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american universitys, bias and mcarthyism (1 Viewer)


Libertarian socialist
DP Veteran
Jul 23, 2005
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Staffs, England
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Im intrested in studying international development [probably alongside politics and/or internation studies or something like that] in 2007 or 2008 but only 5 or 6 universitys in the u.k do it so im thinking of going over to study overseas and maybe in the u.s. However theres two things i am a wee bit concerned about

1 From what ive heard theres alot of bias in some american universitys and i heard something about a reputable economics professor being kicked out of the university of utah because of something he wrote.

2 Im also rather concernced that as someone with marxist sympathies who dislikes american foreign policy im likely to find myself burnt at the stake. You hear storys about people being beaten up for having hammer and sickle lappels e.t.c so i think its something worth considering.

would be intrested in hearing what others experiences are
1 From what ive heard theres alot of bias in some american universitys and i heard something about a reputable economics professor being kicked out of the university of utah because of something he wrote.
Not surprised one was fired for something like that, but there are many colleges&universities so it sorta depends. Also try sticking with more "public" universities, they are cheaper and I find are more accepting.
2 Im also rather concernced that as someone with marxist sympathies who dislikes american foreign policy
One should be concerned with that here in America....
im likely to find myself burnt at the stake
Many may get fanatical about your political views, but many will just ignore it. Also try to stick with people who don't care about political views etc.
And also don't be fanatical either, but you should express your views.
You hear storys about people being beaten up for having hammer and sickle lappels
People have been killed for less.... but don't be wearing any pro-marxist things, or have them all around you.
would be intrested in hearing what others experiences are
For a while I kept my views to myself, until hopefully people got mature enough to not beat up your friend for political views, though very few were surprised when they found out, most suspected I was at least sympethetic.

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