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America: The land of the pompous (1 Viewer)


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Nov 10, 2005
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Wisconsin, United States
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Our country has quite a few folks in this nation who think that the only other country worth existing besides us is Great Britain! (*cough*Republicans*cough*)
You know, its almost two out of three threads where someone will rant about how "arrogant" or "pompus" Americans are. It reminds me of those Hollywood elites who voice their hollow threats that "If Bush is re-elected, Ill move to Canada". Good riddance I say. Maybe America is proud of herself because...

We have 35 out of 50 best colleges in the world.

Our boomer subs are the 7th largest nuke force in the world.

We have the highest number of millionaires in the world.

We have the highest ratio of women and minorities going to college.

We arent taxed 47% like some parts of Europe.

We can own automatic weapons if we feel like it.

Hell, we can protest the govenment, have an abortion, fire some automatic weapons and make our own beer all in the same day. Hopefully, these events will be done at different locations.
ddoyle00 said:
You know, its almost two out of three threads where someone will rant about how "arrogant" or "pompus" Americans are. It reminds me of those Hollywood elites who voice their hollow threats that "If Bush is re-elected, Ill move to Canada". Good riddance I say. Maybe America is proud of herself because...

We have 35 out of 50 best colleges in the world.

Our boomer subs are the 7th largest nuke force in the world.

We have the highest number of millionaires in the world.

We have the highest ratio of women and minorities going to college.

We arent taxed 47% like some parts of Europe.

We can own automatic weapons if we feel like it.

Hell, we can protest the govenment, have an abortion, fire some automatic weapons and make our own beer all in the same day. Hopefully, these events will be done at different locations.

Yeah !!! I can care less if we are proud of our country. What are you going to do about it? Whine? Good. Go and whine like a baby.
Actually, I really wanna see Japan, then GB. Nihon nooch.
Here's the know to the ones in a position to know what I know cuz obviously this poster can read my mind since he figured to generalize all Reps from the U.S. into one category, how bout this: we love all the countries in the coalition of the willing and despise the countries who didn't join us because they sold out freedom for money through the covert trade agreements they had with that nazi **** Saddam not to mention that Oil for food scandal. Ya the U.S. hates traitors and sell outs!!!!!!!!!!
Liberal_5000 said:
Our country has quite a few folks in this nation who think that the only other country worth existing besides us is Great Britain! (*cough*Republicans*cough*)

I think thats a stupid idea to think America only wants Great Britain to exit. If that's the case then we should blow up the entire Middle East and have a good night sleep right? Wrong. Remember Mr. Bush is a republican trying to make Iraq a democratic nation (and get oil).

And plus we use other nations to manufacture our goods. What are we gonna do build 5,000(I don't how many just guessin) factories in the U.S. and blow everyone up. America would get pretty over crowded. Republican, Democrat, or Independent. Who ever made that statement has mental issues.
MrAchilles said:
I think thats a stupid idea to think America only wants Great Britain to exit. If that's the case then we should blow up the entire Middle East and have a good night sleep right? Wrong. Remember Mr. Bush is a republican trying to make Iraq a democratic nation (and get oil).

And plus we use other nations to manufacture our goods. What are we gonna do build 5,000(I don't how many just guessin) factories in the U.S. and blow everyone up. America would get pretty over crowded. Republican, Democrat, or Independent. Who ever made that statement has mental issues.

Then why didn't we attack Venezuela? After all it's alot closer.
ddoyle00 said:
You know, its almost two out of three threads where someone will rant about how "arrogant" or "pompus" Americans are. It reminds me of those Hollywood elites who voice their hollow threats that "If Bush is re-elected, Ill move to Canada". Good riddance I say. Maybe America is proud of herself because...

We have 35 out of 50 best colleges in the world.

Our boomer subs are the 7th largest nuke force in the world.

We have the highest number of millionaires in the world.

We have the highest ratio of women and minorities going to college.

We arent taxed 47% like some parts of Europe.

We can own automatic weapons if we feel like it.

