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America Trumps Russia, Saudi Arabia in Oil & Natural Gas Production (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2009
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I don't think self-sufficiency is the goal. If supplies from middle-east is reduced then less petro dollars for them and less imports from USA gonna affect the US economy.
Advocates of energy independence will take delight in the news that the US has now pulled ahead of Russia and Saudi Arabia as the number one producer of oil in the world.And natural gas too, reports The Guardian. The paper details that new techniques for extracting underground resources such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have opened up previously unreachable reserves in Texas, North Dakota and elsewhere."America was on track to produce just under 25m barrels a day of oil, natural gas and related fuels," informs the report by way of data collected by the Energy Information Administration. "Russia was just under 22m barrels a day."
America Trumps Russia, Saudi Arabia in Oil & Natural Gas Production
This is going to make the US an extremely prosperous nation over the next couple decades -- it if survives the nihilism of the tea party freaks.

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