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America Bound For Lesbian President ? (1 Viewer)

Fried Rice

Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
I am a great admirer of Dr Rice. Do you think she is being groomed for greater things ??

She is -
- Black
- Lesbian
- Well Educated
- Loves sports
- Already holds senior Govt position.

What an amazingly positive signal her asension sends to the world - a black lezzie prezzie for the USA !!!!

Mr Bush has finally done something right

Fried Rice For A Happy World
FR now with sizzling beef
Like many "African" Americans Condoleeeza Rice is hardly black. Look at her, and consider her probable family history. She is mixed race.
Urethra Franklin said:
Like many "African" Americans Condoleeeza Rice is hardly black. Look at her, and consider her probable family history. She is mixed race.
Is there a colour chart to decide how black a person is or isn't?
Naughty Nurse said:
Is there a colour chart to decide how black a person is or isn't?

I believe Dulux do one.

I am making the point that in the race-obsessed USA people will happily ignore any white heritage she undoubtedly has, that being too uncomfortable to address (i..e slaves were repeatedly raped), but will bang on about the fact that a "black" woman is in such a position.

In the last French presidential race one of the candidates was a black woman (Christine Tubiana) and her race was never made an issue, just as nobody gives a flying ***k that the mayors of Paris and Berlin are gay. The US screams "equality" but is the first to mark out people's differences. As for 'melting pot' many of it's cities consist of separated communities developing independantly, barely mixing: not the integration we know in Europe or South America.

Ms. Rice is a dangerous woman. Highly intelligent but totally misguided. I don't like her. The tone of her skin has nothing to do with that.

Is she a lesbian????
Urethra Franklin said:
I believe Dulux do one.

I am making the point that in the race-obsessed USA people will happily ignore any white heritage she undoubtedly has, that being too uncomfortable to address (i..e slaves were repeatedly raped), but will bang on about the fact that a "black" woman is in such a position.

Well, that's a huge assumption on your part, I think. Do you actually know her racial heritage?

Urethra Franklin said:
Ms. Rice is a dangerous woman. Highly intelligent but totally misguided. I don't like her. The tone of her skin has nothing to do with that.

Is she a lesbian????

I won't disagree with you there. And, yes, IS she a lesbian?
Naughty Nurse said:
Well, that's a huge assumption on your part, I think. Do you actually know her racial heritage?

Look at her. She ain't like my Senegalese boyfriend. He IS black.

Naughty Nurse said:
I won't disagree with you there. And, yes, IS she a lesbian?

And you say I make assumptions?
But yes, you're probably right. ;)
Urethra Franklin said:
Look at her. She ain't like my Senegalese boyfriend. He IS black.

Well, unless you post a photo of him, we only have your word for that. But is it a competition? "I'm blacker than you?" What is the point?

And you say I make assumptions?
But yes, you're probably right. ;)

Re-read my original post. I was asking a question, not making a statement. The question mark and the word order are a bit of a hint!
Where were you educated?
Naughty Nurse said:
Well, unless you post a photo of him, we only have your word for that. But is it a competition? "I'm blacker than you?" What is the point??

I'm making the point that in the US they'll be as nit-pickey as to say you're not "white" if you're "hispanic" but two and a half drops of "black" blood and you're "black"
I don't make the big deal, they do.

Naughty Nurse said:
Re-read my original post. I was asking a question, not making a statement. The question mark and the word order are a bit of a hint!
Where were you educated?

Have just edited my post as I've noticed my mistake. Silly me! My apologies. Why you're so clever Naughty Nurse - you're nearly as clever as Fantasea!!

I was educated at the school of life. And you?

And IS she a lesbian???
Last edited:
Urethra Franklin said:
Like many "African" Americans Condoleeeza Rice is hardly black. Look at her, and consider her probable family history. She is mixed race.
I may be against racial mixing, but is this truely relevant to the quality of her person?

She claims to be black. She looks black to me. She has african heritage. Again - relevance?

I am making the point that in the race-obsessed USA people will happily ignore any white heritage she undoubtedly has, that being too uncomfortable to address (i..e slaves were repeatedly raped), but will bang on about the fact that a "black" woman is in such a position.
You are the one that said she was not "black". Purhaps you still look at the color of the skin and scream that the other team is doing the same. The Bush administration is the most diverse administration ever. Every team member is very qualified to be there, yet they are still questioned. It seems that some people do not want to come out of the cave man stage and still think the quality of a person lies within the pigmentation of the skin. Or is it that the cave man stage is truely over, but some people need something to bitch about to make them feel on top?

Is she a lesbian????
If she is, as long as she keeps it to herself that is fine by me. I have searched now for about 30 minutes and have been unsuccessful. Feel free to enlighten us.
vauge said:
I may be against racial mixing, .