Hell, we can protest the govenment, have an abortion, fire some automatic weapons and make our own beer all in the same day. Hopefully, these events will be done at different locations.

So what you can do those things in lots of countrys
Red_Dave said:
So what you can do those things in lots of countrys

Those aren't things we have exclusively, those are like, the stats, man.

Oh, but we should totally list the things that did come from the US like electricity, rock and roll, aviation, the internet and all that fun crap that makes us the worst thing to ever happen to the world.
josh said:
The internet was invented in Norway idiot

no idiot:

Digital modems developed from the need to transmit data for North American air defense during the 1950s. Modems were used to communicate data over the public switched telephone network or PSTN. Analog telephone circuits can only transmit signals that are within the frequency range of voice communication. A modem sends and recieves data between two computers. Modem stands for modulate/demodulate.

In 1962, the first commercial modem was manufactured - the Bell 103 by AT&T. The Bell 103 was also the first modem with full-duplex transmission, frequency-shift keying or FSK, and had a speed of 300 bits per second or 300 bauds.

The 56K modem was invented by Dr. Brent Townshend in 1996

i can't help but shake my head sometimes. we've ( the us) have tried so hard to help other countries. we re build japan, germany, and france. we sent troops into civil actions in hati and serbia. we are trying to stop terrorists, and tried to bring democracy to afghanistan and iraq. we do all of these good things, and the world still dislikes the us. still think we are arrogant and pompus? lol. what would the world be like if we didnt do all of those good things? i dont want to know.
Has anyone ever seen the movie 'The Ugly American' produced many years ago? Just watch it and you will find out why the world hates us.
ddoyle00 said:
You know, its almost two out of three threads where someone will rant about how "arrogant" or "pompus" Americans are. It reminds me of those Hollywood elites who voice their hollow threats that "If Bush is re-elected, Ill move to Canada". Good riddance I say. Maybe America is proud of herself because...

We have 35 out of 50 best colleges in the world.

Our boomer subs are the 7th largest nuke force in the world.

We have the highest number of millionaires in the world.

We have the highest ratio of women and minorities going to college.

We arent taxed 47% like some parts of Europe.

We can own automatic weapons if we feel like it.

Hell, we can protest the govenment, have an abortion, fire some automatic weapons and make our own beer all in the same day. Hopefully, these events will be done at different locations.[/QUOTE

And these facts are irrelevant because

Half those schools just "happen" to only teach things from the biased American point of view.

If we were to use those subs we would be far worse than Saddam, or any other dictator.

Those millionares made their money through FORIEGN technology, and labor.

We have that ratio because quite frankly, we just don't have any truly large segment of people besides christians, whom 3/4 of don't actually don't fit the criteria.

That's because 1: Most Europeans get free, or partialy free health care and 2: We don't have to fear embezzlement as much because our presidents own lumber, companies, and have had family fortunes from previous generations.

So can most of the world.

Most of the world can protest as well, and the beer regulations in other countries are SMART they keep us from drinking tainted spirits! As for the other two, if the republicans get thier way, we lose em'.
Old and wise said:
Has anyone ever seen the movie 'The Ugly American' produced many years ago? Just watch it and you will find out why the world hates us.

Finally, someone with a little sense!
t125eagle said:
i can't help but shake my head sometimes. we've ( the us) have tried so hard to help other countries. we re build japan, germany, and france. we sent troops into civil actions in hati and serbia. we are trying to stop terrorists, and tried to bring democracy to afghanistan and iraq. we do all of these good things, and the world still dislikes the us. still think we are arrogant and pompus? lol. what would the world be like if we didnt do all of those good things? i dont want to know.

