnier now, ain't it? :2razz:

I knew that, but I wanted you to say it. I just love it when you talk like that. ;)
Naughty Nurse said:
I knew that, but I wanted you to say it. I just love it when you talk like that. ;)

You should know this by now...I am "free-floating hostility" :2razz:
cnredd said:
OK...I will pat myself on the back ONE TIME...until tomorrow;)

For my two all-time posts...Keep in mind that I am a moderate conservative...

...Sorry...I don't see anyone topping them....and the great point is that I didn't have to sit down for an hour for these to pop out...sometimes they just flow...

Would you believe I might have JUST topped them?...Quick one, too.

"Come In & Say Hi - check in"...Post #4...
3)Ann Coulter strips down to her "Vote for THIS Bush" panties.

That I gotta see. Woohoo!
vauge said:
That I gotta see. Woohoo!
Yeah, but I doubt the carpet matches the curtains if ya know what I mean. Shudder. Now I've gotta go scrub the ol' brain.
3)Ann Coulter strips down to her "Vote for THIS Bush" panties.

vauge said:
That I gotta see. Woohoo!

Thank GOD I didn't put out a top ten for Demos....

That post might have had Helen Thomas.

(I think I just mentally threw up).

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