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Americans/English speakers: Have you ever heard or do you know the phrase "to challenge your inner pig-dog" ? (1 Viewer)


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But I own a pig dog, does that count?
Of course not. We are French. Where do you think we got this outrageous accent? Now mind your own business.
I think pig-dog is a term that communists used to say (maybe still do) when disparagingly referring to capitalists?

So I would guess that challenging your inner pig-dog means to set aside one's self-interest and do something altruistically for society? At least, that's how I would define it for a game of Balderdash.
To "challenge your inner pig-dog" means:

For example, a lot of people have New Year resolutions such as doing more sports.

But when the spring comes around, like now, many people remain lazy and reluctant to go outside for sports.

You have to beat "your inner pig dog and fight with it".


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