First of all, we destroyed those two countries. And we recieved payment with intrest for the aid we gave them. And who says those were the right choices? Perhaps we should have aided the opposite side! As for Afghanistan, that was necessary. But we would all be better off if we simply left Iraq. If the people want us gone we should leave. And what about all the bad things we've done? The atrocities WE'VE commited? We were one of the last countries to end slavery, and then it took us another ninety years to actually give the ex-slaves' ancestors rights. And don't even get me started on native americans! Not to mention that we droped incindeary bombs on cities that had nothing to do with weapons productions in Japan. We also were smart enough to BURN VILLIGES in Vietnam in order to get a few Viet-Kong which usually weren't even there. What would the world be like if we hadn't done those horrible things?
Liberal_5000 said:
First of all, we destroyed those two countries. And we recieved payment with intrest for the aid we gave them. And who says those were the right choices? Perhaps we should have aided the opposite side! As for Afghanistan, that was necessary. But we would all be better off if we simply left Iraq. If the people want us gone we should leave. And what about all the bad things we've done? The atrocities WE'VE commited? We were one of the last countries to end slavery, and then it took us another ninety years to actually give the ex-slaves' ancestors rights. And don't even get me started on native americans! Not to mention that we droped incindeary bombs on cities that had nothing to do with weapons productions in Japan. We also were smart enough to BURN VILLIGES in Vietnam in order to get a few Viet-Kong which usually weren't even there. What would the world be like if we hadn't done those horrible things?

So are you saying that the Marshall Plan was a bad idea, ok :roll:.

By we would be better off you do mean us right Canadian you're not in the war so you've got no say, oh and when have the Iraqis asked us to leave? And foriegn insurgents and Ba'athist hold outs don't count.

Hay speaking of attrocities let's talk about the mass genocide perpetrated by the Japanese ever hear of the rape of Nanking, chemical and bio warfare of the Japs against the Chinese, Batan death march, etc, etc. I love how you take the side of the asian equivalent to nazi Germany over the U.S. Typical Canadian.

The majority of the indegenous people in the Americas were killed by disease and the Spanish not the English or later the Americans.

Burning villages? So did you witness this or did you hear it through the enemies propoganda machine like the majority of anti-U.S. hippy liberal morons.

What would the world be like without the U.S.? Good question: we'd all be speaking either Japanese, German, or Russian, most likely there would be no jews, blacks, or any other racial minority, liberals; such as yourself, would have been rounded up into re-education and re-patriation centers tortured, brainwashed, or killed.
Liberal 5000 said:
And these facts are irrelevant because

Half those schools just "happen" to only teach things from the biased American point of view.

says you and what do your Canadian schools teach you about the U.S. becasue it's obviously biased Euro socialist horseshit.

If we were to use those subs we would be far worse than Saddam, or any other dictator.

have we used them? Your points irrelevant.

Those millionares made their money through FORIEGN technology, and labor.

Typical socialist who thinks free trade and foriegn investment is a bad thing care to share any proof for this because in fact the exact opposite is true Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Pacific rim have never done so well as they are doing now after they opened up their economies to foriegn investment, democracy is flourishing and their markets are competitve on a global scale.

We have that ratio because quite frankly, we just don't have any truly large segment of people besides christians, whom 3/4 of don't actually don't fit the criteria.

That's because 1: Most Europeans get free, or partialy free health care and 2: We don't have to fear embezzlement as much because our presidents own lumber, companies, and have had family fortunes from previous generations.

1. Which they have to wait months for to recieve inadequate treatment, just like you Canadians. 2. Due to your state planned economies unemployment is rampant especially amongst your poor who have now decided to riot and burn down your cities, socialist utopia indeed.

So can most of the world.

Most of the world can protest as well, and the beer regulations in other countries are SMART they keep us from drinking tainted spirits! As for the other two, if the republicans get thier way, we lose em'.

They can freely protest thanks to the U.S. and most of the world can't protest atleast those not in the free world ever hear of the Tianamen Square massacre?

