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America The Frivolous (1 Viewer)


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May 31, 2005
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America The Frivolous
By: Christopher G. Adamo
RightConservative.com 06-16-05

It is at this time of the year that some sentimental Americans reflect on the greatness of the Founding Fathers. Albeit, in the face of “political Correctness,” the “pop culture” mindset, and a government school system that has abandoned American history, the numbers who ponder such topics are shrinking.

Nevertheless, several profound essays have been written on the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and their fates in the wake of that momentous occasion. It is worthwhile to consider just a few from among those perhaps greatest of Americans, how their examples spoke to the nation at its inception, and what an abandonment of their ideals might portend for its future.

Caesar Rodney of Delaware, suffering from cancer and planning a voyage to England to seek care from the only doctor in the world with a proven expertise in treating his condition, nonetheless rode through the night from Delaware to Philadelphia to cast the deciding vote in favor of independence.

Fully aware that this act was considered treason to the Crown, and that in so doing he could no longer make the trip abroad, he strode bravely forward among his fellow delegates and signed the warrant of his own death.

Thomas Nelson, another signer, proved his dedication while later serving as an officer in the Colonial Army. Upon learning that British officers were using his own residence as a command post, and that his troops had deliberately refrained from targeting it out of respect for him, he ordered them to fire upon it and destroy it.

Fearing that the nation would eventually become slothful and self-absorbed in its material prosperity, Thomas Jefferson once grimly stated, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Fortunately, American technical prowess and the resulting nature of modern warfare have enabled America to prevail militarily with minimal bloodshed.

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Modern counterparts of the Founders are rare. But certainly they do not exist among the ranks of such self-serving “heroes” as Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein or Dan Rather, whose selective concerns over political corruption amounts to little more than hypocrisy.

Why are you comparing journalists to military and governmental leaders? That makes zero sense. That's like saying "that bundt cake doesn't make a good steak and we should be embarrassed by it".

By the way, would Woodward and Bernstein have anything to report if Nixon et al weren't doing those activities that got 'em in trouble?

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