The more we mix the more we understand and break down barriers.

vauge said:
but is this truely relevant to the quality of her person?

She claims to be black. She looks black to me. She has african heritage. Again - relevance?.

No relevance. My point exactly.

vauge said:
If she is, as long as she keeps it to herself that is fine by me. I have searched now for about 30 minutes and have been unsuccessful. Feel free to enlighten us.

Why should she keep it to herself? Are you homophobic as well as "against racial mixing" i.e. racist?

I didn't make any claims. Address your question to the post starter.
Who cares if she's black and lesbian. I don't think she'll ever be President though, not in this lifetime.
There is something weird about a woman being single in her forties (or she 50 now?). Doesn't it seem strange though, fair enough if it is her choice to be single. She isn't hidously ugly (nor would she be a model for that matter), my point is far uglier women have got married.
Fair enough if she is lesbian (I am a big fan of their work lol), but i she can't come out because of her job or the administration won't let her - I think that's a shame.

P.S. During typing this, I realise what a boring life I must have to be talking about this LOL. I away to get drunk!
Urethra Franklin said:
I believe Dulux do one.

I am making the point that in the race-obsessed USA people will happily ignore any white heritage she undoubtedly has, that being too uncomfortable to address (i..e slaves were repeatedly raped), but will bang on about the fact that a "black" woman is in such a position.

In the last French presidential race one of the candidates was a black woman (Christine Tubiana) and her race was never made an issue, just as nobody gives a flying ***k that the mayors of Paris and Berlin are gay. The US screams "equality" but is the first to mark out people's differences. As for 'melting pot' many of it's cities consist of separated communities developing independantly, barely mixing: not the integration we know in Europe or South America.

Ms. Rice is a dangerous woman. Highly intelligent but totally misguided. I don't like her. The tone of her skin has nothing to do with that.

Is she a lesbian????

What about Colon Powell - i think he bleaches his skin, or uses too much foundation cream.

Fried Rice For A Happy World
FR today will be vegetarian
vauge said:
I may be against racial mixing, but is this truely relevant to the quality of her person?

She claims to be black. She looks black to me. She has african heritage. Again - relevance?

You are the one that said she was not "black". Purhaps you still look at the color of the skin and scream that the other team is doing the same. The Bush administration is the most diverse administration ever. Every team member is very qualified to be there, yet they are still questioned.

Shouldnt they be continually questioned and made to justify their decisions ?

It seems that some people do not want to come out of the cave man stage and still think the quality of a person lies within the pigmentation of the skin. Or is it that the cave man stage is truely over, but some people need something to bitch about to make them feel on top?

If she is, as long as she keeps it to herself that is fine by me. I have searched now for about 30 minutes and have been unsuccessful. Feel free to enlighten us.

Now who is being a 'caveman' ! What does "keep it to herself" mean ? if she is outed should she immediately resign ? Does her work suddenly become less valid ? You arent racist then, just sexist !!

Fried Rice For A Happy Non Sexist World
FR Wil green veg today
I am a great admirer of Dr Rice. Do you think she is being groomed for greater things ??

She is -
- Black
- Lesbian
- Well Educated
- Loves sports
- Already holds senior Govt position.

What an amazingly positive signal her asension sends to the world - a black lezzie prezzie for the USA !!!!

Mr Bush has finally done something right

Fried Rice For A Happy World
FR now with sizzling beef
You are not a great admirer of DR. Rice or you wouldn't be spreading lies about her. Your a lying left wing bigot. I love this! I got into a friggin DU sister site. lol I am counting the days till I get banned for speaking out, protesting, exercising my right to free speech, stamping my foot, and all the other things you left wing fruit cakes do. Bring it on !!!
Squawker said:
You are not a great admirer of DR. Rice or you wouldn't be spreading lies about her. Your a lying left wing bigot. I love this! I got into a friggin DU sister site. lol I am counting the days till I get banned for speaking out, protesting, exercising my right to free speech, stamping my foot, and all the other things you left wing fruit cakes do. Bring it on !!!

Dear Squawker

What lies ? You love that i am "spreading lies" or that i am - apparently - "a lying left wing bigot" ? i will have you know that typing is very difficult if i am lying down on my left wing. I prefer to sit up, preferably on my bigot.

Fried Rice Still Wishes You A Happy World
Sticking with the Veg today.
Fried Rice said:
What about Colon Powell - i think he bleaches his skin, or uses too much foundation cream.

Fried Rice For A Happy World
FR today will be vegetarian

It's called 'A Touch of Snow' by L'Oréal.
maybe thats why he resign - to become L'oreal spokesman !

I can see him doing a centre spread in Vogue

Fried Rice Will Never Bleach His Skin

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