. . . . . . . .
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Liberal_5000 said:
First of all, we destroyed those two countries. And we recieved payment with intrest for the aid we gave them. And who says those were the right choices? Perhaps we should have aided the opposite side! As for Afghanistan, that was necessary. But we would all be better off if we simply left Iraq. If the people want us gone we should leave. And what about all the bad things we've done? The atrocities WE'VE commited? We were one of the last countries to end slavery, and then it took us another ninety years to actually give the ex-slaves' ancestors rights. And don't even get me started on native americans! Not to mention that we droped incindeary bombs on cities that had nothing to do with weapons productions in Japan. We also were smart enough to BURN VILLIGES in Vietnam in order to get a few Viet-Kong which usually weren't even there. What would the world be like if we hadn't done those horrible things?

hold on..are you saying you think we should have joined the Nazis???? are you crazy??!!?? lol. besides, Japan attacked us first. and yes we rebuilt thier counties better than they were. you would think they would be somewhat happy about that. yeah. i agree that slavery was this country's great evil, but lets move beyond that,shall we? the Republic is always changing and growing. and i agree wholeheartedly about the native americans. but that doesnt make us pompus or arrogant. it means we have made mistakes and hopefully we as a country have learned from them.
Liberal, liberal, liberal. I though Canada would teach you something useful like Caribou skinning or snowshoe making. Instead, it seems like you have learned nothing more than socialist-inspired propaganda rubbish.

The fact that we have the 35 top colleges in the world is a fact put out by a non-US country. -The Economist
Besides, if we are so biased, then why does the rest of the world send thier students to learn here?

About the millionaires making thier bucks from foreign technology. Wrong again. We use American technology and then use foreign labor to put it together. Tis cheaper that way. We would let Canda in on the deal, but you guys can screw up IKEA furniture.

By the way, are you using a private computer? A private American computer? A private American computer that you bought at a discount American-style store? Either that or your waiting in line to use a crummy state sponsored computer at a state sponsored facility in your gay city of Quebec.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
So are you saying that the Marshall Plan was a bad idea, ok :roll:.

By we would be better off you do mean us right Canadian you're not in the war so you've got no say, oh and when have the Iraqis asked us to leave? And foriegn insurgents and Ba'athist hold outs don't count.

Hay speaking of attrocities let's talk about the mass genocide perpetrated by the Japanese ever hear of the rape of Nanking, chemical and bio warfare of the Japs against the Chinese, Batan death march, etc, etc. I love how you take the side of the asian equivalent to nazi Germany over the U.S. Typical Canadian.

The majority of the indegenous people in the Americas were killed by disease and the Spanish not the English or later the Americans.

Burning villages? So did you witness this or did you hear it through the enemies propoganda machine like the majority of anti-U.S. hippy liberal morons.

What would the world be like without the U.S.? Good question: we'd all be speaking either Japanese, German, or Russian, most likely there would be no jews, blacks, or any other racial minority, liberals; such as yourself, would have been rounded up into re-education and re-patriation centers tortured, brainwashed, or killed.
Good response, but to be fair, the native American population got the fatal diseases from us. In one case, the British gave blankets to the Indians that had just been removed from smallpox patients.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
So are you saying that the Marshall Plan was a bad idea, ok :roll:.

By we would be better off you do mean us right Canadian you're not in the war so you've got no say, oh and when have the Iraqis asked us to leave? And foriegn insurgents and Ba'athist hold outs don't count.

Hay speaking of attrocities let's talk about the mass genocide perpetrated by the Japanese ever hear of the rape of Nanking, chemical and bio warfare of the Japs against the Chinese, Batan death march, etc, etc. I love how you take the side of the asian equivalent to nazi Germany over the U.S. Typical Canadian.

The majority of the indegenous people in the Americas were killed by disease and the Spanish not the English or later the Americans.

Burning villages? So did you witness this or did you hear it through the enemies propoganda machine like the majority of anti-U.S. hippy liberal morons.

What would the world be like without the U.S.? Good question: we'd all be speaking either Japanese, German, or Russian, most likely there would be no jews, blacks, or any other racial minority, liberals; such as yourself, would have been rounded up into re-education and re-patriation centers tortured, brainwashed, or killed.

You are turning every word I said into an incredibly gross exageration. You are right though, disease DID kill off most of the Natives....and then the US either shoved the rest into "reservations" or slaughtered them mercilesly. And by the way, I NEVER SAID THE UNITED STATES SHOULD NEVER HAVE EXISTED. I simply pointed out that you yanks aren't the best country in the world. And in reply to rebutle that will surely come. Neither is Canada.

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