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Americans now know what trump's "executive" time was all about (1 Viewer)

Sand Castle

DP Veteran
Jan 8, 2019
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Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Trump insisted he didn’t have the time to squirrel away and swipe documents. In a fact-free statement, he said he was too busy “destroying ISIS, building the greatest economy America has ever seen ... making sure Russia didn’t attack Ukraine.”

Donald left out: destroy documents while on the throne.

Mr Trump takes his first meeting of the day at 11:00 after three hours of "Executive Time", according to a White House schedule leaked to news site Axios.

He's a dishonest, incurious and generally dim man. Is anyone surprised that he's also lazy?
And yet some still support a man that they wouldn't trust in their own personal life.

One thing Republicans get constantly wrong, Democrats like me would fully accept support a qualified, honest, compromising Republican POTUS if elected. Like the man I fully support in Massachusetts, Republican Governor Baker.

Unlike the man that has proven completely untrustworthy, vile, corrupt, life long business failure, unqualified, DJT, no way!
One thing Republicans get constantly wrong, Democrats like me would fully accept support a qualified, honest, compromising Republican POTUS if elected. Like the man I fully support in Massachusetts, Republican Governor Baker.
Yes there are good principled people in the Republican Party. They don't get the limelight unfortunately and the more obstructive personalities seem to rise to the top.
Yes there are good principled people in the Republican Party. They don't get the limelight unfortunately and the more obstructive personalities seem to rise to the top.
Some may come to this thread and write, what about Biden.

Biden has had mixed results, but overall, a stable U.S. and gone is the trump uncomfortable POTUS chaos.

For me, looking at Biden's age, his poor ability at messaging, Id welcome a more fibrant centurist Dem or Republican 2024 over Biden.

Trump v. Biden 2024, well no brainer
Yes there are good principled people in the Republican Party. They don't get the limelight unfortunately and the more obstructive personalities seem to rise to the top.
You know what else "floats to the top".
Trump insisted he didn’t have the time to squirrel away and swipe documents. In a fact-free statement, he said he was too busy “destroying ISIS, building the greatest economy America has ever seen ... making sure Russia didn’t attack Ukraine.”

Donald left out: destroy documents while on the throne.

Mr Trump takes his first meeting of the day at 11:00 after three hours of "Executive Time", according to a White House schedule leaked to news site Axios.

There really needs to be a 12-Step program for this sort of preoccupation.
There really needs to be a 12-Step program for this sort of preoccupation.
Trump just said this. Is discussion not relevant? Or are you hoping Americans don't hear about the real Donald trump

Oh by the way, I'm at the gym the TV in front of me has Fox on. Can you believe with everything going on they talking about Hunter Biden. What do you think about that obsession?
He's a dishonest, incurious and generally dim man. Is anyone surprised that he's also lazy?
The man is worshiped as is Christ.

How freakin' sad is that?
By Christian no less.

Even I know the "no false God..." crap they preached before Trump rose up for worship.
There really needs to be a 12-Step program for this sort of preoccupation.
Oh yes, I I'm in that program, it's called:
How I learned to stop thinking and love the trump.
Yes there are good principled people in the Republican Party. They don't get the limelight unfortunately and the more obstructive personalities seem to rise to the top.
Its a Party that knows it has to change to survive, but they won't as of yet. So they screech out to the deplorables living under rocks for votes.

Deep down the Rubio's and Cruz's of this world know what they've become, its so ****ing ugly.


Trump insisted he didn’t have the time to squirrel away and swipe documents. In a fact-free statement, he said he was too busy “destroying ISIS, building the greatest economy America has ever seen ... making sure Russia didn’t attack Ukraine.”

Let's see, ISIS was mostly destroyed when he took office. Obama's plan worked.

The economy has been better under Biden, and it sure wasn't handed off as the "greatest", and....lol...wut? He "made sure" Russia didn't attack Ukraine?

How's that work? Does he think licking Putin's ass publicly and announcing that he trusts Putin more than our own intelligence "made sure" Russia wouldn't attack Ukraine?
And yet some still support a man that they wouldn't trust in their own personal life.

One thing Republicans get constantly wrong, Democrats like me would fully accept support a qualified, honest, compromising Republican POTUS if elected. Like the man I fully support in Massachusetts, Republican Governor Baker.

Unlike the man that has proven completely untrustworthy, vile, corrupt, life long business failure, unqualified, DJT, no way!
I don’t care about party. Never have. Only who is best for the job, based on my beliefs.

Not crazy about a couple of our new Republican Governor’s moves, but am still optimistic for a mostly successful term. 🤞
The man is worshiped as is Christ.

How freakin' sad is that?
By Christian no less.

Even I know the "no false God..." crap they preached before Trump rose up for worship.

I believe you will find that that is true of all insane dictators - since the time of Rome anyway. Alexander 'the Great" (he holds the record for number of mass murders something like 25 times the Naxi's was worshiped by his people - hence the name "the great" after having depopulated most of the then 'modern world.

Stalin was adored - he simply imprisoned or killed anyone who didn't, Mussolini was considered a demi-god for making the trains run on time and Hitler, well we know there was NO German reisistence. American business leaders like Henry Ford & Thomas Edison wanted a Nazi Party in the US, up until Pearl Harbor they pressured FDR to join the war on the side of Germany.

They're all "GODS" for people who lack morals, scruples or human kindness
Yes there are good principled people in the Republican Party. They don't get the limelight unfortunately and the more obstructive personalities seem to rise to the top.
I think you are missing the point. The good people in the Republican Party do not get the limelight because they do not give a huge, hungry mass of people what the people want, but Donald Trump does: fuel to stoke the fire of the rage inside them. No one but Donald Trump (well, and Rush Limbaugh) can get those angry white men red in the face with rage about so many of their pet causes.
Trump just said this. Is discussion not relevant? Or are you hoping Americans don't hear about the real Donald trump

Oh by the way, I'm at the gym the TV in front of me has Fox on. Can you believe with everything going on they talking about Hunter Biden. What do you think about that obsession?

First, good for you at the gym!

My amusement is with the folks that just can't let it go.

Trump was the best president since Clinton. With W and Obama in between, that's a low bar, but it is what it is.
Oh yes, I I'm in that program, it's called:
How I learned to stop thinking and love the trump.

Well, you seem to have aced the first half of the curriculum.

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